• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Successful DV-2010 Interview in LONDON!

Congrat USAHolic,

I will have my interview next week in London, and will keep you all informed of the result. In the meantime, I am not sure of the photo type: can ordinary passport size do good or it should be of the usual size we are asked to send in when we filled and sent the original form.

hope to hear


the photos should be of size 2" x 2" and taken within the last 6 month.

Hope help
Tell me if I am going to win DV11 this year. I need to win because it has been 16 years/times I am aftering it. My wife is so curious to go to America. Suppose if I won dv and get visa where should I look for a job in America? How is life there? Are Americans happy people?

KIBRIA, let's wait for you to win the dv then your questions can be easily answered.
Thanks Ayoblack. Actually none of them. I have been given a blue sheet that my case is under Administrative processing. I should send my passport to embassy by courier after that. No, I should pay later on. again thanks.

I was under the impression that AP is requested when the officer has doubts about your application. Did you live in the States before? did you make any mistake in your forms? Did you amend any of the details written in the applications? did you have any minor offense? Did you submit all required documents and police certificates? Did you violate any visa/residency terms in UK or other country?

Where are you from originally?

Did you submit all old passports?

Did your sponsors (if any) have any violation in their records?

I would appreciate if you could share the info listed in the given blue sheet

Thanks and best of luck.
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Dear forumates,

I want to break the good news to you. I had a successful interview at london today! Wow, and it is amazing. It was beyound my expectation; so smooth and the people over there are friendly. I will post the details in due course, am now texting from mob.

Dear forumates,

I want to break the good news to you. I had a successful interview at london today! Wow, and it is amazing. It was beyound my expectation; so smooth and the people over there are friendly. I will post the details in due course, am now texting from mob.


Congratulation Lome! The good lord has done it again. When are u picking ur visa? U know I told u interview in London is easy compare to other countries. Once again Congrats.
Dear forumates,

I want to break the good news to you. I had a successful interview at london today! Wow, and it is amazing. It was beyound my expectation; so smooth and the people over there are friendly. I will post the details in due course, am now texting from mob.


Congrats lome.

Wish you best of luck in U.S.
Here is what my interview experience at US embassy in London on March 17th look like:

arrived at embassy at about 7:05 am (appointment was at 8:00), went to the pharmacy down the street and stored my mobile and came back to the queue. About 10 persons were before me.

-let in to the embassy around 7:30, gave us the numbers and ushered us to the waiting room.
-they started to call the numbers, sharp at 8:00(and at that point I said to myself that these guys do not jock on time, and it is time to think of saying goodbye to my African Man Time(AMT)!)
-8:25 my number was called. Went to counter 14. A very nice and friendly lady was waiting.
lady: good morning,
me: good morning
lady: asked for my documents. I gave her the documents one by one.
lady: then asked me to go and pay at counter 12 and come back to here with a receipt.
me: did the payment and gave her the receipt.
lady: when do you want to move to the US, I see you are going to finish your study in September?
me: ready to move once I submit my thesis in september
lady: if you get the visa now, it is going to expire in 6 months time, probably before you finish your study. ...but there will be a way and the consular who interviews you would suggest some thing
me: okay(my heart started to beam with joy and hope, coz all she was talking was so positive for me to imagine. She was so motherly in all her approaches)
lady: gave me the pink form and asked me to go and seated and wait for my number to be called(
The whole process of submitting documents and paying the fee took me about half an hour.)

9:30 my number was called at counter 16;
consular: good morning (a gentleman with American accent)
me : good morning
consular: so you are here for DV interview
me: yes
consular: need to verify your finger print:
consular: raise your right hand and the usual swearing
me: i did
consular: so when did you come to the uk?
me: since...
consular: so you are doing a PhD
me: yes
consular: in what?
me: economics
consular: wow!
me: thanks
consular: I barely passed my micro and macro economics when I was doing my undergrad.. and then we both had a bit of laughter
consular: so when are you going to finish your study?
me: I will submit my thesis in september
consular: well, the problem is if I give you the visa now, by the way I am going to approve your visa now,(and I said thanks a lot) you have to enter the US in six months time. If you want I can postpone issuing your visa by a month or so, in which case I will give you your passport now and you will send it back to me after one month.
me: Because I am on the final stage of the write-up, I am a generally flexible on where I should be; the exception being that I have a teaching commitment at the moment, and I will finish it beginning of may.

consular: the other option then is you can get your visa now, go to the us before september, activate and get your GC, and you can come back and submit and defend your thesis, as long as it is for just couple of months.
me: I will go for the latter option
consular: that is fine. Fill in the pink form you have with you, pay for curior at the counter on your way out and I will send you all the documents and the visa. he explained all what the envelop constains and what I should do and don't.

me: thank you very much
consular: welcome and bye
me: bye
(the whole process with the consular did not take me more than 10 minutes!)
At 10: 15 am, I was out sitting at Grosvenor square park on a beautiful and sunny day, overwhelmed, elated and mesmerized! Thanks to almighty God and all people in this forum, and wish all the success to those who are waiting for their interview.

Here is what my interview experience at US embassy in London on March 17th look like:

arrived at embassy at about 7:05 am (appointment was at 8:00), went to the pharmacy down the street and stored my mobile and came back to the queue. About 10 persons were before me.

-let in to the embassy around 7:30, gave us the numbers and ushered us to the waiting room.
-they started to call the numbers, sharp at 8:00(and at that point I said to myself that these guys do not jock on time, and it is time to think of saying goodbye to my African Man Time(AMT)!)
-8:25 my number was called. Went to counter 14. A very nice and friendly lady was waiting.
lady: good morning,
me: good morning
lady: asked for my documents. I gave her the documents one by one.
lady: then asked me to go and pay at counter 12 and come back to here with a receipt.
me: did the payment and gave her the receipt.
lady: when do you want to move to the US, I see you are going to finish your study in September?
me: ready to move once I submit my thesis in september
lady: if you get the visa now, it is going to expire in 6 months time, probably before you finish your study. ...but there will be a way and the consular who interviews you would suggest some thing
me: okay(my heart started to beam with joy and hope, coz all she was talking was so positive for me to imagine. She was so motherly in all her approaches)
lady: gave me the pink form and asked me to go and seated and wait for my number to be called(
The whole process of submitting documents and paying the fee took me about half an hour.)

9:30 my number was called at counter 16;
consular: good morning (a gentleman with American accent)
me : good morning
consular: so you are here for DV interview
me: yes
consular: need to verify your finger print:
consular: raise your right hand and the usual swearing
me: i did
consular: so when did you come to the uk?
me: since...
consular: so you are doing a PhD
me: yes
consular: in what?
me: economics
consular: wow!
me: thanks
consular: I barely passed my micro and macro economics when I was doing my undergrad.. and then we both had a bit of laughter
consular: so when are you going to finish your study?
me: I will submit my thesis in september
consular: well, the problem is if I give you the visa now, by the way I am going to approve your visa now,(and I said thanks a lot) you have to enter the US in six months time. If you want I can postpone issuing your visa by a month or so, in which case I will give you your passport now and you will send it back to me after one month.
me: Because I am on the final stage of the write-up, I am a generally flexible on where I should be; the exception being that I have a teaching commitment at the moment, and I will finish it beginning of may.

consular: the other option then is you can get your visa now, go to the us before september, activate and get your GC, and you can come back and submit and defend your thesis, as long as it is for just couple of months.
me: I will go for the latter option
consular: that is fine. Fill in the pink form you have with you, pay for curior at the counter on your way out and I will send you all the documents and the visa. he explained all what the envelop constains and what I should do and don't.

me: thank you very much
consular: welcome and bye
me: bye
(the whole process with the consular did not take me more than 10 minutes!)
At 10: 15 am, I was out sitting at Grosvenor square park on a beautiful and sunny day, overwhelmed, elated and mesmerized! Thanks to almighty God and all people in this forum, and wish all the success to those who are waiting for their interview.


Very positive story friend, and good for you. What part of Africa are you from?
Hope it all works out well and your American Dream comes true as soon as possible!
Congratulation Lome! The good lord has done it again. When are u picking ur visa? U know I told u interview in London is easy compare to other countries. Once again Congrats.

Thanks ayoblack.

The consular did not specify the exact date, just told me that I will get my passport and the documents in a week or two.
Here is what my interview experience at US embassy in London on March 17th look like:

arrived at embassy at about 7:05 am (appointment was at 8:00), went to the pharmacy down the street and stored my mobile and came back to the queue. About 10 persons were before me.

-let in to the embassy around 7:30, gave us the numbers and ushered us to the waiting room.
-they started to call the numbers, sharp at 8:00(and at that point I said to myself that these guys do not jock on time, and it is time to think of saying goodbye to my African Man Time(AMT)!)
-8:25 my number was called. Went to counter 14. A very nice and friendly lady was waiting.
lady: good morning,
me: good morning
lady: asked for my documents. I gave her the documents one by one.
lady: then asked me to go and pay at counter 12 and come back to here with a receipt.
me: did the payment and gave her the receipt.
lady: when do you want to move to the US, I see you are going to finish your study in September?
me: ready to move once I submit my thesis in september
lady: if you get the visa now, it is going to expire in 6 months time, probably before you finish your study. ...but there will be a way and the consular who interviews you would suggest some thing
me: okay(my heart started to beam with joy and hope, coz all she was talking was so positive for me to imagine. She was so motherly in all her approaches)
lady: gave me the pink form and asked me to go and seated and wait for my number to be called(
The whole process of submitting documents and paying the fee took me about half an hour.)

9:30 my number was called at counter 16;
consular: good morning (a gentleman with American accent)
me : good morning
consular: so you are here for DV interview
me: yes
consular: need to verify your finger print:
consular: raise your right hand and the usual swearing
me: i did
consular: so when did you come to the uk?
me: since...
consular: so you are doing a PhD
me: yes
consular: in what?
me: economics
consular: wow!
me: thanks
consular: I barely passed my micro and macro economics when I was doing my undergrad.. and then we both had a bit of laughter
consular: so when are you going to finish your study?
me: I will submit my thesis in september
consular: well, the problem is if I give you the visa now, by the way I am going to approve your visa now,(and I said thanks a lot) you have to enter the US in six months time. If you want I can postpone issuing your visa by a month or so, in which case I will give you your passport now and you will send it back to me after one month.
me: Because I am on the final stage of the write-up, I am a generally flexible on where I should be; the exception being that I have a teaching commitment at the moment, and I will finish it beginning of may.

consular: the other option then is you can get your visa now, go to the us before september, activate and get your GC, and you can come back and submit and defend your thesis, as long as it is for just couple of months.
me: I will go for the latter option
consular: that is fine. Fill in the pink form you have with you, pay for curior at the counter on your way out and I will send you all the documents and the visa. he explained all what the envelop constains and what I should do and don't.

me: thank you very much
consular: welcome and bye
me: bye
(the whole process with the consular did not take me more than 10 minutes!)
At 10: 15 am, I was out sitting at Grosvenor square park on a beautiful and sunny day, overwhelmed, elated and mesmerized! Thanks to almighty God and all people in this forum, and wish all the success to those who are waiting for their interview.


Congrats Lome
Thanks ayoblack.

The consular did not specify the exact date, just told me that I will get my passport and the documents in a week or two.


Congratulation once again. U shud get it by Tuesday latest. Hope we'll see in the state.
Congrats to all folks with visas. Quick question - were you asked to provide your address in the US and/or an american contact? I'm a bit confused here, since this add'l info was requested from me after the interview (it wasn't in London though).
Any news about your visa USAHolic?
BTW, Were you asked to pay the visa fees?

I would appreciate looking at some on my questions on page 1.

Hi USAHolic,

I was in the same boat with u, but mine is clear now , just want you to know that they didn't call as they said but it came thru as a letter. The administrative process took 90 days.

Good luck
USAHolic and Cov
I would like to ask you that i am 2010 Dv winner.
Recently I did my Interview in London US embassy and they give me a blue paper indicate that they need to do
additional administrate possessing,(It will take 2 to 4 weeks) then they give my passport back. After 13 days I got a latter from them which is
by Chief Branch Immigration officer said
We have received your clearance, please forward your
passport as soon as possible.
So It means I will get visa.
USAHolic and Cov
I would like to ask you that i am 2010 Dv winner.
Recently I did my Interview in London US embassy and they give me a blue paper indicate that they need to do
additional administrate possessing,(It will take 2 to 4 weeks) then they give my passport back. After 13 days I got a latter from them which is
by Chief Branch Immigration officer said
We have received your clearance, please forward your
passport as soon as possible.
So It means I will get visa.

Yes. you got it. just call the the secure mail service of embassy and arrange delivery of your passports.

Good Luck.