Taking a full time employment while on J1


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Hi I am currently in the third year of J1. I recently got a job offer from a non-profit organization that engages in research. My J1 category has been "research scholar" for the past three years. The position I am offered has a designation called "Director" even though the primary purpose of the job is engaging in full time research on the same topic I have been doing research so far. I am wondering whether taking up this position will be against the terms of J1 in any ways.

The new employer has told me that my appointment will be a permanent appointment. But my question is, is it possible to have a permanent placement while on J1? They have told me they could transfer my J1 from the current institution and also start processing for GC. I am almost at the final stage of getting a waiver (received the copy of NOC from India's Washington Embassy). I still have not accepted the offer for this job.

Another related question I have: Is there any limit on the stipend/salary one can receive while on J1?

your advise will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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I am wondering whether taking up this position will be against the terms of J1 in any ways.
No, it is not against since it is in the same field

is it possible to have a permanent placement while on J1?
Yes, but the immigration will extend your J to its maximum (5 years) after then you can get GC, O, H ...etc

Is there any limit on the stipend/salary one can receive while on J1?
No limit

Thanks a lot mmed. You answered all the querries I had. I greatly appreciate it.
The potential employer was telling me that under J1 one can not have a full time employment. Since J1 is a training visa, doing full time employment is not allowed. Is that correct?