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successful interview in sydney


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hey guys. just got back from my interview in sydney and my application was approved. interview went very much like most of the interviews posted on this forum. 15 mins to pass security. wait 10 mins, 15 mins to go through your paper work and make sure all your forms were correct. wait another 15 min then a brief interview really only to double check the forms. i didnt really get asked any questions except if ive lived o/s b4 and pretty much that was it. didnt get asked what i plan to do over there or where i planned to live. pretty much just went over the forms a 2nd time and explained the next step on gettin to the usa. ppl will tell u not top panic and stress but thats impossible as its a life changing interview but honestly if u got your paper work correct and sorted i cant see why your application would be knocked back. feel free to ask any questions. oh n i did have a stumble as my application name and birth name were different. had a middle name on my application but not on any of my government forms but they sorted it out at the interview aswell as the ladies b4 me. someone was asking bout that on the forums last week but cant remember who\

good luck!!
Hi there sir 5.7,

Congratulations! Sounds very straight forward.

I will most likely be interviewed in Sydney in May. I was wondering what time they scheduled your interview for and how many people were there for the same scheduled time?
Was the stamp put in your passport on the day.. did you get to collect it and leave same day, or do they post if back to you.. or do you have to go back and collect after a few days?
Just trying to plan how many days to go up to Sydney for.
Any additional info you have would be most appreciated!

Thanks and good luck in the USA!
it was an 11am interview. only about 5-7 ppl in the whole room. the longest part was sorting the paper work. by the time u get to the interview room and leave it was a max of bout 25 min and 15 min was waiting. just takes a bit to get throught your security checks etc. only 1 other for the dv lottery i could gather but there was others there for different sorts of visas. u have to leave your passport there then they send it back to u with 3-5 days they said. im from brissy n flew down for the day did the i/view and left. no point hanging round as they post it out in the express envelope u have to provide. just make sure u have a usa address already set up for them to post papers when u get there. if u dont kno anyone go to usabox.com to set up a po box
Hi Sir 5.7,

I have a sydney interview shortly. Did you use an affidavit of support or did you show demonstration of assets? thanks! Vanessa
Off topic: Why would people from a great country like Australia want to leave? I am wondering cause I am going to apply for Australia this year, and thought it's a great country with good opportunities or am I wrong?
Hi Boer,

fair question, Australia is a fine place to live and work, but for my partner and I, we feel like we've got as much as we can out of Australia and feel a little 'bored' with life here. We spent a year working in the UK and Netherlands, and we just enjoy the bigger cities and being closer to other countries for travel. When you've spent your life in one country, despite how good the opportunities and standard of living are, some people just want a change :)
We have spent a fair bit of time travelling in the US and just prefer the way of life and attitude there.
Basically we've just been working in Australia to pay for holidays to the US.. so may as well make the move there.

Whereas if you're coming from another country into Australia, you will most likely appreciate things more than we do..
Good luck to everyone going for interviews in Sydney.
boer: spent my life in oz and am a bit bored of it. just needed a change. also aust is def not cheap when it comes to cost of living. 1/2 mill here will get u very little in the way of a house car and furniture while the say 450usd (approx 1/2 mill aussy) will have u set up very well in the usa
ness_purplerain: no i didnt have an affidavit as im goin ova there with a few buks under the belt. i just showed my bank statement and proof of ownership of the house i live in and a property value certificate from a realestate agent. had other stuff like car rego and values etc but they didnt need it.

Thank you for the reply I really appreciate it, and I can relate. It makes perfect sense. I am originally from South Africa, where there isn't much opportunities. I also lived in London for a year, and have been living in the USA for the last 4 years. I love this country and would like to stay, but I am only here on a student visa, and have to leave after I am done with my masters degree. As you know it's not easy to get into the USA, but Australia work on a point system which I think is very fair, and will apply this year, and hopefully get accepted. In the mean time I will still play the DV lottery, and keep my fingers crossed ;)

sir5.7, I didn't realize that it's so expensive, although I will still be better off than in a 3rd world country. Changes are as good as a holiday ;)

I apologize for high-jacking this thread.
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500k doesnt get u much in the way of a house with 15kms of the city in most of the capital citys. aust is rated in the top 10 most over priced housing
Boer, for immigration to Australia you should join the SAAustralia forum for South Africans. I cant post the link here but you can just Google it.
Off topic: Why would people from a great country like Australia want to leave? I am wondering cause I am going to apply for Australia this year, and thought it's a great country with good opportunities or am I wrong?
Boer, for immigration to Australia you should join the SAAustralia forum for South Africans. I cant post the link here but you can just Google it.
boer: spent my life in oz and am a bit bored of it. just needed a change. also aust is def not cheap when it comes to cost of living. 1/2 mill here will get u very little in the way of a house car and furniture while the say 450usd (approx 1/2 mill aussy) will have u set up very well in the usa
ness_purplerain: no i didnt have an affidavit as im goin ova there with a few buks under the belt. i just showed my bank statement and proof of ownership of the house i live in and a property value certificate from a realestate agent. had other stuff like car rego and values etc but they didnt need it.

yes with 1/2 DOLLARS you can get set up really well say in DETROIT .. I really have to say that you are just nuts for leaving OZ for US ..I think you will live to regret that move ...pretty soon .. I know way too many Australians who had to back track to OZ in no time ..sorry its a fact ...
Hi Boer,

fair question, Australia is a fine place to live and work, but for my partner and I, we feel like we've got as much as we can out of Australia and feel a little 'bored' with life here. We spent a year working in the UK and Netherlands, and we just enjoy the bigger cities and being closer to other countries for travel. When you've spent your life in one country, despite how good the opportunities and standard of living are, some people just want a change :)
We have spent a fair bit of time travelling in the US and just prefer the way of life and attitude there.
Basically we've just been working in Australia to pay for holidays to the US.. so may as well make the move there.

Whereas if you're coming from another country into Australia, you will most likely appreciate things more than we do..
Good luck to everyone going for interviews in Sydney.

what way of life in the USA ???... junk food and Chinese imports with unstable economy and corrupt politicians and racial tension ... banking sector which behaves as a crime syndicate ,country in perpetual state of war ,tightest police and security control over their own citizens (unparalleled with any other nation except Russia and China )...high property taxes ,unemployment hitting 10%(more like 20%) ...outsourced jobs ...home grown terrorist cells ready to spring into action any day now (chances of nuclear dirty bomb to be activated on US soil is around 99% in the next decade or so -this estimate is by CIA published report )....double dip recession looming ...immigration and illegal immigrants getting deported at record numbers yet the tension is so high its almost state of war on the southern border regarding illegals and on top of it you have first door neighbour (MEXICO)melting down in orgy of violence which spills over the border into your new county (ALMOST 20 000 PEOPLE DIED OR WENT MISSING IN THE LAST 5 YEARS OF THIS MEXICAN CIVIL WAR )...and the list goes on ad on and on ...NOBODY SANE would consider moving to such country ...ever ..
All I will say is all of these points apply to Europe too. Anyway, this thread seems to be way off topic, if you want to debate these points, why dont you open a new thread, "Don't come to the USA" or something.
Thanks, I kept tellin him this... tsss OPEN A NEW THREAD!
Seriously, Spain??? Out of the frying pan into the fire. You obviously spend a lot of time researching the US, perhaps some of that time would be better spent researching the dire state of the Spanish economy.

BMX, as the people in this thread already suggested, why dont you start a new thread about "why the US is bad"? Your negative coments here that don't relate to the topic of the thread is annoying - it seems this is all you do on this forum. If the US is as bad as you say, you should pack your bags and leave the US and go back to "wonderful" Spain.
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Had my interview in Sydney on 7 September and it was pretty musch as SIR5.7 said. Most of the time was spent getting past security and waiting to be called to the counter. If all your docs are exactly in accordance with the interview letter then you will not have any problmes. An important point to note - my interview letter did not list Proof of funds/AOS as a required document and as a result i did not submit anything in relation to proof of funds/AOS. I queried this and they explained to me that they dont need it at all. So for those out there who are concerned about it, it seems like the Sydney Consulate does not require anything along these lines.... be sure to check your interview letter though to ensure it is not on the list of required documents.
BMX, as the people in this thread already suggested, why dont you start a new thread about "why the US is bad"? Your negative coments here that don't relate to the topic of the thread is annoying - it seems this is all you do on this forum. If the US is as bad as you say, you should pack your bags and leave the US and go back to "wonderful" Spain.

er I already left USA .. keep repeating that in all my posts ... I came to the US long time ago and was lucky because back then there was A LOT OF MONEY FLOATING AROUND ...but even then I had some really tough times ...every 3 years I had major break down in business.. everything will be going well to certain point and then would go down the drain crushing ...that was very disturbing thing and extremely stressful... no planing on the long run whatsoever was possible ...it just sheer luck and elbows with good measure of cojones which kept me a float ...and then I had a good break and sold my companies to some investment bankers from wall street (bunch of over rated idiots but I had a hunch that the bad times are coming fast so I had to deal with them .. back then they been buying everything in sight so I took the offer and left the playing field ) ...and then 2008 happened altrought crisis was already rolling at full steam in 2007... so I bailed out back to good old Europe.....:D
now my "negative " posts are just facts of life ...nothing I posted is negative -beyond every comment and post there is a tons of true life stories and real life drama ...remember I was in the same spot as you are about 11 years ago so you better read the stuff I post because you might need it ...you are just at the beginning of the road I already traveled back and forth ..;)
Successful interview in ghana

Thanks to god almighty on 9th august, 2010 i also went for my interview with my husband and were successful. We were not asked any questions except how old our marriage was and what work i do for a living. After looking at our wedding album he gave us a date of 20th august for our visas. That day when we went i was told that my passport laminating side was opened so we should send it to the passport office for re-lamination. After dat we were given another date of 8th sept. For our visas. We went and finally it was given to us with our brown envelope. Praiseeeeeeeee to god for his favour and mercies towards us.!!!!!!!! Pls rely on god always and he will make a way in any situation.
Congrats sir5.7 !

it was an 11am interview. only about 5-7 ppl in the whole room. the longest part was sorting the paper work. by the time u get to the interview room and leave it was a max of bout 25 min and 15 min was waiting. just takes a bit to get throught your security checks etc. only 1 other for the dv lottery i could gather but there was others there for different sorts of visas. u have to leave your passport there then they send it back to u with 3-5 days they said. im from brissy n flew down for the day did the i/view and left. no point hanging round as they post it out in the express envelope u have to provide. just make sure u have a usa address already set up for them to post papers when u get there. if u dont kno anyone go to usabox.com to set up a po box