talked to IIO on 7/27:


Registered Users (C)
I talked to IIO on Friday, 7/27.
I asked her about my case. EB2/RIR
PD:6/99; ND:8/21/00

I called 1 month back and then I was told that
case is with an officer and was asked to wait
for 2-3 weeks. After calling them 1 month
later, I was told same thing again and this
time was asked to wait for 4 weeks !!
This is straight forward case...with same company for
4 years...

So, you see that VSC has no pattern of processing..
just wait..and wait
No Title

My case is exactly the same. It is a very straightforward case as well. EB2 RIR OTHERS Same Co, ND 08/31. When i called them beginning of this week, i got the same message saying that it should take another 30 days.

I doubt that there is a pattern, I think they pull cases out of a hat and fart around all day eating fried bacon.
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Hi Lifeafter845 and Amal
My case is also similar. ND 08/31/00, called an iio a week ago and was told that the case has been assigned to an officer 10 days ago and should hear from them in 2-3 weeks, Have not heard yet.
Please post when there are any udaptes.
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Ok, when i called the IIO never told me that my case was assigned to an office or not. I used my EAC number to talk to the IIO. I am looking on this board and someone said that if use A# u can get more info. I did not use that, so i am guessing maybe i did not get the most recent info.
Similar case...

ND 08/14.. same company.. EB2 RIR..

My guess is, all our cases are with the same officer and may get approved(if at all) the same day.
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IIO asked me A# second time but first time when I called
a month back, they asked me EAC#. Also second time, when I
asked for my wife\'s case, I gave EAC# as I did not have my wife\'s A#
with me and that too gave as much info as A# in my case. So
my guess is that probably it
really does not matter what no you give them.. as long
as they can access your database. Again its my
personal guess, not a proven theory or hard cold fact.

I know I know there are some smarty pants here who
will try to generalize a theory based on any info they get
and try to feed to newbies on the forum. Example:...
"Hey you will be approved in a week !!"

Good luck to everyone anyway!!!
No Title

I was asked EAC number when I called IIO for the first time and an A-number when I called later. No difference (actually, the first time I called (was asked for EAC) I was told that my case was assigned to an officer, while the other time (was asked A-number) I was not told anything new -- the case was still with the same officer).
See my earlier postings:

shanks "ND:03/00, morning chat with IIO" 7/26/01 12:09pm
Alex Petrov "Officer Assigned?" 7/31/01 9:52am
A# and EAC#

There is no difference in referencing A# and EAC# when you ask about I-485 status. A# is a broader reference, it gives a history of all applied/pending/approved cases applied with that A#, eg, I485, EAD, AP etc.
