Successful March 20 CP @Mumbai


Registered Users (C)
My CP at Mumbai was a real cakewalk. This forum was really very helpful. If you guys need any specific info I would be glad to help you guys.

Also just make sure that you guys have your Indian Tax Clearance Certificate, do avoid the last minute hiccup. For me the officer was really creating trouble. Finally he did speak his mind and clearly asked me to pay him $200 USD. My flight was leaving in about 40 minutes (not boarding, taking off) and this officer was really being a pain in the A**. Finally I ended up paying him about Rs. 2500, in a newspaper.

In any case, I just hope that you guys don’t get into this situation and make sure that you have your tax clearance certificate ready.

Port of Entry was Houston, you need to get to window (lane) number 32 and submit your documents. Just the documents are sufficient and you don’t need the X-ray’s. Once the papers are submitted, you need to wait for about 15 minutes and they would call you take your right hands index finger print and ask you to sign. They would also stamp your passport with a temporary visa, that’s valid for a year.

I entered US yesterday (April 14th 2003), would keep you guys posted on any further updates.

You all guys have a super interview. Have fun.
Thanks for posting the news Teeroy.
We have come across many messages that Immigration guys at airports in India are causing hiccups and unnecessary tensions. Some one would ask for Income tax Clearcance and another one would ask for PCC. There may be a new requirement tomorrow.
We can meet the higher authorities (level of Asst. Commissioners) when we encounter this kind of situations. Of course, they would target only handful of guys that are in a hurry and last in line. Sometimes it is worth shedding some money and get rid of the issue (like Teeroy), especially when your flight is ready to take off.

If you have little time, you can always say "I want to meet your boss right now". They will let you go. I have encountered these kinds of situations three times in the last four years(I am a frequest flier to India, on my project work, on H1).

Income Tax clearance certificate would cost you 1,000 rupees (one thousand rupees). You can meet any local Chartered Accountant and sign a simple application. You can collect your ITCC within two days. There is no official fee for ITCC. This 1,000 rupees is go GET ITCC.. you know what i mean.....

The immigration guys in India @ Bombay can be a real pain. They went over my documents (the immigrant packet) in excruciating detail and went so far as to feel the embossed seal in his fingertips.

Someone in this forum posted a link to a site that said Indian nationals need not obtain a IT clearance certificate to leave the country (unless they have been asked to). I was carrying a copy of that post and was prepared to fight it out with that if required. But I was not asked for the IT CC.

The only thing we can do at our end is to allow enough time for check in and immigration. Having the air of willing to spend the night at the immigration counter and not appearing to be in a hurry helps.
Well the complete ITCC is a sham. I did happen to have an older ITCC, which was three years old.

I had used that certificate when I left India three years back. This time I was in India for exactly three weeks, and they were asking me to get a new one.

The officer there clearly knew that I was living in Pune and it would be very difficult for me to get any paper work. I did mention him the fact that I have an older one, and since I've been in India for only three weeks after the old certificate I really don't need this new certificate. He was pretty adamant that I still need to get the following for me and my wife.

1. School Leaving Certificate
2. Ration Card
3. Voter registration card.

In short what I understand is they really don't care about you. It’s all in the timing. It’s your need and they know you would go to all possible measures to get your work done.

The reason I'm being so vocal and annoyed about this is, so that you guys won't be caught in the same situation as I was in. You guys should be aware that this is just a regular ritual of greasing some more hands.

Like the guy next to me aptly responded at the airport.

"Mera Bharat Mahaan. Saou mein se Nin yan way Bay Eeman."

Many many thanks to Teeroy for sharing the experiences and guiding on "possible troubles" for future CPers.

It may not be a very big serious issue, but, when caught in surprise, it would cause a great amount of mental tension and spoils your mood for a minimum of next two days. If you are aware of this kind of issues, at least you will not lose your mental peace!


Out of curiosity, does your passport have the ECNR stamp?

(ECNR= Emigration Check not required)
My Passport does have an ECNR stamp, and so does my wife's passport.

The point here is people really don't care what all stamps and documents you have. I mean, come on, I need my ration card and voters registration card, to just fly out of India. What's the point of a passport? If you remember when you apply for passport, they do check your ration card, and police records.

These guys are clearly focused on getting the job done their way, they don’t treat you like humans, rather they see you as $$$ dispensing machines.

But all said, I really don't think everyone in India is like the guy I came across. Possibly I might have come across a bad apple, I just hope that you guys don't get in this situation. God forbid if you do, you at least know how to get rid of it. For me it was a real turn off, especially when that’s the last thing you remember leaving your country.

Have fun.

I would suggest you write to the indian embassy/consulate here giving details of your experience and the day/time this happened or the name of the person if you noted down. not that i expect much to come out of it or even if they get that person, he will deny it outright. however, i would think that if the people in bombay come to know that they may be reported later, then they may hesitate doing such things. anyway good that you posted this. we all have had bad experiences at bombay with the customs guys asking for money even when you don't have any dutiable items.