Talked to an IIO..


Registered Users (C)
Just talked with an IIO- Some very polite/nice/helpful oriental lady (I think this is the second time I talked to the same IIO! Just a bit difficult to understand which wasn\'t a big deal at all!) She asked me for name/address/etc to verify my identity! (that didn\'t happen the last time I had talked to her!) But that was it- and then she basically apologized that my case still wasn\'t assigned to an officer! wow. Whatever happened to rude INS employees!? where\'d they go these days? fired for being too stupid? (hopefully!)

Summary: "Wait time to get connected to an IIO"
Started dialing: 12:06pm PST
Connected: 12:43pm PST
Number of re dials: 444!! (give or take 10!)
                    (On average 5 seconds per re-dial: timed it this time!)
IIO answered: 1:16pm PST
                    (a 33 minutes wait- all in a long distance call!!
                     which I guess isn\'t as much- 7cents/min. = $2.31, its
                     time which was much more valuable! I am half an hour
                     older doing nothing but sitting there listening to
                     "all agents are busy, your wait time maybe more than
                     10 minutes" message over and over! Gave me a
IIO call ended: 1:18pm PST (well, it was around 1minute 30 seconds
                     of actual conversation. My clock already had
                     30 seconds past 1:16 when the IIO answered!)

So what do we learn today folks?
"Not a thing- besides that your time isn\'t worth anything to anyone including you!!" Why else would we call IIO\'s!?

Anyway, enough of my nonsense and enough time wasted. Now important stuff (ie, stuff important to me, not necessarily to you all):
MD: 6/7/01
RD: 6/8/01
ND: 8/13/01
FP: 12/13/01
AVM: 1/9/02 ("...processing resumed...")
Status as of 2/14/02: Same- not assigned to any officer yet.
Have a good day!
(or.. happy valentine\'s day if that gets you going!)
No Title

it seems you dont have any other work. What the heck do you expect from a call to IIO. Sorry my dear i will print your GC and send it by Fedex.
Be realistic man have patience
No Title

Non-INS related garbage:
attention envy? perhaps? yet another individual who wants to be noticed! parthaN dear, question is- let alone me, but don\'t YOU have any other work for yourself that you decided to demonstrate your skills at picking random characters to form a sentence! I mean what did you accomplish by your post!? Oh bright one, I wonder however in the world did your upper half manage to come up with all your conclusive remarks! Read these notes at your own discretion and if you don\'t like reading them, feel free to click on "next"! Then again, nevermind- I\'m sure there\'s yet another juvenile rhyme (aka counter-attack) somewhere in your or someone else\'s head waiting to pop up on this message thread. It\'d just keep continuing our nonsense. Lets just grow up and stop here, thank you!

Just wanted to post details of experience talking to an IIO- didn\'t care for a critic of what I stated!
DesiInDistress ,

Bad luck your case has not been assigned to an IIO so far .
I hope you get your approval by the end of this month at the most .
I know you have been waiting for a long time .
Good luck maaan!!
Thanks man.. I know we\'re all waiting and waiting and waiting..

Its kinda like- when a candle is about to go off, it burns brighter and goes out fast! My patience is running out fast too! Just this feeling of "almost there" but not quite there is kinda frustrating!
Good luck to all you guys too!
I too talked to IIO

He said my case is not assigned to IIO yet. My finger print results were received rom FBI on Jan 24 2002. I guess I have to wait ...