Talk with IIO WAC -01-294-XXXXX


Registered Users (C)
The IIO told me, my file is on the officer\'s desk. How long it takes for the officer to complete it. Any body has such a experience.
The reason I called because last two months I was hearing on AVM "Processing has begin ...".
   RD Sept. 6th 2001
   ND Sept. 25th 2001
   FP Done on DEC. 4th 2001

   thanks to everybody for sharing their experienes with INS
If your case is truly assigned you are doing good...

It takes upto 4 weeks from the date of assignment. Did the IIO tell you when your case was assigned. That would be helpful in setting realistic expectations for adjudication.
Poonch, one time an IIO told me the same thing...

and a couple of weeks later when I called them they said it was still on the shelf. I don\'t think the IIOs understand the distinction, so I would not get my hopes very high.
Thats good to hear, I have the same dates too WAC-01-294-5XXXX

Does that mean we ca expect a decision pretty soon ?

RD Sep 6, 2001
ND Sep 25, 2001
FP Dec 19, 2001
On Jan 12, 2002 Processing resumed . . .
I agree with APS- same happened to me!

When I called sometime during third week of February, some IIO told me that my case was assigned on Jan 25th to an officer! Everytime I have called since then, I\'ve been told that my case is still on the shelf! Yesterday was the last time I talked with an IIO. They (and their automated voice system) are very unreliable! I\'ve also seen many posting that they received their approval in mail but their AVM still says "..processing resumed/pending.."!

PD: 9/98
RD: 6/8
ND: 8/13
FP: 12/13
AVM: 1/9/02 ("...processing resumed...")
status: ?? (NO AP as of 3/15/02)
Which IIO number did you call?

I called several days ago(949-389-3007) since I havn\'t got any response after three fax inqiries ( WAC 01-237-xxxxx, No EAD, No FP) However, the person who handled the phone humiliated me. I am amazed you actually got information by calling IIO. What number did you call? Thanks


Press 0 when prompted to talk to IIO.
Please note you will have to keep dialing for about 30-45 minutes to get through, and then another 15-30 minutes after pressing 0. This is my experience, but some folks have indicated that the wait time is lesser.;