Suggestion whether to work on 1099 on EAD


Registered Users (C)
I-485 details:
RD 09/28/01
ND 11/16/01
FP 05/05/02
AD ??
I am the primary applicant.
My project is comming to an end by this month end. My company has not started looking for another project. Most probably will get laid off. Thats what my recruiter has been indicating.
Meanwhile I got another project to work as Independent contractor on 1099 using my EAD. They are ready to give employment letter if I require in future for GC purpose. But wont be getting any paystubs. If required will have to use copies of checks as paystubs.

With my present company too I am working on EAD with a salary cut. I have not informed my present company about this.

Should I do the project on 1099 without informing the present company. Becuase if I inform them they will stop looking for a project for me.
Can I work on two jobs using EAD.

If anybody has faced this situation. Or have any idea please give there suggestion.
hi. U can

Hi. U can work on two jobs while on EAD.
Only make sure your employment is continued as full time and permanent with your primary who sponsored ur H1 and Green Card.
I assume u r using EAD with primary employer.So, in essence make sure you work 40 hrs a week as stated in ur labor for ur primary to continue GC process.

Beside this u can sign a 1099 with a different employer.

One of my friend used EAD and worked on 1099.His GC is approved from VA.
one more question

Right now I am working full time with my Gc sponsored employer but in case I get laid off from my primary sponsored employer in future (which I am expecting) then can I show the 1099 job(second job as independent contractor) as my permanent job in case a query comes.

I posted the same question to Ron Gothcer @ The answer I got from him is that I need to work on W-2 till I get me GC. The main pupose of GC is to provide workforce to american companies(have us as employees). If you get an RFE on paystubs, INS may not accept the checks that paid your invoices as paystubs.
Good luck
Search at chat transcripts

Some one posted this question at chat and Murthy explained that its no problem...

I remember i read this at murthy chat transcript at

Rest is all upto you. Different lawyers give different versions of interpretation..

Good luck and all the best