Successfull Stamping in Toronto on 23rd October


Registered Users (C)
Owing to this forum I have to share my stamping experience with you guys.

I was very tensed before going to consulate. I was thinking about the option what if
my H1 got rejected.After spending 3-4 days in Toronto me and my wife decided that if
our visa rejected we will move to India instead of living as a PR in Canada. India has
more job opportunity than Canda.

I came in USA in 2001 and maintaining my status through out. My labor is approved and
I-140 just filed 2 months ago.My son is US Citizen.

I stayed with my freinds place in Toronto. Sunday morning I went downtown(225 simcoe street, it is behind University avenue and at Dundas street intersection) to see the Consulate office so that I will not get lost on Monday morning before my interview.If you dont have car, you can take subway to reach University aveneue.Parking is also not costly on Simcoe street. I paid US $12 for a whole day parking.

I reached the consulate office at 10:00am , security guard checked our appointment letter and passport and let us in. Dont bring any electronics items,food,water bottle with you.
Guard asked us to stand in a line. A lady was kept on telling us that keep our document ready like, DS 156/157/photo/I-797.Inside the consulate there are six wiondows. First 3 were taking interviews and last three were taking documents. After one hour my name was called for window number one and the guy took our fingerprinting and asked us to sit and wait for our number.

At window number 2 and 3 two american girls are taking interviews. We can clearly hear the questions she was asking to everyone. She was asking very basic things. She was asking for the documents but never looked inside the documents. Finaly my name was called at window number 2.

V.O : Good morning sir, how are you this morning?
Me : Fine thanks, how are you?
V.O : Fine, thanks for asking.
V.O : How long have you been in US?
Me : 5 years.
V.O : Do you like it?
Me : Oh ya very much.
V.O : Is your son US Citizen or Canadian?
Me. : US Citizen.
V.O : Tell me waht are you doing with your company?
V.O : Next time when you come for stamping bring your labor.
Me. : I have it right now. Do you want to see it?
V.O : No, not now. I need that when you complete your six years in US.
V.O : I am granting you visa, please collect you passport tomorrow between 3 and 4 pm.
Enjoy your stay in Canada.
Me : Thanks and you have nice day.

That is it. We were there for 3 hours waiting for our turn and interview was just only for 2 minutes!!.

I saw 5-6 more H1 people got their H1 on that day.

So, guys those are planning to go for their stamping dont be panic and tensed like me.
Take it easy, you are going for the interview , they are not investigating you.Bring all the necessary docs with you. The people are getting issue who are from muslim country and if their name is matched with FBI database. Still after getting clearence from FBI they are getting h1 stamp.

Next day at 3:30 I collected my passport. Properly check your name, birthdate, company name in the stamp.

At 4:00 I staerted driving for US. At 6:00 I reached at Lewinston bridge NY. At checkpoint I gave my passport and checkpoint office asked very basic questions like,

Why did you go to Canada?
Did you get your stamping?

And after 2 minutes we were in US.

If you have any questions, please let me know.
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Congrats on getting your stamping done successfully!

I am an Indian citizen residing in Toronto since that last 1.5 years. I am here on a work permit (HRDC), this year I got my H1B petition approved (my company got it done for me from India). My stamping is in Toronto in Nov, and I am really very tensed up. is it safe to get it stamped from Toronto when it is the first time stamping case?

One of my friends got interviewed for his H1B stamping from Toronto more than a month back. He is still awaiting his I am scared to death!!!

Actually I got my B1/B2 stamping in 2005 from Toronto and have been to the US almost half a dozen you think I will face any issues to get my H1B stamped from Toronto?

I need the inputs from the experts now...please let me know in case you know of anyone who is working here and got his visa stamped from Toronto.

Thanks a lot for your help!!!
When I went for stamping I meet one chinese girl who was PR of Canada and applying for H1 stamping. She got approval same day and she got her passport next day. In your case I dont think you will face any issues. Since you have been to US so many time, they will take your fingerprint and check if you have any violation in US.

Best of luck!!

Got my H1 stamped in the last week of October. It was in QC but it was not so easy as that of MSUKID.

Really was asked a lot of questions. The first thing the VO said after looking at the 1797 was that my case was not a visa revalidation as the previous stamping was with another employer and not with the present employer. However he still continued and then asked about the new firm. To be very frank we had the financial statement of the present company just by chance and when he saw that he was okay with it.

The opening sentence that it was not a revalidation really gave a heartattack. I guess they do that just to see how confident we are with the facts that we provide.

So I would suggest that you shoul have all documents with you whether it is the details of the new employer or it is last year's W2. Whatever is asked ,you should have them.

Whe the VO had verified everything, I got the visa stamped but one of the guys who was there with me was rejected. I donot know why he was rejected but I guess he couldn't give the financial statement of his present firm but when one is the employee of one of the biggest financial firms in USA, I guess we would all do the same mistake of thinking that the VO will be aware of it.
I really felt so sad but really sometimes we are so helpless and we cannot help.

So my only suggestion to the forum members would be to have all the documents with you and have copies of all your documents too. Be calm and explain everything very clearly to them when they ask questions, sometimes the questions are asked just to see how confident you are.Even explain your projects if required even if they donot understand it.

If we stand in their position , we can understand they are just trying to verify whether we are genuine or not.

So the documents that I would suggest anyone going for visa stamping would be:

Original I797 and their copies
Original Passport
Your labour condition documents
Your 129 and its copies
Previous w2
Previous 1797
Your Financial statement(this seemed to be very helpful to many )
Details about your present company
Your Paystubs
Documents of your degrees and diplomas and their copies
Your appointment letter from your present company
Letter from the present company Addressed to the consulate
Yor appointment letter for the interview at the counsulate(they will not admit you without it)

In my case at the POE they asked the 194 and gave a new one.

Hope I have been helpful.If anyone has any queries, please post, I would be willing to help.

I owe a lot ot this forum and I would like to help others .

My question for you about what a financial statement is?
Is it your personal bank statement that shows proof of funds to sustain yourself?
Please elaborate.

H1 Stamping Fees - toronto

I have an appointment in US consulate toronto at 8:30 AM. I am reaching toronto by 8:30 the previous night.
Can I pay the $100 application fees at the consulate itself? Or do I have go to Scotia Bank the day before? Or is it possble to run to the bank and get to consulate by 8:30?
Please advice/comment/suggest.
nikkib said:
My question for you about what a financial statement is?
Is it your personal bank statement that shows proof of funds to sustain yourself?
Please elaborate.


Hi Nikki,

Yes, for ourself the financial statement is the bank statement.

Thanks for all your replies.

I have applied from a PR card in Canada and my h1B stamping is from Toronto. I am an Indian.

I have one more doubt....if the consulate folks ask me whether I have applied for a PR or not...what should I tell them? Should I tell them very clearly that I like Canada so I have applied for PR card. Or shoudl I tell them that I have not applied?

Please help!!
Successful stamping!!!

I had my H1B interview today at the US consulate at Toronto. I had just 5 minutes interview, the officer asked me the following:
1) Which company are you working for?
2) What do you do?

Then she gave me the receipt and said that I will get my stamped passport by next week.

All the best folks!!!

But one thing which happened was they took my original I797 approval from me. Will they return it back to me with my stamped passport? Any idea?

Thanks again!!!
h1 b stamping in toronto

hi, i just read what you wrote. congratulations!
my stamping is on thursday dec.7th at 10:00 am in Toronto and my return flight to USA is on Dec. 9th. I am worried that they will not return my passport on friday (dec. 8th). what if they ask me to collect it on Monday (dec.11). I dont mind staying in Canada until monday but i have to be at my work for a very important meeting. Should i cancel my dec. 7th appointment and go in jan/feb and stay for 3-4 business days to make sure that i receive my passport in time?
i am really worried about the Toronto consulate because i heard that they usually take 2-3 days to return the passport to you.
Another important point, i registered on to book this appointment with my old passport number three months ago. i received a new passport 15 days ago after renewal. I am afraid that this will be a big question and might take the Toronto consulate more that one business day to return my documents to me. Please help. All responses are highly appreciated.

Should I cancel/reschedule my Dec. 7th appointment with my new passport number?

msukid said:
Owing to this forum I have to share my stamping experience with you guys.

I was very tensed before going to consulate. I was thinking about the option what if
my H1 got rejected.After spending 3-4 days in Toronto me and my wife decided that if
our visa rejected we will move to India instead of living as a PR in Canada. India has
more job opportunity than Canda.

I came in USA in 2001 and maintaining my status through out. My labor is approved and
I-140 just filed 2 months ago.My son is US Citizen.

I stayed with my freinds place in Toronto. Sunday morning I went downtown(225 simcoe street, it is behind University avenue and at Dundas street intersection) to see the Consulate office so that I will not get lost on Monday morning before my interview.If you dont have car, you can take subway to reach University aveneue.Parking is also not costly on Simcoe street. I paid US $12 for a whole day parking.

I reached the consulate office at 10:00am , security guard checked our appointment letter and passport and let us in. Dont bring any electronics items,food,water bottle with you.
Guard asked us to stand in a line. A lady was kept on telling us that keep our document ready like, DS 156/157/photo/I-797.Inside the consulate there are six wiondows. First 3 were taking interviews and last three were taking documents. After one hour my name was called for window number one and the guy took our fingerprinting and asked us to sit and wait for our number.

At window number 2 and 3 two american girls are taking interviews. We can clearly hear the questions she was asking to everyone. She was asking very basic things. She was asking for the documents but never looked inside the documents. Finaly my name was called at window number 2.

V.O : Good morning sir, how are you this morning?
Me : Fine thanks, how are you?
V.O : Fine, thanks for asking.
V.O : How long have you been in US?
Me : 5 years.
V.O : Do you like it?
Me : Oh ya very much.
V.O : Is your son US Citizen or Canadian?
Me. : US Citizen.
V.O : Tell me waht are you doing with your company?
V.O : Next time when you come for stamping bring your labor.
Me. : I have it right now. Do you want to see it?
V.O : No, not now. I need that when you complete your six years in US.
V.O : I am granting you visa, please collect you passport tomorrow between 3 and 4 pm.
Enjoy your stay in Canada.
Me : Thanks and you have nice day.

That is it. We were there for 3 hours waiting for our turn and interview was just only for 2 minutes!!.

I saw 5-6 more H1 people got their H1 on that day.

So, guys those are planning to go for their stamping dont be panic and tensed like me.
Take it easy, you are going for the interview , they are not investigating you.Bring all the necessary docs with you. The people are getting issue who are from muslim country and if their name is matched with FBI database. Still after getting clearence from FBI they are getting h1 stamp.

Next day at 3:30 I collected my passport. Properly check your name, birthdate, company name in the stamp.

At 4:00 I staerted driving for US. At 6:00 I reached at Lewinston bridge NY. At checkpoint I gave my passport and checkpoint office asked very basic questions like,

Why did you go to Canada?
Did you get your stamping?

And after 2 minutes we were in US.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Hi My friend went for stamping today ( Dec 6, 2006 ) in Toronto, Canada They took passport and ORIGINAL H1-B ( I-797 ) and counsler officer told her to come tommorow between 3 to 5 pm.

Do they return I-797 along with the passport tomorrow, WE are tensed please respond of you see this ASAP. Dec 6 th 2006.

Thank you

wifi_toronto said:
I had my H1B interview today at the US consulate at Toronto. I had just 5 minutes interview, the officer asked me the following:
1) Which company are you working for?
2) What do you do?

Then she gave me the receipt and said that I will get my stamped passport by next week.

All the best folks!!!

But one thing which happened was they took my original I797 approval from me. Will they return it back to me with my stamped passport? Any idea?

Thanks again!!!