Superman CP Sucess - Chennai


POE is JFK. We arrived @ 5:45 pm. Another flight came in at the same time. We saw nobody in the lines from a distance. And all of a sudden, lines are filled up pretty quick. I thought that we can just go in Citizens Line. Officer helping at the lines told us that new Immigrants has to go through Non Immigrants Line. Then we stood in Non Immigrants Line. Officer opened the sealed cover we received from the consulate and verified all documents. And send us to a room. There we have wait for about 15 min. Then an officer came in started calling people. Actual finger printing and stamping took 2 mins. By the time we are done with the formalities, our baggages are waiting for us. Obsulately no trouble from customs.
When you receive the packages from Blue Dart, You will receive a larger envelope with a sheet hanging out. Do not open the envelope. Just make a copy of the sheet. POE takes whole packet. verify for accuracy on that sheet. If you need corrections, you can make it at the consulate by walk in.
All the best for future CPers. And congratulations for the Succesfull CPers. And Thank You all for your help. Please feel free to ask me any questions. I will try to answer to the best of my knowledge.
Superman what do u suggest?

We had successful GC interview at Chennai yesterday. Got the pasports and visa by Blue Dart today. My wife\'s visa has been issued with her maiden name although her name has been changed in the passport. She will be travelling to US after me. Can her name be changed to her new lastname at POE or do we have to do it here in India?

only certain fields like

Date of birth, Sex, passport number as mentioned in a small paper can be corrected there. You can do the name corrections at the PoE.

Hope it helps
Need Help !!!! , Superman

I want know some thing about Medical. Please help!
How long does it take for Sputum test? did you get the result immediately? , I heard that they normally keep sputum for 8 weeks , is it true? . Please give an advise, I can plan based on that.

many thanks

gcappl, I would call Chennai Consulate.

I would not take chances of getting corrections at POE unless Consulate said so. Getting corrected at the consulate is the best. Good Luck.

Sputum tests are done on 3 consecutive days. You will get the results on the third day afternoon 4:30 p.m. if you have taken the test before 9 am. So, 4 working days. I don\'t know why they keep for 8 wks. But you will get the results in 4 working days.
I had the same problem

The samething happened to me at the chennai consulate. Even though my wife\'s name has been changed in the passport they still issued the visa with the maiden name. I didn\'t have much time to get it corrected @chennai. But I don\'t think they will do the name corrections at the consulate. I believe they mention it when you receive the blue dart envelope. So I requested the lady at the POE to change the lastname. She said she will do it. I even showed the previous visas issued under my lastname. But when I received the card it was issued on the maiden name. So I had to go back to the INS office and file I-90 again for the name correction. I told them that it\'s their mistake. The lady at the INS office took the A# and checked in their system. She found my lastname in their records. So she said that since it\'s their mistake I don\'t have to pay the fees. She said that it will take 6 to 12 months to receive the replacement card.
Superman - Do you have to go empty stomach for the lab tests at Lister ?

Are you supposed to go empty stomach for the lab tests ??
Superman - 2 questions for you

1. Did they ask you for original I140?
The reason I ask is, my attorney has given me just a copy, and I have already come to Mumbai for my interview next week. I wouldnot have a way of getting it from him in time for the interview. What should I do?

2. Regarding TB,
We already did our medicals - my wife\'s xray showed chances of TB. So, the doctor recommended, 4 tests - Sputum, ESR, CTScan and Skin Test. We did ESR, CTScan and Skin test - and everything was normal. We were not able to do Sputum test - because my wife just cannot get sputum. The doctor said that\'s fine; and finally gave a report (sealed). So, I don\'t know what he has written.
Can you please tell me if my wife will have problems?
What was your situation like?
When they asked to get your wife\'s report later, did they give you your approval immediately, or did they have you wait till your wife\'s report was in?
What happens if the report from doctor is not very good?

Please let me know as soon as possible
I really appreciate your help

I am glad every thing went off perfect for you too...

You been a great help to us too...



1. Original I-140 is not required unless Chennai does not have yours from NVC for some reason. They don\'t even ask for it.
2. When Lister Lab report possible TB, it\'s upto the Consulate Dr. what tests to prescribe and make the final determination depending on the x-ray and the report. Sputum and Skin tests are prescribed for my wife. Lab reports are sealed. But Dr. reports are not. You can ask the Dr. about the outcome. If you can not take for the medical report to the Interview, they just ask one of you to come back with the report. I waited until my wife\'s report is ready and go back. When I asked for my Visa, they asked when I am leaving to US. I told 2/8. Then they said you can take both at the same time. If you say you are leaving quickly, they won\'t stop you. Either way it does not matter when they give your\'s. You both can just take at the same time.
RA7 did you have to fill out any forms (like I90) at POE

for the name change at all? Do you know what happens if your plastic card does not arrive by the date stamped on the passport for the validity of the temp GC?

Please respond.
Superman - help on P4 docs

Congrats superman and I need your suggestion, my CP interview is on 28th march and the latest paystubs I have is dated 1st week of Jan 2002. All the later pay by our company was done by checks (not direct deposit) as they started doing pay roll by themselves to cut costs. I have some (not so elegant) pay details issued by our company itself.

Any suggestion will help me. (got employment letter dated 4th March)

thanks in advance
My Chivs, I think you are fine

All you need is an evidence that you are still with the company. Since your letter is dated 3/4, there would not be much emphasis on pay stubs. Although they could ask for 1 stub. In your case, copy of the check with pay details will serve the purpose. If you have, I would suggest yopu to take your company badge to prove the same just in case. Good Luck.
gcappl, You just have to go to your local INS office to extend the stamp.

Most every body is receiving cards within 30 days. Even with minor changes. I rcvd. plastic cards in 3 wks. Since stamp has 1 yr. validity, nothing to worry. Good Luck.
Superman...Question regarding Blue Dart....

You said that they deliver OVERNITE in Madras, Bangalore or Hyd., So, if my interview is on Friday would Blue Dart deliver on Saturday or Sunday or Monday in Madras. My interview is on Friday (April 19). I am trying to leave on the following Tuesday night/ Wed Morning so that there is some buffer of two days for Blue Dart. Thanks for your opinion Superman
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I didn\'t fill out any I-90 at the POE. But I just asked requested the officer and also showed her the previous visas. She said that she will change it. But it didn\'t happen.