Suceesful CP interview at Chennai


Registered Users (C)
Thanks a lot for this forum which had been very useful at every stage of the GC process.

I had my interview done one on 16th, which went smoothly and GC approved.
I am listing down only the details which are critical (otherwise experience is the same as others which have been posted in this forum several times):

Medicals- Lister Lab
My experience is - it really does not matter whether you go at 8 AM or 9 AM. They give the results to all at 5.15 PM. I went for medicals on 13th at 9 AM. Report was given only at around 5.45 PM for all who did the test.
FOR Lister Lab -Carry Appointment letter,Passport, one Passport size photo and the medical form filled up. They take a blood sample and one X-Ray, that is all the test.

Medicals - Dr.Vijayalkshmi
I had fixed an appointment with her at 5.30 PM on 13th. But by the time I collected my reports and reached her clinic it was 6.30 PM. I had called up her clinic to explain the delay in Lister labs, and doctor's assitant was very cordial ans asked me not to worry and come foe check up.
Dr.V was really nice, she asked details of medical history (as any general physiscian) and if you do not have any medical record, she advices for one or two vaccination. I had my physical for me and my family completed by 8.30 PM. Another CPer=Ilango was there before my and that is the reason it took till 8.30 PM. Doctor told us not to carry the X-ray to the Consulate for inter view. (We did not carry it and it was not asked at consulate).
She gave the report in unsealed envelope and told that the reoprt looks good.
For medical check up - Take appointment letter, Passport, Passport size photo and Vaccination records if any.
Do not bother much about the Photo size, for Lister and Medical check - it does not really matter and both these places people do not care about photo size.

Interview on16th

Went to consulate at 7.45 AM. There were 2 separate lines, one for immigant visa and another for non-immigrant visa, mostly students. Though we had appointment at 8 AM there was no organizeed way of letting in people. I felt the sytem was bad. When we were let in it was already 8.30 AM. When we went in, we were asked to sit a row, which was for immigration interview. People were submitting documents. We waited till 9.45 AM and I was not called to submit the documents. I had informed the guy who was co-ordinating, that my appointment was at 8 AM and he in turn informed one of the lady officers who was collecting the docs. Finally at 10 AM I went to the officer myself and told her that my appointment time and my name was not called. At 10.15 they called a person whose appointment was at 9 AM. Finally my name was called at 10.25 AM and the officer verified my appointment letter and apologized for the delay in calling my name.
Document collection was smooth.Docs collected was in the same order as given in appointment letter.
Suggestion here- Arrange original with a copy for all docs listed in appt letter(whichever is applicable) and make it as a set for each family member attending the intervew. This makes life very easy while submitting docs. I saw a couple of people digging in their files to get the doc required and then the copy.
Please carry copy for 3 months pay stub ( have 6 months for just in case) and also bank statement. I carried my bank statement received by 1st week of July by mail.These two were asked.
After doc submission, I think they expedited my case and in the next 10 or 15 minutes I was called for interview, though several people who had submitted docs earlier to me were waiting. The officer was cordial. Asked How long I have been in US, which Company I am working for, what I do there, how many people work for the company, how much I earn , where I live in US and asked whether I visit Houston temple regularly (after I said that I live in Dallas). Asked my son which grade he is in, wheter he likes India, and when he said that he likes India, then what about US, for which my son replied that he likes it better there in US. Asked my wife whether she will miss her parents for which she said yes, and added that with todays communication fcaility we talk to them regularly and visit them whenever possible. He then asked about availabilty ff Indian spices in US and he came back himself stating that there are plenty of Indian grocers all over and we should not have problems on that. After that he said that he is approving my GC and welcommed to US. Finally he said the papers will be couriered in 2 to 3 days. Probably it took 10 to 15 minutes for this discussion wth the visa officer.
Now I am waiting for the courier.

I sincerely thank the forum memmbers for all the info and advice. My special thanks to Raju.

I request gurus to kindly let me know what are the steps while returning. Now that I do not have Visa stamping on Passport, will there be any question at Chennai airport.

I will be travelling via Singapore (I have Singapore visa for 6 months) and will there be any questions there as I intend to have stop over there for 3 days?

My point of entry will be Los Angeles - Do I stand in the normal line, at immigration? How long does the procedures at Immigartion take. I have a connecting flight in 3 hours after landing at LA. Will it be enough.

Thank once again for all forum members.
I request gurus to kindly let me know what are the steps while returning. Now that I do not have Visa stamping on Passport, will there be any question at Chennai airport.
The visa attached to the packet will be scrutinized at many points including Chennai, Singapore, etc. Under no circumstance open the visa package! All airports recognize the immigration visa packet. Make sure that you carry the package in your hand carry baggage. Also make photocopies of the visa page for all your family members, just for your reference. You may also make a note of your Alien registration number printed on the visa. This number will be written on the temporary stamp that you will receive at LAX. The immigration officer will open the visa packet and ask you a few questions before stamping. You will also be asked to provide a fingerprint and signature on a form I-89 that is used to make the actual card. This fingerprinting is waived for children under 14.

I will be travelling via Singapore (I have Singapore visa for 6 months) and will there be any questions there as I intend to have stop over there for 3 days?

My point of entry will be Los Angeles - Do I stand in the normal line, at immigration? How long does the procedures at Immigartion take. I have a connecting flight in 3 hours after landing at LA. Will it be enough.
You can stand in the citizens and permanent residents line (if there is such a line). Some airports have a citizens only line and a general line. In that case you will have to use the general line. 3 hours should be enough provided there are no delays.
Hi Vasu (Srinimuth),

Congratulations on your success!

The post above gave you the appropriate information, but I will follow with
some tips.

As mentioned above the Visa paper stapled to the packet is the main document that would be verified at several places, and hence you will have
to take this out of your hand baggage at several places. So, I found the
way I did it to be very useful.

Place the entire packet in a heavy and clear plastic pouch. If you and your
wife are travelling together, then place them in the pouch back to back.

As long as they can look and see the information it is not necessary to take
the packet out of the pouch. This way the packet and visa approval will be

Once you receive the packets, check them thouroughly for correctness. If
the name , birth date and such information is wrong then you need to refer
back to the consulate. As suggested above take copies of the visa and
keep them seperate.

At LAX follow the instructions above.

DTW has a PR and US citizen line. But I was asked to go to general line and later to the special processing counter.
Congratulations on your sucessful interview. I just finished my POE few days back at LAX there is a Special counter #17 (INS PASS) which is just for new immigrant visa's only and myself and all other people before and after me were not asked any questions but did ask for the Customs form along with the passport and the visa packet.
Took the signature on thick form( may be I-89) on both sides and finger print of right index finger guide by the officer. Asked to collect the luggage and sit on the chairs behind immigration cabin and they will do some computer work with your papers from the packet and they will stamp I-551 on it with the A# and they will explain its validity and you are asked to go.

Hope this helps.
