Sydney thread

Evidence of financial support???

I am a little bit confused on what "Evidence of financial support" we need to bring to interview in Sydney.

For whatever reasons, I always think all I need is just a notarized employment letter (I'm in EB2 category). However I also heard of something like affidavit of suppor in Form I-864 or I-134 which I have on idea what those are. Do we need these in Syndey? (I guess those may be required in some other consulates, but no in Sydney?)

I read P4 yesterday, it says I need to organise 2 seperate sets of documents, one for me, one for my spouse. In my set, I will put "notarized employment letter" as "evidence of financial support". However, in the document set for my spouse, what do I need to put in as "evidence of financial"?

Can someboday help immediately? I'll need to get all documents done this weekend, and fly to Sydney next week.

Re: Evidence of financial support???

Hi wdyaoj,

Sorry I didn't reply to your earlier post, I've been away from computers for a while. I am still getting documents together but have all the important stuff now.

I asked Dr Millar's receptionist about the photos they need - she said they're just standard passport-style photos. But these are in addition to the ones the consulate requires so you do need six total. I'm going to arrive in Sydney a day before my exam so I plan to get the photos done over there to save some money.

I'm sure that all you need is the notarized employment letter for yourself, no I-864 or I-134 required, but I have no idea what is needed for your wife.

Anyway, hopefully you're all set already... good luck!


Originally posted by wdyaoj
I am a little bit confused on what "Evidence of financial support" we need to bring to interview in Sydney.

For whatever reasons, I always think all I need is just a notarized employment letter (I'm in EB2 category). However I also heard of something like affidavit of suppor in Form I-864 or I-134 which I have on idea what those are. Do we need these in Syndey? (I guess those may be required in some other consulates, but no in Sydney?)

I read P4 yesterday, it says I need to organise 2 seperate sets of documents, one for me, one for my spouse. In my set, I will put "notarized employment letter" as "evidence of financial support". However, in the document set for my spouse, what do I need to put in as "evidence of financial"?

Can someboday help immediately? I'll need to get all documents done this weekend, and fly to Sydney next week.

List of Mandatory Documents

Hi Clive,

Glad to see your posting here – I felt a little bit lonely when I was the only one posting in this thread for a while.

You are right, we need 6 photoes in total. Regarding financial support doc, I confirmed with my attorney, I just need employment letter for myself, but my attorney suggested me to prepare a I-134 for my spouse (it is not mandatory) just in case they ask.

I have got all the documents ready, and I’ll be flying to Sydney tomorrow (Friday).

List of mandatory documents (according to P4 and what my attorney said):
- Appointment Letter
- Passport
- 2 INS photoes
- Birth Cert
- Police Cert
- Marriage Cert
- Notorized Employment letter
- A copy of I-94 & my H1b transfer approval notice (which contains a new I-94)
- A copy of the $670 check paid to NVC (to prove I’ve paid the money)
- Medical exam result

I’ll also bring some other documents with me – my attorney said they are not required, but he suggested me to bring them as well:
- All previous H1b approvals, I-134 for my spouse, I-140 approval, copy of DS2300 part I & LC
- Paystub, W2, Tax Transcript, Bank statement
- Education, Work experience
- Company Info

Clive, it will be good if you can give me a post to see if your mandatory list is as same as my list. My flight is tomorrow evening, I’ll check this website again tomorrow afternoon.

Re: List of Mandatory Documents


Don't forget to take Form DS230 part 2. Other than that your mandatory list looks correct, if you take that and all the other things you mentioned I'm sure you'll be fine. Enjoy the flight!


You're right, I do have DS230 part II, but somehow I forgot to list it when I posted my previous message. My attorney also gave me IRS9003, which is not mentioned in the P4, anyway I'll just bring all of them.

I'm heading off to airport now.

Good Luck!

Easy CP in Sydney

We successfully passed the CP interview in Sydney, it took about 2 hours in total, most of time we just waited there to be called, the real interview itself only took like 10 minutes.

First of all, there was a security check in the floor entrance. We waited in line about 10 minutes, then showed the security guys our interview letter. It is not allowed to bring camera into the consulate, so we left our camera with the security guys (sure picked it up when we left.)

Then we were directed to window 2 (if I remember correctly). A lady gave us a yellow plastic paper which list all the documents required, and asked us to organise our documents according to the list, and seated to wait to be called.

So we sat down and organised our documents. Only the following documents are required:
- Appointment Letter
- Passport
- 2 INS photoes
- Birth Cert
- Police Cert
- Marriage Cert
- Notorized Employment letter
- DS2300 part II
- Medical exam result
One set for me, and one set for my husband.

We waited for about 30 minutes, that lady called my name. She checked our documents one by one, and finally she returned some original documents (like Birth Cert, Marriage Cert) to us and kept copies. Then she asked us to sit again to wait for the interview with the immigration officer.

We waited for about 0.5-1 hour, and an immigration officer called my name. She firstly asked us to swear to tell the truth, we did it. Then she started to review our documents. She only asked us a few questions, like what I do at work. She also asked us to show H1b extension approvals since the H1b visa on our passport expired. That was about it, a very easy interview. Then she asked us to sit and wait for her to issue immigration visa for us.

So we sat again, and about 15 minutes, the immigration officer called my name again, and gave us 2 envolops with immigration visa on top of the envolops. We were asked to make sure all info in the visa was correct before we left the consulate.

We came back to the US in early Dec. Our POE is San Francisco. There were only a few people in the line of new immigrants (much shorter than any other lines!). An officer opened our 2 big envolops, and filled in a I515 form for each of us, and did our fingerprint on the form, then he put a temp PR stamp on our passports. That was it, quick and clear.

Now I’m waiting for the physical green cards.

CP interview done - Dec 23rd 2002

Absolutely identical experience as posted by Wdyaoj. I have not yet gone back to the US.

All over at last

Well I guess it isn't totally over, but citizenship is far enough away that I haven't started worrying yet...

My CP in Sydney was easy too, although the lady collecting my documents did ask me if I had a recent pay stub. I gave her one, but I got the impression it wouldn't have mattered if I didn't have one on me.

The new immigrants line at SFO was great - it was just me! It only took a couple of minutes.

I entered the US on November 28, my plastic card arrived January 8th. Its amazing how efficient the last part of the immigration process is when compared with the first few stages.

Anyway that's it from me. For anyone else who's going through it, all the best.
