successful mumbai - CP interview


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lilavati was breeze, no vaccinations needed since I had records from US.

we waited in queue for immigration applicants from 8:45 am, our appointment letter and passports where checked before we were let in the consulate. We were made to pass through a metal detecting screening and where asked to open and show all the document folders.

once in we were asked to submit appointment letter to cashier on window 1, cashier confirmed with us about the money paid to NVC and asked us to wait near window 10.

we waited for about 1 hour and lady on window 12 called out our names and asked for all the documents, she lead the process, so we just handed over what she asked. We wanted to retain originals for all the documents and hence we gave photocopies and originals, she kept photocopies and gave back originals.

once document were submitted we waited for another 10 minutes before being presented to a American Lady and Desi guy. Desi guy looked young and upset at the expiration of my H1 visa on passport, I handed over the H1 extension notice, however he was not convinced. So the American Lady started explaining ( or training ) this desi guy, then american lady just casually asked for all my H1 extensions and explained in detail about my job history and H1 extensions that happened in parallel ( I fortunately carried all H1s and hence had no problem, else for the training of this desi guy I would have to provide an explanation ). The desi guy looked little upset ( maybe because of the salary amount I had put in there ;-)) however, the American Lady insisted that every thing is in order, all papers are correct and asked us to take the oath and we were granted IVs. I gave a hi-fi to my wife ( couldn't wait ! ) and gave a big smile to American Lady ( who had incidently moved from non-immigration department, as she told me, so she was sure every thing was in order regarding H1s ). The American Lady congratulated us and said, Welcome to US !
COngratulations Bsoni....

Can you list the documents (Original and Copy) that you were asked for.



Congratulations on your success!

Can you please explain the sentence:

"The desi guy looked little upset ( maybe because of the salary amount I had put in there ".

in little detail ?

Is there any difference between your current salary and the salary on LC ? If so is it low or high ?

Thanks in advance.

Back in home every desi guy has problem about our salary...haa haa haa.. I think he was just trying to scrutinize more and more infront of American boss. Anyhow Congrats on your GC.
Can you please give us the list of documents that were asked and in what order.
This will help us to keep them in the same order and avoid some fumbling.


Originally posted by ceebee
Can you please give us the list of documents that were asked and in what order.
This will help us to keep them in the same order and avoid some fumbling.

do not worry about the order of documents as they will lead the show. However, I had multiple colored transparent folders ( from OfficeMax ) with all the neccessary documents. For Ex. gray for photocopies, red for extra documents, purple for the DS-230 part II + employment letter etc. Also I had put a paper in front of transparent folder and mentioned the order of documents in the folder.
Hello Bsoni,

I remember that you had taken a Marriage Certificate just before your interview. Can you please tell me how did you manage this. Is there any forms to be signed by both the spouses... the documents required... The time it took.... Can you please give the details and any hints as to how I should be proceeding.

how much time

did it take to get the interview appointment from Mumbai consulate once you submitted the papers to NVC?

it took 3 days for me to get the marriage certificate. I went to the town where I married ( i.e. my spouse's home town ), and got the marriage registered.

In fact, my father-in-law had done all the ground work before I went to his place. Just contact some lawyer and he will do it, it is very simple .... I paid 1000 rupees for the whole thing, and 500 rupees extra for expediting the whole stuff.
