Successfull CP at chennai - on 18th May


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Hello all,

I had my CP interview successful,on 18th at Chennai. And I had the following for the interview.

1.DS 230 I &II
2.Notarized employement letter from US company X.
3.Employement offer from the current company (subsidary of US company X) in india. (not asked)
4.Orignal employement letter of US company with H1 papers.
5.W2s/1040s for the previews 4 years.
6.Experience letters from previous N companies.(not asked)
7.Passports (2) (old and new)
8.PCCs (2 from city Police comissioner's office and 1 from Passport office)
9.Birth certificate and affidavits
10.Mariage Certificate
11.Degree/school Certificates (not asked)
12.Salary pay stubs for 6 months.
13.US Bank statements.
14.Misc doc like DL, SSN card.. etc.(not asked)
15.Mariage photos and invitation cards.(not asked)
16.Copy of the above 1-12 originals.
17. Immigration style Photos (From Kodak’s Foto India)

1.DS 230 I &II
2.Filled affidvait I-134 (not asked)
3.Copy of My notarized employement letter.
5.PCCs (1 from city commisioner's office and 1 from passport office)
6.Birth certificate/affidavits
7.Copy of our Mariage certificate.
8.Degree/school certificate. (not asked)
9.Copy of above originals
10. Immigration style Photos (From Kodak’s Foto India)

I work for my US Company X from past 4+ years, 2+ years in US on H1b and 2+ years in India offices. So mine was transfer type of job and GC is for future Job.

Here’s my case
LC (RIR) 1/18/2001 to 2/26/2001
I-140 (AOS) at CSC 6/27/2001 to 11/19/2001
Big PAUSE of 15 months to change marital state (waiting for madam to come on board!!)
I-824 at CSC: 2/6/2003 to 8/20/2003
CSC to NVC: 9/8/2003
NVC case creation:9/8/2003
Fee Receipt:10/8/2003
P3 Rcvd from NVC:11/8/2003
P3 Sent to NVC: 1/8/2004
P3 Recvd by NVC:1/15/2004
NVC Reviews P3: 3/9/2004
NVC forwards to Chennai:3/17/2004
P3 entered by Consulate:3/22/2004
P4 recd from Consulate:04/12/2004

Interview experience:
· Reached Chennai (from bangalore) on 14th May 2004 morning 5.30 am, dumped all our baggages at Hotel Palmgrove,did blood/Xray tests at Lister lab at 8.00-9.00 am, picked up lab reports at 5.00 pm and headed towards Dr.Vijaylaxmi’s clinic. Dr.V was very friendly and professional, I had taken MMR and Chicken pox shots in US (had the records). So this was waived off. But my wife had no other go.
· Had enough time to do vacation, visited some historic places near by Chennai.
· On the interview day,18th May, reached the consulate at 8.00am and becoz of big queue, entered into consulate at 8.45am.
· There was big drama soon after we reached the consulate. Suddenly,some stupid security people misplaced my Wife’s passport, and it was lost inside the consulate.(what a strange ..isn’t it??) immediately.We pleaded them and also finally had to shout at some to get the search done. But nothing really happened until some cool lady officer approached us, briefed her the exact problem and inconvenienced caused by their consulate security. Then later, she promised to do everything possible to resolve the problem, but I insisted to announce this problem in public. After that,she did that, one of lady among others turned up and handed over the passport, brought our heart rate to normal. We thanked the lady officer for saving our lives and waited for the next out come.
· The next episode was very straight forward, our names were called in the counter 7,checking lady admin got all our document mentioned above as per the P4 instructions.They particularly asked for US bank statements and pay stubs (which I had with me).
· Finally, American officer called our names,reached the counter to answer his questions.He was very cool and calm,just asked about the company, my job,years of experience with the company,when we got married etc.And said, “your documents looks good,we’ll send you the visa in few days”.I was shocked..asked myself …that’s it???

Thank you all,
I would like to thank you all in this forum, particularly KD103 and other senior people, information stuff here very things simple, it helped me very lot, right from minute information like immigration photo studio location to exact documents to be taken for the CP interview.

PCC experience.
This applies to people who apply CP from India (Bangalore in particular). Chennai consulate need two types of PCCs
1.PCC from local passport office
2.PCCs from commissioner’s offices of the places where you resided in India for more than 6 months, from age 16.
Case (1) was very simple, fill in Form 2 (miscellaneous purposes), submit in the passport office and fee of Rs 300/-. They will issue PCC on the same day if passport is issued on or after 1997,otherwise it might take 30 days.(2)is not so simple. In case Bangalore city police commissioner’s office. You could go to office (in Infantry road) and get a PCC form at something called “Single Window” office. You have to remit a fee sum of Rs 200/- at State Bank of Mysore(SBM) at KG Road only ..that too into a treasury account (account number is published in the notice board of Single Window office)at SBM. But you know, to remit into treasury account is also not a simple task, it should be paid through Treasury Challan. And this you will find only in the Karnataka State treasury department. For that you’ll need to go to a building near Town-hall behind Mysore Sugar building. But again you’ll get only 1 challan, and have to take a copy for the spouse. And then fill up the challan form, deposit the fee amount in treasury account at SBM (KG road branch) and get the receipt, fill-in the PCC’s application form, attach 3 photo graphs. And cashier will give you application receipt for the PCC collection. But in between time, local police station officials will call you for any verification. So the whole process typically takes 10 days. Though there are many procedures, you are guaranteed to get a PCC at the end (provided there are no crimnal records). But in case of other districts, procedures are very vague. I had terrible experience in getting a PCC from Mysore, had to use Deputy commissioner of Police power to get the work done. And it took nearly 2 days, even with such high command.
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ac140madras said:
Hello all,

I had my CP interview successful,on 18th at Chennai. And I had the following for the interview.

1.DS 230 I &II
2.Notarized employement letter from US company X.
3.Employement offer from the current company (subsidary of US company X) in india. (not asked)
4.Orignal employement letter of US company with H1 papers.
5.W2s/1040s for the previews 4 years.
6.Experience letters from previous N companies.
7.Passports (2) (old and new)
8.PCCs (2 from city Police comissioner's office and 1 from Passport office)
9.Birth certificate and affidavits
10.Mariage Certificate
11.Degree/school Certificates (not asked)
12.Salary pay stubs for 6 months.
13.US Bank statements.
14.Misc doc like DL, SSN card.. etc.
15.Mariage photos and invitation cards.
16.Copy of the above 1-12 originals.
17. Immigration style Photos (From Kodak’s Foto India)

1.DS 230 I &II
2.Filled affidvait I-134 (not asked)
3.Copy of My notarized employement letter.
5.PCCs (1 from city commisioner's office and 1 from passport office)
6.Birth certificate/affidavits
7.Copy of our Mariage certificate.
8.Degree/school certificate. (not asked)
9.Copy of above originals
10. Immigration style Photos (From Kodak’s Foto India)

I work for my US Company X from past 4+ years, 2+ years in US on H1b and 2+ years in India offices. So mine was transfer type of job and GC is for future Job.

Here’s my case
LC (RIR) 1/18/2001 to 2/26/2001
I-140 (AOS) at CSC 6/27/2001 to 11/19/2001
Big PAUSE of 15 months to change marital state (waiting for madam to come on board!!)
I-824 at CSC: 2/6/2003 to 8/20/2003
CSC to NVC: 9/8/2003
NVC case creation:9/8/2003
Fee Receipt:10/8/2003
P3 Rcvd from NVC:11/8/2003
P3 Sent to NVC: 1/8/2004
P3 Recvd by NVC:1/15/2004
NVC Reviews P3: 3/9/2004
NVC forwards to Chennai:3/17/2004
P3 entered by Consulate:3/22/2004
P4 recd from Consulate:04/12/2004

Interview experience:
· Reached Chennai (from bangalore) on 14th May 2004 morning 5.30 am, dumped all our baggages at Hotel Palmgrove,did blood/Xray tests at Lister lab at 8.00-9.00 am, picked up lab reports at 5.00 pm and headed towards Dr.Vijaylaxmi’s clinic. Dr.V was very friendly and professional, I had taken MMR and Chicken pox shots in US (had the records). So this was waived off. But my wife had no other go.
· Had enough time to do vacation, visited some historic places near by Chennai.
· On the interview day,18th May, reached the consulate at 8.00am and becoz of big queue, entered into consulate at 8.45am.
· There was big drama soon after we reached the consulate. Suddenly,some stupid security people misplaced my Wife’s passport, and it was lost inside the consulate.(what a strange ..isn’t it??) immediately.We pleaded them and also finally had to shout at some to get the search done. But nothing really happened until some cool lady officer approached us, briefed her the exact problem and inconvenienced caused by their consulate security. Then later, she promised to do everything possible to resolve the problem, but I insisted to announce this problem in public. After that,she did that, one of lady among others turned up and handed over the passport, brought our heart rate to normal. We thanked the lady officer for saving our lives and waited for the next out come.
· The next episode was very straight forward, our names were called in the counter 7,checking lady admin got all our document mentioned above as per the P4 instructions.They particularly asked for US bank statements and pay stubs (which I had with me).
· Finally, American officer called our names,reached the counter to answer his questions.He was very cool and calm,just asked about the company, my job,years of experience with the company,when we got married etc.And said, “your documents looks good,we’ll send you the visa in few days”.I was shocked..asked myself …that’s it???

Thank you all,
I would like to thank you all in this forum, particularly KD103 and other senior people, information stuff here very things simple, it helped me very lot, right from minute information like immigration photo studio location to exact documents to be taken for the CP interview.

PCC experience.
This applies to people who apply CP from India (Bangalore in particular). Chennai consulate need two types of PCCs
1.PCC from local passport office
2.PCCs from commissioner’s offices of the places where you resided in India for more than 6 months, from age 16.
Case (1) was very simple, fill in Form 2 (miscellaneous purposes), submit in the passport office and fee of Rs 300/-. They will issue PCC on the same day if passport is issued on or after 1997,otherwise it might take 30 days.(2)is not so simple. In case Bangalore city police commissioner’s office. You could go to office (in Infantry road) and get a PCC form at something called “Single Window” office. You have to remit a fee sum of Rs 200/- at State Bank of Mysore(SBM) at KG Road only ..that too into a treasury account (account number is published in the notice board of Single Window office)at SBM. But you know, to remit into treasury account is also not a simple task, it should be paid through Treasury Challan. And this you will find only in the Karnataka State treasury department. For that you’ll need to go to a building near Town-hall behind Mysore Sugar building. But again you’ll get only 1 challan, and have to take a copy for the spouse. And then fill up the challan form, deposit the fee amount in treasury account at SBM (KG road branch) and get the receipt, fill-in the PCC’s application form, attach 3 photo graphs. And cashier will give you application receipt for the PCC collection. But in between time, local police station officials will call you for any verification. So the whole process typically takes 10 days. Though there are many procedures, you are guaranteed to get a PCC at the end (provided there are no crimnal records). But in case of other districts, procedures are very vague. I had terrible experience in getting a PCC from Mysore, had to use Deputy commissioner of Police power to get the work done. And it took nearly 2 days, even with such high command.

Regarding the US Bank Statement, is it enough if one carries the monthly statement received by mail or is there any specific format that needs to be obtained from the Bank?
Also, is there any requirement for minimum bank balance to be maintained, for an application (applicant + wife + 2 children)?
Any suggestions/experience for getting PCC from local Police at Chennai? I have to get this for my daughter who is staying there.
Thanks in advance.



ac140madras said:
· There was big drama soon after we reached the consulate. Suddenly,some stupid security people misplaced my Wife’s passport, and it was lost inside the consulate.(what a strange ..isn’t it??)
How did they lose the passport?
After that,she did that, one of lady among others turned up and handed over the passport, brought our heart rate to normal. We thanked the lady officer for saving our lives and waited for the next out come.
Was this another lady security officer?
And said, “your documents looks good,we’ll send you the visa in few days”.I was shocked..asked myself …that’s it???
Few days? No accurate time line?

Congrats AC140Madras,

Finally for you the hurdle is over. Let us know when you receive the passports with IV stamped



As per the US Consulate in Chennai PCC is required for only persons 16 years and older. I sent them an e-mail asking the same question if a PCC is required for my daughter whop is 5 years old.

The reply I got from the consulate was that she doesn't require one.

Send an e-mail to the consulate asking if PCC is required for your daughter. My assumption is they would say no.


srinimuth said:
Regarding the US Bank Statement, is it enough if one carries the monthly statement received by mail or is there any specific format that needs to be obtained from the Bank?
Also, is there any requirement for minimum bank balance to be maintained, for an application (applicant + wife + 2 children)?
Any suggestions/experience for getting PCC from local Police at Chennai? I have to get this for my daughter who is staying there.
Thanks in advance.

HEartiest congratulations to you and to your spouse. Enjoy Chennai & India while you can and until you return to the same old daily stuff. Enjoy GC Life King Size! Post your POE experience once you have entered. Take care!

Congratualtions !!!

Your posting will add one more member in senior member alrens thread (successful list of GC approved people).


Congratulations !!!

The list of documents that you have posted, did they ask for all of those or these are all that you carried with you ?
rashmi_rau said:
Is an additional PCC required from India? I mean in addition to the one obtained from the CGI?

No. The one you got from CGI is the only one that is required of you.I am
assuming that you are currently residing in US.



Congratulations !!!

The list of documents that you have posted, did they ask for all of those or these are all that you carried with you ?

This list contains the documents which I carried for the interview.But I have put quote "not asked" for some of those+



Originally Posted by ac140madras
· There was big drama soon after we reached the consulate. Suddenly,some stupid security people misplaced my Wife’s passport, and it was lost inside the consulate.(what a strange ..isn’t it??)

How did they lose the passport?
They were handling too many people at that time and mixed up my wife's passport into somebody else folders.
After that,she did that, one of lady among others turned up and handed over the passport, brought our heart rate to normal. We thanked the lady officer for saving our lives and waited for the next out come.

Was this another lady security officer?
NO,some adminstration officer
And said, “your documents looks good,we’ll send you the visa in few days”.I was shocked..asked myself …that’s it???

Few days? No accurate time line?
Actually,we got our visa the next morning by blue dart exp.

P3--> NVC - 2/20/04
P3@-- NVC - 3/01/04
NVC--> RD - 3/17/04
NVC-> BOM - 3/25/04
P3@-- BOM - 4/10/04(?)
BOM ------> 6/22/04
Usual non-legal disclousres
Reading agrees to usual non-disclosures

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#5 19th May 2004, 08:26 PM [/B]
Hi folks,

Thanks every body for your wishes.We received our 2 brown sealed packets from the chennai consulate.And each one had "immigration visa and alien registration" document attached by a staple pin.
I noticed that my wife's occupation is Enggr,Surveyor/map science.What does this mean?But yes my wife works as Electrical Enggr in a govt company.Will it be a problem for her in case she change her field in the future..?

I believe we should just submit envelopes at POE.We haven't planned to visit US right now..thinking in the month of july..until there is clear signal from the US company..Can anybody share their POE exp?I am curious to know if there will any more questions.


POE is even easier than your cp interview. Few pieces of advice:
1. Do not open the CP Approval document seal.
2. MAke sure all information on the approval form is correct such as name spelling and so on. If incorrect rectify preferrably while in india or @ POE.
3. Remember to enter usa within 180 days of such approval.
4. Don't worry about the category "Enggr,Surveyor/map science". You should be fine.
ac140madras said:
Hi folks,

Thanks every body for your wishes.We received our 2 brown sealed packets from the chennai consulate.And each one had "immigration visa and alien registration" document attached by a staple pin.
I noticed that my wife's occupation is Enggr,Surveyor/map science.What does this mean?But yes my wife works as Electrical Enggr in a govt company.Will it be a problem for her in case she change her field in the future..?

I believe we should just submit envelopes at POE.We haven't planned to visit US right now..thinking in the month of july..until there is clear signal from the US company..Can anybody share their POE exp?I am curious to know if there will any more questions.

Great you got your visas.

This is your IV and the wife was dependent, right?

Then it should not be ...
Address & Phone of Photo India


Please post address & phone number of "KODAK PHOTO INDIA" in Chennai.

Thanks 1