Superman CP Sucess - Chennai


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I thank GOD; My Employer; My Parents; My attorney; and My Freinds for all the Encouragement; Help; and the Prayers.

Interview Date: Jan. 25th.
Recived GC: Jan. 31st.
POE: JFK, Feb. 9th.

I have a succesful CP Interview at Chennai. My experience is very similar to most everybody except Medical Report. I have to go back to the consulate because of the Missing Spouse\'s Medical Report. My wife had TB 11 tys. back and got treated. After treatment, a small scare was left on the lung. X-ray showed that scare. Any experienced Doctor can tell that that is not a problem. But according to the Chennai Consular procedure, we have to under go additional testing. That could take 4 additional working days. I went to Dr. Vijaya Lakshmi. She could not help to waive the additional testing although she knew that the scare is very old because Lister noted on their report. Any way, I went back to the consulate on 1/29. And received the GC package on 1/31.
Whole trip was very hectic and extremealy busy. I went for just 3 wks.

Lessons Learned:
1. If you or your dependents have a history of TB, Go to medicals atleast 4 woking days in advance. Even if you have evidence of treatment or certificate of no TB active, it just does not work. Have to just undergo Sputum tests only at Lister for 3 consecutive days. No exceptions.

2. Blue Dart will not deliver overnite unless you are from Chennai; Hyd. or Bangalore. Most other places takes two days.

I will post my detailed experience later. Thank You for all for your help and the prayers in the difficult times.

Hi Superman

I understand your hectic & panic during that 2/3 days.

Congratulations and good luck in your future.

I have a question.

1. Local doctor did skin test for TB (CT, USA).
It turned positive.

2. Then went for X-Ray here. It was negative for TB.

I have a copy of the report on X-Ray.

Is Lister reliable lab? Or do they play games ?

Bala, I think you should not have a problem.

Lister is reliable. I don\'t think they play games on purpose.

If you have X-ray clean, you should not have a proble. Skin test can give misleading results. You can take that copy of report with you and show it to the doctor if needed.
Lister Lab/Medicals

My flight arrived in Chennai at 5:10 am on 1/21 Monday. I have enough time to get to Lister by 8:00. I was out by 6 am from the airport. Chennai Customs is very easy going. I declared about Rs. 8,000. If you have lot of stuff, people who scan the baggage put an "X" mark on the suitcases. Customs only look for those bags. Obsulutely no pronblem.

I stayed at Hotel Picnic right next to Central Railway Stn. Paid Rs.25 to consulate; Rs. 20 to Lister; and Rs. 40 to Dr. Vijaya Lakshmi. This is closer to Parry\'s centre and lot other shopping places. If you are not looking for shopping; this is not an ideal hotel location wise. I stayed at the old Picnic on the back side. They renovated the rooms. I recommend this hotel. I paid Rs. 1050/day including taxes. Has a Sumo pick up service for Rs. 275 one way and Rs. 550 for two way. Sumo can fit 5 people + 6 bags easily excluding the driver. Many hotels has the Sumo pick up service. Rates may vary. You can the hotel and make arrangements for pick up. They can have a plackard with your name waiting for you at the airport.

If you arrive at Chennai before 6 am, you can make it to Lister before 9 am easily. If you make it before 9 am; you can pick up the report the same day 4:30 p.m. You can take the doctor appointment on the same day. Dr. Vijaya Lakshmi has appointments until 6 p.m. Can do medicals on the same day. Dr. V is very professional. Medicals take about 40 min. for a couple. MMR is compulsory unless you have a cert. within 12 months. Vericella can waived if you had Chicken Pox in your childhood. Oral certification is accepted. Don\'s worry about the rest of the vaccines. Rs. 600 for each person including vaccines. Medical report is not sealed and can be open by you. Do not open the Lister report. Lister report can only be opened by the Doctor. My medical report was given right away. Although from the X-ray, Dr. V knows that My wife\'s TB is in-active and was treated; She prescribed Skin test and 3 consecutive days sputum tests. She has to do that because Lister report says that. Like I explained before, I have to go back to submit the comple medical report of my wife to get the GC. If you have history and is treated, don\'t worry. Just go to Chennai 4-5 working days prior to the Interview.
Congratulations Friend!

What is it like to feel that "Relief" friend?.
Well, I am not going to bother you much this time. I am still waiting for my interview date, once I get that date(hopefully on Feb15), I will wait for one more week and then give you a call.

Congrats and Thanks for your help
Congrats!!!! Best of luck

I am a silent watcher in this post, I have read lot of your posting and advices before. You helped many CPers to overcome their difficulties. I am so happy to hear the good news and God may bless you .

Superman - How did you travel to HYD ??


How did you travel to Hyd, did you book a flight from US to HYD - stop over at chennai or booked at chennai.

Also, If you have taken only Rs 8000 in cash how did you manage the rest.. With Travellers Cheques. The biggest thing eating me is the studpid financial transactions.
Dandelion, I took train.

I took 4 pm Hyd-Chennai Exp. Booked in A/C Sleeper.
I used TCs. You can change in most banks.
Preparation for Interview

Took Immigration style photoes at Konica Opp. Chola. Shanmugam knows all. Just pay Rs. 100 for 8 photoes. I changed my TC at Konica. I got better rates at Konica than Banks. Konica are giving better rates for Dollar notes than TCs. There is an Internet cafe closer to Konica.

Took DDs at Bank of India on CR Road. 1 block from Konica towards Consulate. They know the ammounts. they are fatser and efficient. These two places are about 1/2 km from consulate on Cathedrel Road opp. to Chola/Maris/Savera. Write the case number on each of the DDs.

You can arrange the documents in Srifx Order. It is very close to P-4/Appointment letter order. Keep all the supporting documents at the last. Only ones you need apart from the P-4 list is Paystubs. Make two copies of each of the P-4 list documents. I had only one copy. They took the original wedding certificate to enclose in my wife\'s file since I do not have another copy.

We were at the Consulate at 8:00 am. Do not go before 8:00. No use. 8:00 am to 8:15 am is fine. Do not take any bags as they are not allowed inside. You have to keep them in their clock room at the entrance. Water and some kids items are allowed. They sell snacks. They start calling people for documents submission at around 8:30 am. By 9:00, documents submission will be done for all. You will pay the $260 cheque. They you will come to the Shamana and wait for the call. They call around 9:15 for oath. A white person takes the oath. It just takes couple minutes. You may have to wait for the officer to take the oath. Then you will go back to your place under the shamiana. They start calling for Interviews at around 9:30. I was the second person and I was out by 9:50. Depending on the rush, you will be out by 1:00 pm.

Actual Interview:
Officer (Desi): Where is your wife\'s medical report ?
My Self: It is not ready yet Sir.
Officer: You need to come back with it. He writes a blue form in which it states that missing document: Spouse Medical Report.
My self: Can I come back on Monday. It will be ready by this afternoon(Friday) ?
Officer: No. Non Interview Candidates can only come Tue-Fri. You can come on any day from Tue-Fri.
My Self: Thank You Sir.

That\'s it. basically no questions asked. Just submit the documents. You are all set.

I met Orumathiri @ Airport; Jagee/Rajesh Paul/Mach 1 @ Lister; Raju01 @ Consulate. Aishri @ POE.