surprised at newark!!!!!!!


Registered Users (C)

i Went to newark for stamping today and i was really surprised to see the very few number of people out there. I heard on this board before where they mentioned seeing like 300-400 ppl for stamping. To my wonder there were hardly more than a 100 ppl there. Also one more thing that surprised me were the very few number of south asians. very few means very few..... I was there in newark like at 7:45 and i was like the 30th person in line.

i dont know if the INS has stopped processing cases or if it was this wednesday that is peculiar. Anyway all went cool and i got my passport stamped..

Good luck to all.

could'nt understand, what was so surprising about it. Are there generally, huge lines of south Asians, in other INS
Please post details

Can you please give the details about the process so we can be prepated when we get to go there for stamping.

stamped at newark!!!cool stuff

RD7/19/01 AD 8/19/02 stamped on this wednesday...
Very few people there and mostly are indians, looks like that INS is processing only indian cases now a days.... its great to see lots of our guys getting GC....
keep it up