Talk with Immigration Agent regarding TVU


New Member
Hello Rajiv,

Yesterday on 10th of Feb, an immigration agent came to my home at around 9:00 AM. I was told to visit his office. I went to his office. He asked me number of questions including my last entry in US, month and year I transferred to TVU, attendance taken during class, etc. He took my finger prints. Interview went for around 3 hours. I need to show up at nearest Immigration Office next week. I am not sure what do I do. The papers that I received says that I am arrested and placed in removal proceedings. Please advice on what should I do next. Thanks.
hi neha..i am also in same situation...they dont allow me to talk with attorney. i also got admission from other univ. but i dont know about reinstatement.any suggestions??
These cases will all be individualized investigations. ICE has given some indication of a "get out jail free card" treatment, if you timely leave the U.S., they won't automatically declare you to have any unlawful presence. However, IF a student actually was complicit in fraud and stays, they will treat you harshly.

It's a case-by-case evaluation. Stay and be scrutinized or go home and re-apply in the future. A connection to TVU does not have to be an albatross around your neck for life unless you make it one.