Talk to IIO, FP expiring, anybody in the same boat


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Just spoke to the TSC IIO, my case is still in the unit, not assigned to anybody. But my FP expiring 12/2001. She told me that they will send another FP notice if this expires. Is it true? Is anybody in the same boat? Shoudl I talk to a congressman?
Waiting for FP Redo Notice from 3months after expiration

I am waiting for a FP Redo Notice for the past 3 months.
I\'ll talk to IIO Once in every 2weeks but Still ??????.

Senator talked to the TSC but Still ??????
They keep saying have to wait!!!! wait !!!!! & wait !!!!!.

My Details are,
EB3, INDIA, RD-DEC99, ND-JAN00, 1st FP Schedule Date-Feb 21, 2001 but
1st FP done on May 6, 2001. 1St FP Expired - August 5, 2001.

Keep waiting.

Good Luck.
Have you faxed

Did you ever send any fax? IIO told me that if I call they ignore the fax. Is it true, any idea? Which senator you spoke to, one from Texas or local? Good luck man.
Faxed ??????

This is what I did and am doing to get a response,

        Description No. of Times
Faxed G731 (Status Inquiry Form) 1
Mailed G731 17
Talked to IIO 2 (10.15 & 10.25)
Mailed Written Request for FINGER PRINT REDO 3
Faxed Written Request for Finger Print Redo 1
Talked to Senator(Local) 1


Description No. of Times
Faxed G731 (Status Inquiry Form) 1
Faxed Written Request for Finger Print Redo 3
Talked to Senator(Local) 1

Out of the Following FaX Numbers I could get thru always with,
214-767-7654,(I know this is for I-485 Enquiry but what the heck to get the message sent thru - Put Attention Officer #96).

The others are,
214-767-7405, 7406, 7409, 7425,
ND 7/00, FP 9/00 no sign of approval yet...

Is TSC in hybernation again? My finger prints will expire next month.......I am hoping for a miracle from TSC.