switching before consular processing completes


New Member
I have completed packet 3 phase for my Consular Processing at Montreal. I have some questions if some could help me get more info on these

1. If I would like to switch employer before the final interview, it is recommended? what are the things that I need to be concerned in this case. Is there some documents/links related to this.

2. If I leave my job now, will I lose the processing done till now. Can my current company cancel the whole processing?

3. If leaving the company at this stage is not recommended, is there a minimum period that I must stay after getting the green card in the company before I quit (I saw some discussion about 2 yr period)? If I leave after getting the Green card, can the company revoke it for that reason?
my 2 cents

1. It is ok to switch companies before CP interview, only and only if, you plan to rejoin the company who sponsored you for GC just after getting GC. (since GC is for future employment). My guess, you don\'t, then it is not recommended.

3. There is no such law/recommendation, but I have seen folks leaving GC sponsoring company after 6 months of GC.
I agree

I agree with ekGCChahiye.

Some lawyers recommending staying for one year, others say 3 months is sufficient. I personally would not leave before 6 months.

Good luck.