Successful CP @ NWD on July 23!!!


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Had a successful CP for myself and wife at New Delhi.

I stayed at Gurgaon and hence had access to just one cybercafe and with the power situation being atrocious in Gurgoan, browsing the net was out of question.

We had our medicals done at Dr. K.P. Jain's clinic. We reached there at 10:00 am and were done with him by 10:45 am. I had taken my immunization record from the Health Dept. and for my wife, we had taken the medical report that she had done for AOS medical (As initially we had planned AOS). Dr. Jain had no problems with the records and just did the physical and the HIV/Syphillis. For the X-ray we were sent to Dr. Mrs. Khurana in Defense Colony. We were done with that by 11:15am and got the report at 5:30 PM same day.

I would recommend Dr. Jain as he turned out to be very nice, contrary to what others had experienced with him earlier. His clinic is in his house and not kept that well.

We went to Delhi Photo Studio for photographs. Rupees 100 for 4 photos and we got it in 15 mins. Delhi Photo Studio is in Janpath and seemed pretty good.

On the interview day we reached at 8:10 am and were allowed in after a thorough search of our bags. We had 2 laptop bags and a ladies purse. All were allowed in. At 8:25am one member from the family of first time applicants were asked to stand in the line. We were told to go to Window 15 and were asked to show the appointment letter. The guy behind the counter saw the letter and asked how much I had paid at NVC and then gave a slip to pay the issuance fees for $65 each. Then the guard told me to sit and wait for the cashier counter to open. It was supposed to open at 9 am but opened 10 mins early ! I paid the fees in US Dollars (had not carried any drafts) was done by 9:15 am.

I then went back and sat with my wife. At 9:55 am we were called at Window 14. A Lady Indian immigration officer asked for the documents:
For Me :

-- ds 230 II
-- employment letter
-- my H1 Ext Receipt (She noted something on my file)
-- marriage & birth cert copy (Saw original, kept the photocopy)
-- US PCC (asked for Local PCC but did not insist)
-- Photographs
-- Passport
-- 2001 Tax Return (Gave the IRS transcript)
-- Was made to sign a piece of paper that I will join my sponsoring employer on reaching US and if my plans change, I will inform the embassy.

For my Wife :

-- ds 230 II
-- marriage & birth cert copy (Saw original, kept the photocopy)
-- US PCC (asked for Local PCC but did not insist)
-- Photographs
-- Passport
-- I-134

We were then told to sit and wait to be called. We were called at 11:25 am by the American US immigration officer. She gave us the Oath and furiously asked us question for 6-7 mins. She asked the following questions:
To Me:

-- How long I have been working for my sponsoring employer?
-- What do I do?
-- What applications do I work on (was asked to name them)?
-- Do I do coding?
-- What qualification do I have to do coding?
-- What languages and platform do I use?

For my wife:

-- She asked for her original H1B. (my wife is working in the US)
-- Why is she staying separate from me?
-- Why could she not find a job in the same state as mine? Any answer will not convince her.
-- Why did she come to the US on H4 and not on H1?
-- Was ours an arranged marraige or Love?
-- Where did we meet?
-- Were our parents present in the marraige?
-- She asked us to show the marraige photographs.

She asked us to come back at 5 pm.

She was pretty abrupt and rude. But who cares as long as she gives us the approval ! :D

We were back at 4:50 and our names were called at 5:15 pm. We got 2 packets( one for self and one for wife). As we were the second last, we could asses how many got approved. I think the approval was 75% of the cases. Most of the cases were family based.

My POE will be Newark ....

Would be glad to help any of you if I can.
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couple of questions..
- did you had to take any prior appt. for medical and photos?if so how many days before you called them?
- you said tax transcript, i went to irs for tax transcript and they have actually printed a copy of my full return and put a stamp on the first page. is this Ok?
thanks for your time,
my h1 got expired on 31st oct 2001.i do have a h1 extension.i know your h1 was also expired when you went for interview,do you think there might be any issues at interview bcoz of this ?


Good to hear about ur successful interview. It seems this american lady grills everybody by asking questions but is not satisfied at all.
Enjoy ur rest of the vacation.:)
Indi .... here is the answer to ur questions

I had taken the medical appointment ~10 days in advance .... my brother in law went in person and got it ... its ok to get it 4-5 days in advance.....

No appointment for photos .... if u plan to get the photos from Kumar Studios in South Ext Part-II then remember that he is closed on Mondays ...

I had just the receipt of H1 Ext and it caused no problems .. as u have the approval, it will be no problem at all ...

Tax transcripts with the stamp should do... I had actually requested the transcripts from the automated 800 number and it came with the letterhead of the IRS...
If u do a search on this forum u can get that number ... but urs will also work ...

Let me know if you have any more questions...
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Congratulations im9999

Please let us know when you are back here in US.
We are back here on 9th Aug without any isssues

you said that you estimated 75% approval? do you know of any emp based rejections that day? did you see anyone called for name checks?
Medical exam

im9999 thanks for all the info you have provided. I want to check with you also as this is something bothering me. In the medical exam with the doctor did he make you take off all your clothes. Did he go beyond the underwear? Sorry for asking such a question but it would be a great help if you can let me know.

If one has to take his wife then is there a lady doctor available?
yes he will go beyond the underwear !!

He doesn't ask u to take off the underwear but just puts his hands inside for a sec ...

as for the wife, he will ask her to wear a gown with the undergarments on ....

So stop being nervous and just relax .. after all he is a doctor !!!
do you remember the exact format of the document that you have signed at new delhi regadring joining current employer after coming back in US?

If yes, please tell me.

answers ...


As for the letter. It was a typed letter on a plain white paper with no letter head etc. All it said that on reaching the US, you will be joining the same employer that petioned for you. If there are any changes in the plan to join that employer, then you would be informing the Embassy immediately.


Sorry for this late response. Almost all the cases seemed family based. There were a few that were adoption cases too. Those rejected did look like family based ...If you are rejected, u get a white sheet of paper specifying the reason for denial.... if u get the visa then u get a big packet .... If there were some name check cases then they would also have got that white paper explaining that ... i could not make out if htere were any that day ...
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