Suggestion to All (contact congressman overseeing INS)


Let's compliment silly man's suggestion and contact Rep.
Jim Sensenbrenner, congressman overseeing the INS. His email is

Silly man, hope you don't mind, altered your well put original to fit the need.

I'm sure you are aware of the information going around both formally from elected officials, INS officials and and informally about the "freeze" on 485 processing. In spite of contradictary communications coming from INS, this appears to be the situation.

I am one such person that has now been waiting for <insert time you have been waiting> for my approval. While I understand the heightened security concerns this nation has, I find it unacceptable the lack of communication from the government department responsible for these approvals, namely the INS.

As your position has much influence and direct contact with decision makers of the INS, and while I'm sure you are already doing this, I am asking you to make a formal request for a statement from INS. Specifically this request should 1) have INS acknowledge there is a freeze, 2) for the exact reasons of the freeze, 3) any changes or new procedures to be implemented and what exactly are they and what influence they will have on approval timeframes, 4) the date when approvals will be resumed and 5) what INS will do to clear the backlog of some 2-3 months of inactivity.

Your assistance will be greatly appreciated by the thousands of
hardworking I485 applicants and their families; who do not have a unified voice/lobby with this organization that is impervious to the constituency they purportedly serve.

Sure Jim, I say write to whoever you can. Senators, your lawyer, AILA, ISN, President .. and most importantly .. MEDIA.
Good thought

Good tought guys. I really appreciate Silly man, Jim Spiel and others who got this thought. I will get on to this and write to the senator's and to AILA. Also, as pointed out Media is the most important thing. If we can get our message out and have our voices heard on American media, that will really be very helpful. Let us carefully draft a note and send it out to all the media outlets which includes CNN, Fox news, MSNBC, NBC...

I would really appreciate if someone can draft a memo to the media and post it here. I am in a time constraint in my project. Dont get me wrong, I know everyone else here has their own deadlines. I will try to draft a memo too and will post it here as soon as I am done.

Thanks guys. Good luck everyone.
coupel of questions...

Good idea folks.
We are paying a ton of money in taxes and it is high time to make those tax dollars work. We have every right to do this.

I would really appreciate is someone posts a draft of the mail/letter to be sent.

Also post possible persons/institutions that we could send these apart from our respective senators.

Pls post all officials email addresses if you find em. right from the president, attorney general to the INS commisioner

This is one positive constructive thing we can do to forward our cause.

Enough of fretting moaning and self pitying. Let us start typing folks...
let us also spread the word

Let us make this posting in all immigration related forums. Let us spread the word to other centers' forums in this portal also.
Let us post this in Rupnet discuss forum also..
Send email to

This is a Good idea to send email to . I already sent it.

It will be good if we find 'INS Commissioner email id" . Spread this thread to every one suffering due to INS.
I sent this letter to AILA and Jim.
We need lots of people to send this mail to Jim so that we are sure we make our point. People reading this mail, please do a good thing to yourself and to your I-485 community. Please send this email to Jim and other Senators in your area. Make your voice heard and don't sit back and sulk on the fate that INS has bestowed upon us.

Don't waste any time and send the email now.

Thanks and Best Wishes.

Believe it is better to concentrate our attention to Congressman
Jim Sensenbrenner. His committe oversees the INS, and he has shown a great amount of discuss with the INS.

Believe sending it to each individual's congressman will disperse our efforts.

Hope you agree

I have just sent my emails to them too. I'm there with you guys

Hey guys, don't forget to add in your email "Hardworking and TAX PAYING I485 applicants". They just have to know that!

Let keep those words out there.
I agree with Jim Spiel and also Jimmy's suggestion is good too to make sure that we make it a point to say "Hard working and Tax Paying". Also may be worth while to point out that we are here following all the "Legal Procedures". Thanks guys.
This is good - I just sent out an email to Mr. Jim Sensenbrenner

Maybe our combined efforts will make our voices hear. I urge and encourage you all to take few minutes from your time and send out this email.

Thanks all.
I have joined you guys on the boat as well

Just sent a letter to Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner. We should cull all the influential politicians who can make INS lift the so called "FREEZE".

I am searching for some names and will post them here. May be we all can sent the same letter to all these personalities and hope that our voice would be heard.

Is it appropriate for me to send an e-mail to him

I would like to know if it is appropriate for me to send an e-mail to him. My application was sent to Vermont Sercice Center. So I am not in the jurisdiction. So should I e-mail him to help me with my lengthy I-485 case?

It's not a question of being in his congressional district. He is chairman of the cogressional committee overseeing the INS.

He is avid critic of the INS. He can put the heat on.
Sent to Utah senator Hatch & senator Sensenbrenner

I really want to appreciate the people who worked behind this. I sent the copy to Utah Senator Hatch and Jim Sensenbrenner. Hope something will come out of this.