Talked to IIO today 6/7/01 at 11:30


Registered Users (C)
NSC - Regular
PD: 6/98 RD:6/5/00 ND:6/27/00 FP:1/17/01 AD: waiting LIN-00-197-XXXXX

Just spoke to IIO at NSC and she was very polite. I called to find out the status on my EAD renewal, as my EAD is going to expire 6/28. she said they are processing mid march applications and she couldn\'t say for sure how many its going to take for my app. to be processed.
In addition to that I also enquired about my 485 processing status. she said both the cases(mine and my wife\'s) have been assigned to an officer yesterday. she didn\'t say anything about estimated time after the cases assigned to the officer, as it depends on the existing load of that particular officer.
All gurus out there, can you please tell me when can I hear some thing back from them(2/4/6/8.... weeks)?
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chichi, It is the first time I am hearing that they assigned the June 00 cases to is good news IF IIO IS TRUE.

Hope you will get approved soon.
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i agree with you, all I heard till now was may and prior RD\'s have been assigned to an officer or approved. it was a shock to me as well.
lets hope that she gave me correct information. before asking for my I485 status, i enquired about my FP. she asked for A# not LIN#. and then she said it was assigned to an officer.
i am keeping my fingers crossed.
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Hi Folks,
  this is the first time that I actually participate in this forum and just wanted to share some information with you guys. I have a friend whose LIN# starts with LIN-00-191xxxxx. He was approved 2 weeks ago (no kidding here) and got his courtesy last week.
  His information is :
RD: 05/00
ND: 06/00
FP: 01/00
AD: 06/00
Country: OTHER
  My info is:
RD: 05/00
ND: 06/00
FP: 01/00
AD: still waiting
Country: OTHER

  I spoke to an IIO around 2:45 this afternoon and the stupid just limited himself to tell me that they are processing April cases and that my case has not even been assigned to an officer. Does this make sense at all?

Please post your opinions.
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Hi to all friends here....

Please do not use \'stupid\' and this kind of words for officers who are working on our cases...This may affect others future...Please keep in mind same while talking to IIO..keep your tamper cool..nothing else can help know...

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Spoke to IIO at NSC too. My case is with the examiner, she said I would hear from them in a couple of days.
(NSC, Other, PD 6/30/97, RD 4/27/00, ND 5/30/00, FP 1/23/01, AD Waiting)
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thanks, oadeba
my case was assigned to an officer on 6/6. so, i was trying to get an estimate as to how much its going to take.