Successful Interview at NWD on 11th July


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Successful CP at NWD on 11th July

Medical at Dr. K.P.Jain, South EXt.
I completed my medicals for self, wife and kid from Dr jain's clinic on 5th July. We reached there at 9:45 am and told to wait for 45 minnutes. By that time counter Clerk prepared our papers and then Doctor called us and completed the physical exam and took the blood samples. We took MMR and TD vaccination at US itself and had chickenpox earlier so we were not given any vaccination. Doctor told us to get the xray done and come back at 5 PM to collect the report.

We were told to go to Def. Col "B" block for XRAY (TB) and they took 1 hour to complete the xray.

Clinic chg. are 1000 for adults and 600 for child
XRAY Its about 400/= (don't remember)

We also used Kumar Studio for Photo called us back at 6 Pm.
He charged 100/- Rs for each person and gives 4 photos.

We collected the report at 4:50 PM and Photos at 6 PM.


We went at the US Embassay at 7:30 in the morning. We were called inside at around 7:45. We went through a very strict security check.We were even asked to drink water from our water bottles in front of them.Then we were asked to be seated in the immigration visa lounge. At around 8:30 one member from each family was asked to go and deposit the fee which was 65 US$. We paid by three bank drafts of Rs.3185 each. I also told the cashier that I had already paid 260 dollars per applicant in USA. This whole process took about half an hour. I again came back to the waiting lounge where we waited till 11:30 when my name was announced and we were asked to report at counter number 14. The lady at the counter asked for the receipts of the bank drafts first. Then she asked for the DS 230 part 2, birth certificate, marriage certificate, police certificate both US and local,employment letter and a copy of my income tax for the year 2001. We did not have the local pcc but she did not insist on it .Then I submitted the above documents and the I-134 for my wife and son also. She checked our passports and medical reports and asked us to wait in the lounge again. After about half an hour I was called again at counter number 12 this time. There was an American lady this time. She told us to raise our hands and take the oath. Then she started to ask me about my qualifications and experience. She grilled me for about 10 minutes. Better be prepared about this kind of grilling .Other people also experienced some kind of grilling that day. After that she told us to come back at 5:00 p.m. We were very tense for 3-4 hours not knowing what would happen. I went back to the embasssy at 4:45 p.m. I waited for 15 minutes before my name was called at counter number 14. I proceeded with heavy heart beats but the lady at the counter smiled and congratulated me and gave me the three packets with the visa on them and also our passports. The H1 and H4 on the passports were cancelled. There is no other entry made by the embassy on the passport. Our port of entry is Detroit in August hope that every thing goes well there too. I will update about that too.
You are welcome to ask any question.
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Originally posted by go_on
She grilled me for about 10 minutes about it.

10 minutes in a conversation is an extremely long time.. Did she really grill u guys for 10 minutes or did it just *feel* like it ?
Yes. It was real grilling lasted for about 10 minutes and I experienced very tense moments. I was not at all prepared for this since none of the forum members faced it before and I was not expecting it.
Congrats go_on ...

Delhi seems to have a lady these days and she is always majorly pissed off with life .....

She will grill everyone for 5 to 10 mins each ... she will not be satisfied with any answer but will give u the visa (all the papers must be in order) ....

Just our bad luck that we have to face such a person ....
Question about "10 min conversation"

Could you please detail the kind of questions you were asked (that were tough) and what your responses (in general) were?

I too would be keen to know what you mean by "grilling"? Please expand on the type of questions and her responses to your answers. Also did you take your G-xx - ie attorney representing you for CP?

Consular officers have almost no discreationary power. Their job is to check for original documents in support of LC and I-140. In addition they check PCC, certificates such as birth/marriage, medical reports to comply as per DOS guidelines. The only discretion they have is to accept or deny a visa based on the period of out of status (maximum 6 months). The INS officers have much more discretionary power, except for out of status over a certain period (I can't recall the exact number of weeks).
couple of questions


couple of questions:
(1) with no entry in the passport, is it going to cause issues when you travel back to the US. Issues at INdian airport, Issues at European airports. I'll be flying from Mumbai and I have a stopover at Paris.
(2) Can you give some sample questions asked to you during the 10 minute grilling

It was tough

The only point discussed during grilling was my qualification. My all the documents were complete. Here are details

I have PG degree other then computer science and was asked questions like
q1. You are not qualified for this job and explain your all qualifications mentioned or not mentioned in the documents.
a1. Answered whatever qualifications I have and emphasised more on my 15 years of programming /Ananlysis experience.

(question was repeated many times in different temper and I replied back the same answer every time )

q2. Details of experience on different languages
a2. Explained


answer regarding no entry on passport : Along with the packet a single entry visa is also given and that is sufficient for travel to US via any country. Immigration officers of other country are aware of this kind of visa.

My GC Attorney is in US

About 6 months time between 140 approval and Interview date.

I hope this answers all the questions
Here are the answers

The only point discussed during grilling was my qualification. My all the documents were complete. Here are the details

I have PG degree other then computer science and was asked questions like
q1. You are not qualified for this job and explain your all qualifications mentioned or not mentioned in the documents.
a1. Answered whatever qualifications I have and emphasised more on my 15 years of programming /Ananlysis experience.

(question was repeated many times in different temper and I replied back the same answer every time )

q2. Details of experience on different languages
a2. Explained


answer regarding no entry on passport : Along with the packet a single entry visa is also given and that is sufficient for travel to US via any country. Immigration officers of other country are aware of this kind of visa.

My GC Attorney is in US

About 6 months time between 140 approval and Interview date.

I hope this answers all the questions
local police certificate


Your posting was really useful. I recently obtained my case number and based on recent postings figure that my interview will be in Sept at Mumbai.
Recently, I had sent an email to the Mumbai consulate regarding police certificates and a gentleman there replied that I should get one from the local Indian embassy and another from my local police station in India (my local address in India)
Although most folks who go to B'bay have mentioned that the a police certificate from the local police station is not required, I just want to play it safe.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could briefly describe the format of the police certificate you obtained from the local authorities in Delhi.

out of status? - brb2

brb2 where did you see the provision that the consulate can reject the case if the person was out of status for more than 6 months?

I have got interview at new delhi consulate in september.

i sent my ac140 application which kind of implies that i was out of status for 5 months.

basically, i quit my last emplyer in mid of september 1999 and applied for a new h1 which was received on October 1.

so in effect for 20 days my application for new visa had not reached the INS and i was out of a job.

the previou visa was valid till Feb 02.

i got my new visa approved on 01/24/2000 valid till 10/05/2002

however the lawyers put on my resume that i was "looking for a job" from 10/1999 to 03/2000 a period of 5 months.

is this a major issue?
Hi guys - back to US on 9th August

We are back to US on 9th and had POE at Detroit without any issues. Thanks to all our friends and forum members for the valuable inputs and guidelines. I don't think I could have proceeded for CP option without Thanks to Rajeev Khanna for maintaining this site.
Now if I look 6 months back I feel satisfied for choosing CP instead of AOS .

Thanks once again and best of luck for all of you.

about the medical examination

go_on I want to know what exactly did the medical physical examination include. Is it just a regular temprature/throat/pulse type examination or do we also have to take off our clothes for a more detailed examination. Just curious. I would like to me mentally prepared if he is going to go that far.

Also, I have not had any shots for a long time that means they will give me the whole list of shots.
Medical Exam

Its a full checkup and Doctor will examine everyting but you will be in your undergarments. He may ask you to take off even your undergarments, if needed.

They will give you shots for MMR, Titnus (TD) and Chickenpox. Vaccination for Chickenpox will be waived off if you had it earlier.
You may take all the vaccination in US and carry the records.

I hope it answers all your questions
Joining sponsoring employer

Thanks for all your help go_on.

im9999 mentioned that he was made to sign a piece of paper that he will join his sponsoring employer on reaching US and if his plans change, he will inform the embassy.

Did you also have to sign such a document? I am planning to change my employer ASAP.
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Yes - I also signed a piece of paper

I also signed a piece of paper saying "I will join the same sponsoring employer on reaching US and if my plans change, I will inform the embassy".