successful CP mumbai 20 Nov


Registered Users (C)
thanx to everyones help in this forum.
i had a successful CP at mumbai on 20th nov.

i did my medicals at hinduja. it was very straightforward.

procedure at consulate was very straightforward.
no questions asked.
no additional documents asked. only basic documents were

just make sure all ur basic documents are in order.

i am in india till another 10 days.
will send more info when i reach US on 6th dec


What is your POE?

Please post your detailed experience including POE..

Tme between 1-140 and interview

Q1. How long did it take after approval of I-140 to getting the interview date?

Q2. Did you get your P4 through your laywer in US or was it mailed to your local address in India?

Thanks in advance.
Details of medical/CP/POE

hi all,
i completed my POE also.
medical on 14 nov in hinduja ( mumbai )
CP interview on 19 Nov in mumbai consulate
POE on 6th Dec in SFO

summary : It was all very straightforward. just make sure u have
all the basic documentation.

medical :
( i dont remember the exact floors , but dont worry insructions given are very clear )
we ( me and my wife ) went to hinduja at 7 a.m. old bldg reception. they took the money ( 1700 per person ). we didnt have to pay any additional money. then sent us to 4th floor.
there we had 2 vaccines ( DPT and tetanus ). the nurse only wanted to see any recent vaccination records , we didnt have any.
then they made us wait for about 1/2 hour, then took blood.
then again wait for 1/2 hour.
there were about 20 people and they were completed all steps for everyone together. mostly all were family based.
then we had to go to the new bldg. 1st floor for Xray.
once that was done by 9-30 we were out.
we were told to come back at 1-30 on 2nd floor of old bldg.
there we had to wait about 15 mins. a physician examined me and my wife.
examintation was for 2 minutes. did basic checkup, asked if we had TB . we said no.
then we waited out for 5 minutes and got out reports along with the Xrays.

consulate interview :
our interview was at 9-30 we reached around 8-30. the guard let us in. we didnt go too early since i read on this newsite that for some people the guard didnt let them in early.
by this time a whole bunch of people were there for immigrant visa. about 20 to 25. i think only about 3-4 were employment based.
there is a lady at the door who asked us to go to window 10.
we gave our appointment letter. we were asked if we had paid the fees . we said we had paid it in US. $335 each. then we were told to wait.
we waited for almost 3 hours. then we were called at window 10.
window 10,11,12 is where they call ur name and take all the documentation. for every applicant this takes between 15 mins to 45 mins , since some family based applicants had 4 or 5 people.

we were only asked for the basic documents.
no additional documents, e.g. tax forms, bank statements, paychecks,certificates were asked. also, no local PCC was asked.
i only had one from indian consulate in SFO.
i was asked to give my original H1 since my visa stamp on passport had expired.
were told to correct india address on DS230 part1.
then we waited for about 1/2 hour.
there is sandwich and tea inside. we had tea since it was quite cold due to the Air conditioning.
then we were called at window 9. we took oath. no questions asked. we were told to come at 3-30 and collect the visas. was given back my H1 at this point.

for most people , after collecting documents, they had to wait more than an hour before being called to window 9, but we were called within 1/2 hour. i am guessing that this is because most were family based and there are probably more documents involved to be checked.

anyway, we came at 3-10 and stood in queue. this was the worst part. it was very hot and very dusty. make sure u get a cap and a water bottle.
at 3-30 they gave nonimmigrant visas. we had to wait till almost 4 when we got our visas. we checked them for mistakes. there were none :). got the 2 sealed envelopes with visa stamps and the passports back.

POE at san francisco.
we went to the new immigrant queue. we were the first in line. the officer looked at the 2 sealed envelopes and took fingerprints and gave stamps on passport. took about 10 minutes. u dont need to fill in the I-94 forms. u need to fill in the customs form.

thanx for everyones help on this forum.
good luck!