Talked to CSC regarding forwarding case to NVC.


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After trying for past 9 days, I could get through CSC phone, and was put on hold for about 20 minutes.

CSC says, they do not have any reason to hold the case once it has been approved, and in the system it shows that my case has been sent to NVC on 12/31/01 (the day it was approved).

When I mentioned, NVC has not yet received my case yet, and also probably most of the cases after mine, that lady said, she will put a note on my case for mail service department to double check on it.

Hope this helps in resolving any issues at CSC.

To bring this issue to notice of CSC, and expedite resolving any issues at CSC mail service dept, some of you guys, who are still waiting for your case to reach NVC, MAY want to try talking to CSC about it.

great job mbm ! at least we have some hope now. NVC operator asked me to

call INS customer service (at Washigton DC ): 202-514-4316 . She said if we bring this to their attention they can do something about it.
I tried this number but there is no response.

We should probably keep trying to call CSC and hopefully get through once. did u call 949-831-8427 ? if so , what time did you call ?
how to get CSC


how did u manage to get CSC ?
what is the secert ? I am out of the 949 area code.
and hitting redial is not helping.

is there a particualtr time to call ?
or is it plain old presistence ?
Yes, I called 949-831-8427 (not 7427), around 11.20AM today.

Keep CONTINUOUSLY trying that number. I believe, if they get similar inquiries by many of us, they will take it up and do something soon.

mbm, i called National INS cust service, they asked me to fax an inquiry to the CSC.

Is it ok if send the fax explaining the situation??
I think it is OK you can fax, but if your attorney can fax inquiring

about your case it is even better.

I have also insisted my attorney to send an inquiry last week, she has agreed to it.

Just my 2 cents..

thanks mbm, I have asked my lawyer to send a fax too. I tried calling CSC repeatedly but couldn\'t g

Fax Number please....

can you please post teh fax number also!!!!
thanks in advance and please keep teh thread updated.
This is exactly what I did...

I called CSC (talk about having to have lot of patiance) for a week and one fine day got through (after an hour of retrying). After holding for 45min, then spoke to some lady who told me that my case was posted the day it was approved! It had been almost two months and my case was not received by NVC. After a week or so (after talking to CSC rep), my case arrived at NVC! May be CSC will sleep on your case until you wake them up. Any way, good luck!

in the same boat

Thanks for ur input mbm. I have been following the I140 approval -NVC thread for quite some time now. My husband\'s I140 was approved on 01/08/02 and I have been calling NVC literally every week after that to check if our petition was received.Looks like things are not really straight here.I guess I will also try calling CSC. Please post any developments
No Title

Hi mbm,targetgc
I am trying to call CSC but couldn\'t reach them.
If any updated news from you people please
post them.Did you(targetgc) called CSC.please post
any updated information
gckod, i tried calling CSC yes\'day and today but couldn\'t get through. My lawyer

said she will call CSC and talk on Monday. It seems they have a different number that is easier to get through. She will fax only if she is unable to get through. So I will know on Monday and will post then.
No Title

I am sorry to hear about all the case is also similar but I am from VSC...

here are my details:
   I-140 approved - June 4th 2001
   I-824 approved - August 29 th 2001

  NVC said that they have not recieved and in November they issued a letter saying that they didn\'t have my case. My attorney has applied for a duplicate I-140. ND of that petition is Nov. 28th 2001. Still I am waiting for my case to reach duplicate I-140 is taking more time than the regular I-140...

I should have applied 485 and by next month, I would have got my green card...don\'t know what to do.....

Wish you all the best....

Gckod, checked with NVC this morning, still the case has not been received.

My attorney says, she has talked to the duty officer at CSC, and also wrote to CSC. But attorney did not reply to my email, asking what did CSC say?

TargetGC, seems like attorneys have a different number to call.

Friends follow-up with CSC or insist your attorney to wake up CSC, otherwise seems like it is going to be delayed further.

thanks mbm for the info, my attorney tried today to call CSC, but she couldn\'t get through until af

But she wsaid she will positively let me know on Monday as to what CSC said. hope if all of our attorneys talk to CSC the lazy guys will wake up !
Real bad luck in your case Rajum ! Hope it gets to NVC soon.

To update you, as my lawyer told on Friday, she did talk to a CSC offier today morning. Hers\' what happened :

The officer said that from the system she could see that it had not yet been forwarded to NVC. She thought that it might have been wrongly entered as being approved for 485. BUT my lawyer explained that the approval notice clearly mentioned that case is approved for CP. So the duty officer said she is going to let her supervisor know and asked my lawyer to follow this up with a fax.

My lawyer faxed right away and said she will follow up after a week.
She also hinted about cases not reaching in last 1-2 months.

So looks like something is wrong at CSC \' end. I suggest you ask your lawyer to talk to CSC asap.
No Title

Hi targetgc,
thanks for your update.My lawyer is not so co-operative as yours.
I wrote to him about this and he told that only after 90 days we
have to contact them.So i want to write fax inquiry to CSC.So please
tell how to write that,and is it o.k if i send fax inquiry.
gckod, you just have to force your lawyer. my lawyer said the same 90 day thing too.

But i just put pressure and she called up. Lawyers have a different no. and they get the line right away if they call between 8.30 and 9 (like my lawyer did today).

I guess it is ok to send a fax and I am thinking of sending my own fax too if nothing happens in a week !

Here\'s the fax I am keeping ready :


U.S. Department of Justice
Immigration and Naturalization Service
California Service Center

RE: Approved I-140 EB2 case # WAC-01-XXXXX not yet received at NVC.


This letter is to bring to your notice the non–receipt of the above mentioned approved I-140 case at the National Visa Center. My case was approved on Jan XX 2002 under EB-2 category at the California Service Center and approval notice mentions that the case has been sent to the NVC on the same date.
However, the NVC has not received the case till date and has advised me to contact the California Service Center. In fact it looks like even cases approved before mine have not yet made it to the NVC and this is causing concern for me.
I would appreciate if you can look into this and take appropriate action, if necessary. My details are provided below :

Beneficiary name (Last,first):
Employer :
I-140 Approval Date : Jan XX 2002(EB2)
Case # : WAC-01-XXXXXX

hope this helps.

pls update after you have faxed. their fax no : 949-389-3055
No Title

thank you very much for your quick response.
I will try to talk to my lawyer again and then
i will fax.if something happens i will update you
as soon as possible
thanks once again