Talked to IIO-RFE Rd:9/28


Just talked to IIO at 3.00 PM. Was told that RFE was generated but that it was not "typed".

How long does it take to get RFE approved ?
Do we get the RFE notice or does the lawyer get it ?

According to recent past postings here.
Usually 10 to 20 days to approve REF.
And your attorney get the REF.
Thanks GCGCHunter

But I came across the July/August thread for RFE's and
there are people who are still waiting for about a month !
AVM message

Hi yrathi,

Has the AVM message changed in your case to reflect that RFE is issued? What is your ND and first 5 digits of EAC number please. Thanks
yarthi my IIO told me on Sept 1st that an RFE was issued but not typed yet. However, my AVM has not changed and my RFE has not been rec'd by my lawyer it's been 12 days now. The last person who was ina similar situation I think got his RFE in the mail after 3 weeks. Look at my thread a few days back. I had posted the same question.
What's with them and typing RFE delays all of a sudden! A new reason for delays I presume.
We try free4all but the only thing we can do is keep the documents ready. Between the INS and the Lawyer you really don't have much say in the matter!! :(
AVM not changed

Checked the AVM, but it still plays the old tune.
I just hope all this (GC business ) is done quickly !!

Best luck to all and me.

I called IIO about a month back
Reason : For some reason the AVM had changed the tune to "
processing of your alien registration card or green card ahs been completed, your INS document will be mailed to you as soon as its ready"

This was a weared called IIO., she said my case was pending and that she did not know why its playing this message.

then I called up yesterday, and she told me that "they are requesting more information"---I asked what info..she said "dont know"...but they are still tying it and will mail it once its done !
How odd yrathi your and my case are the same!!!
Mine was playing that message after fingerprinting and now both of our RFE's are in typing and delayed....
hmmmm have to ponder.
U too had the same message ?

Seems like our similarity doesnt end here....We probably have
the same "Officer" (If you call him one !!!) who does nothing else but just keeps on sending RFE's. they might have assigned this job to him !!!

I am really upset, both at my lawyer and INS. My lawyer is so stupid that he even doesnt know what forms to file and what documents to submit with them. I had an RFE for Degree equivalence, Employment letter, previous employers "experience letter"...etc...etc. for I140 and now this !!

this time I tried to avoid this, and sent him "ALL" the papers..but seems like that stupid has not sent all of them to the INS.

I hope we dont have the same lawyer. mine is based in NY. God knows how this guy became a Lawyer....I would have disqualified him from practice, if had the authority.

Well, still lets hope for the best and lets hope we get our RFE letters quickly and then our GC !!!
mine is based in Virginia. Perhaps they are having a mailroom backlog all fo a sudden. I wouldn't be surprised if they have a backlog for going to the bathroom also!!!!!
My lawyer was meticulous enough to know which documents to send so I'm not worried about that. I bet it's an employment RFE the only thing is I've been waiting for this approval since April and this is Sept. Judging by the way things are going I don't think we'll get an approval before December! What a damper....
My reason is valid they have a reason to generate RFE but this delay just seems weird. Changed jobs before 180 days and then changed again to join the old employer. Has the stink of an RFE from miles away.
I was just thinking if you call the INS more times than required do they automatically generate the RFE on the assumption that the person is overtly anxious to get his GC. That could explain the delay to an extent. Because an RFE would automatically be generated but would be waiting for an officer to actually see if he want's any other information. I've called the IIO 5-6 times over the last 5 month period. That was my reasoning.

I know good luck yrathi can you please keep me posted if you rec'd your papers in the mail? (RFE documents)
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My AVM has not yet changed...and I am thinking that they should change the AVM ASAP and then I should get the papers soon.

I havent callled the INS many times...just twice !!

I will keep you posted.
AVM changed --RFE

The AVM changed on Sept. 19th. they have sent the RFE.
dont know the details. Will keep u posted.
same here


My RD 09/07.....I have never talked to IIO...but when I checked AVM on 09/19 has changed to additional information is requested and we have mailed a notice on 09/19...!!!!

What's up with VSC.........!!!!..
We continue to be the unlucky one's ..I guess....Must be the most # of RFe's till date........

And about the time in which an RFE get approved........I sure don't want to beleive it's 2 weeks......nor I wanna say it's 2 months.....Just reply to what info they want and forget about it....... That what I am planning to do..
Yrathi my AVM also changed. After I saw your post on Mon thought to check myself.
RFE mailed on 09/19. After exact 19 days. Funny part is we spoke to the IIO that very morning and she said that it would take another 2 weeks before the RFE gets amiled out!!

I called an IIO who told me that my case was not even looked at and then a week later another IIo told me that an RFE was typed not mailed. I checked the AVM two days later and it said the RFE was mailed on sept 18th. So I am not sure how long they take these days to type but I know that they are seriously backed up as per the IIO they had other dept's helping them, so dont be alarmed or worried they is not much you can do besides wait. Hopefully you shall get the RFE in your hands soon. I also hope that your atorney is not like mine who sits on the docs for days before calling me. Best thing to do is call your attorney and let them know to call as sson as they received the notice.

Seems like a trend here......

Don't you think so............ INS has been issuing more RFE's now a days ...especially for Sept filers and going forward... Damn Sept.........this month's jinxed !!!!!