Talked to IIO at Nebraska, said that I485 cases are on hold.


Registered Users (C)
Hi Everybody:

Just wanted to share this info. I just talked to the IIO in the Nebraska Service Center on May 24th 2:30pm. He said that they have all I485 cases on hold for India and China applicants. He said that this was the directive from Congress and they will reopen them on Oct 1st, but do not know how many.

Is this correct or should I talk to another IIO. Response appreciated.

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Can you please post your details? Also Why don\'t you ask your attorney to talk to IIO? Talking to other IIO may be a good idea.
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Seems weird, on one side they have reduced the processing time to 370 days and also moving EB3 dates rapidly. On the other side they are freezing the processing.

Also what happened to the 180 days commitment. If they freeze the processing, they will be so much backlogged, they can never recover.

Anyway, currently the processing speed has really come to a halt for regular (non rfe) cases.

Hope things improve soon.
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This is quite contradictory, and bad too, news to the fact that NSC has stated earlier with AILL meeting that they are working on to improve timings for 485 cases. One can only sit back, take a deep breath, relax and ponder over these strange ways of INS.
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Lawyers are not always that smart and up-to-date.

How about if somebody calls IIO tomorrow (Friday) to check if this is really true. Please don\'t take it personal because I know there are some guys out there who discourage calling IIO\'s for small matters. However, its really hard to define what is more important and what is less important. The definition varies from person to person.

My gut feeling is, it can\'t be true since the processing time has reduced to 370 to 400 days. Indians and Chinese make the bulk of all the I-485 applications and if NSC has put Indians and Chinese on hold, how come the processing time has reduced?, keeping in mind that 370 to 400-day time frame is an average of all the I-485 applications received at NSC irrespective of country of citizenship or nationality.

Just my personal opinion.

EB3/NSC/Others/Non-RIR/Detroit Michigan
LIN 00 193 5xxxx
PD: 6/26/97
I-485 RD: 5/30/00
I-485 ND: 6/22/00
I-485 FP: 3/27/01
I-485 FP Cleared: 4/4/01 (As told by IIO)
I-485 AD: Waiting
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Congress doesnot issue directives like that. According to immigration law, India and China get about 10,000 visa numbers each per year. The priority dates are set accordingly by INS. Unless a bill is sponsored in the senate and that becomes law by due process, no law that exists can be changed.
Good Luck every one, have some faith in the system!
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Nothing is believable. INS takes its own time to process. Hope they want to avoid people calling them and avoid distraction in their work. Keep your fingers crossed and accept when INS delivers. I have been here in this country for over 10 years and hoping to get the process done quicker but anyway...
I485 RD: 5/30/00
I485 ND: 6/21/00
I485 FP: 02/06/01
LIN 00 192 5xxxx

Hoping for a quicker response from INS but not these kind of messages. Have patience and your turn will soon come.
Good luck to all those who are eagerly in the waiting list.
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Just spoke to Local Congress Man. Yes they sent directives to INS not process any immigration paper (H1B, GC, Citizen....) for people who are posting B.S on any chat boards.

Also he said they are going to expedite process for the people who notify INS about these BS individuals.....
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This is not a BS, if you do not believe it\'s up to you. By the way I have e-mailed my lawyer to see if this is correct info.
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Thanks ssng2. I feel the same way. The reason I posted my response was because I just wanted to verify with you guys. Thanks again
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We need to keep our cool here. If this rumour is true then we have a major setback. I think We should contact our Lawyers to confirm this rumour and also we should reduce our unnecessary calls to NSC.
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O.k ! Please stop make joke for people who just want to share information with people. (Even the information is not correct)
BUT ! BUT ! He just wanted to verify with people.


They have many kinds people in here. Sometime people are rude (dependent on how you read their posted), sometime people just have nothing to do (Like me right now). They are just try to have some fun. unfortunately, you become the target.

By the way ! I do not come from China or India. I really want what you say is true !!! ( Ha ! I will become another target !!!)
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might be true as we all know that there is a quota for green cards.
May be the INS has already issued more than 10,000 gcs for
indians and chinese this year, and want to stop issueing any more
until the other countries are issued. Only then the laftover gcs could be issued to indians and chinese. I know the state department was supposed to do this, I don\'t know why INS doing this.
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Guys, I posted my msg for everyone to laugh including the initiater. Yes it could be true that INS is holding 485 approval. I have gone through hell for my immigration. Imagine the situation that your H1B expire in 2 months & your wife\'s due date is same as H1B expiration date. Above all your I-140 rejected. How will that be for you? This is nothing but what I went through. I kept trying & got my 140 approved just before H1B expiration & got EAD in 3 weeks.
So anything could happen but you will win at end if you keep trying..
Don\'t worry be happy...
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Sorry about what happened to you (I-140, H1..), but glad that you went through it. Thanks for such a encouraging posting.
Good luck at I-485.