talked to IIO today:


Registered Users (C)
Here is the info I want to share:

Status pending:
nd 03/21/01
Fp done ahead of schedule on 08/09/01
Fp received by INS on 09/12/01 (IIO gave this info based on my WAC no, I hope it\'s in system 1, based on FP theory)
Also received the 2nd FP (IIO said ignore it)
Updated my new address on my wife\'s application ( last time they didn\'t allowed me to change her address)
talked to IIO

Wac 01-132-XXXX
ND 03/16/01
FP 09/04/01 (done before scheduled date)
The IIO asked me for my Alien #. They received fp 09/05/01.
I guess according to FP theory my FP is still in system 2. I futher asked her whether it is assigned to an office and she replied not yet.

Usually how long from now to get the GC, any guess GURUS ??
Talked to IIO

noidea, I have the same WAC# and ND as yours. FP done on 7/20 ahead of schedule. Last Friday(9/28) I went to CSC in Laguna Niguel(I live nearby) and talked to IIO in person. IIO said my FP was received two weeks ago, that\'s about the same time as yours. She checked my FP by WAC#. According to FP theory, my FP should be in system #1(the local system). Then I asked IIO if my FP is OK. She then asked for my A# and checked my FP with A# and told me that my FP is OK. I also asked if my case has been assigned to an officer for adjudication. She said she didn\'t know but hinted that FP is the major step and I already passed it.
No Title

I did my FP on 07/19. I have called 4 to 5 times in 2 1/2 months till then. Sometimes IIO ask my A# and some say they already found my FP using my WAC #. It makes me question on the SYSTEM 1 and SYSTEM 2 theory ??
Same ND

hi noldea and junc,

i have same ND as yours. Did my FP on 08/23 (Scheduled on 08/31). Could not yet talk to IIO. (Tried but did not get connected)

Hopefully our cases will be assigned soon.