Successful CP + Medicals, Mumbai 6/22-7/8 with name check

Medicals - appointment + tests

I was supposed to travel on 6/15 arriving Mumbai 6/16 and to go to medicals on 6/17.

I reached airport on 15th and e'thing was fine. About 15 mins before the flight time, they announced beacause of the thunderstorm all the flights will be delayed by 45 mins.

After 45 mins. they announced that because of thunderstorms in Detriot the flight is delayed by another 45 mins. I was sure that the connecting flight to Amsterdam and in turn to Mumbai will be missed.

After 45 mins. they announced that the they cannot find the crew to fly the plane! So they cancelled the flight till next day morning. But I was able to secure later flights on 16th.

Came home (courtsey 2 way cab fares from the airline) and asked my dad to postpone the medical appt. by a day.

Hinduja people did not have any problem in re-scheduling.

I reached Mumbai 17th night. I had a booking at Metro Preetam in Dadar for Rs. 2500/- + 10% tax. I checked in to the hotel with my wife. Caught up with about 5 hrs. of sleep. Checked out of hotel at 7:00. OK hotel, equivalent to a room you would get for about $65 in US.

Took a cab for Hinduja (10 min. drive). It was raining hard then. The cabbie dropped at the new bulding. Imp: For Hinduja you need to go to the old building, right across the street.

There are many counters for reception. Stood in one of them after filling in the form. Tip: Hinduja takes Visa and MasterCard for medical fees. They checked the appt. schedule and passports and gave receipts to go to the top floor and instructed to wait in the waiting room (tv room). Our name got called in 15 mins.

The Nurse asked for vaccines and I said I had MMR about 9 yrs. back. So they administered it to us anyway. No other vaccines. Tip : Don't sweat for your previous vaccination reports, only MMR will be administered. The vaccination card given at the end will mention that becaue of the age of the applicant other vaccines are not suitable. Nurse drew the blood. Tip: If you know if your veins are hard to trace, just tell the guy drawing the blood and he'll appropriately take it. Per my wife, one of the few who could draw here blood on the first go (with baby needle) Height and Weight were measured and were asked to wait back in the waiting room.

Once the above procedure was over for all the applicants the applicants were marched to the x-ray room in :rolleyes: in a single file. After waiting, the X-Ray doctor took the X-rays. All this was over by 9:30. We were asked to come at 1:30.

When we came at 1:30, waited for about 45 mins on 1st floor and they called us in. The doctor looked at the throat and chest and out in few mins. Within 15 mins the sealed medical reports and X-rays were delivered. All over by 3:00 PM.

Note : You passport will be checked about 10 times in the entire process :p

In the gap between 9:30 and 1:30 took a cab to the US consulate. App. meter fare about Rs. 100. Got our pictures taken at the "My own photo studio" Rs. 150/- per person for 8 pics (only 3 are reqd.) for next day service. The studio is about 5 mins walk south of the consulate in the direction of the park and Walkeshwar. Also had yummy cold coffee with ice-cream at the 'Right Place' (5 min walk from the consulate in the other direction of the photo studio) - Highly recommeded along with it's Grilled Vegetable sandwich.

The meter fare for cab ride back from Walkeshwar (dropped into a few folks place) to Hinduja was about Rs. 200. If you desire you can also check out the Mumbai's significant SiddhiVinayak (Ganpati) temple about 10 mins. from Hinduja. Don't go on Tuesdays though, if you cannot handle the crowd :D

Tip: If you can manage, you can negotiate the cab fares with the cabbie for quite lower than the meter fare beforehand.
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D-day - 6/22 - Interview, not quite.

Flew into Mumbai in the afternoon of the day before interview.

Went to SiddhiVinayak temple, app. cab meter fare Rs. 100. From there went to the "My own photo studio" to pick up the pics. App. cab meter fare Rs. 100.

Got the pics and after hopping at a few folks place, settled at and Aunt's place near Mumbai Central (10 min. cab ride from consulate). Reached the consulate at about 8:15 (Don't do that, though) and stood in the line.

My wife's purse was handed over to a stranger as they would not allow in in. Lucklily took out all the money and cards before handing over. Security and then stood in a line insided and the lady took the appt. letter and asked us to wait.

Boy was it a long wait.

We waited and waited and waited and waited .....
At 12:15 we were called at one of the windows. The fellow, asked for the following from me :
  • ds230 - 2
  • PCC
  • Medical reports
  • Passport
  • Birth Certificate - copy, returned orig
  • Marriage Cert - copy, returned orig
  • Employment Letter

Same for my wife plus the I-134 (minus employment letter)

Asked me the name of the company. Also took my original current H1, top & bottom.

After that we returned to the waiting area. Within 15 mins. we were called at the counsel officer's window. It seemed that it was getting late for them, she asked both of us to swear that all the info. is correct and asked us to sign on DS230-2. No other Qs asked. Said that my wife required name check clearance and will take about a week. Offered the option of taking both the visas together or issue mine and my wife's later. I opted for the former. She then asked if we were going seperately, I said together. Then she discussed with the interpreter along with her and said that both will be issued later. So she said that collect both of them together after the name check clearance.

Got out, could not find the lady to whom we gave my wife's purse (Boy was I in trouble ... :eek: )

Again had the Veg. grilled sandwich at the 'Right Place' followed by Cold Coffee with icecream.

Swinged by the Mahalaxhmi temple.
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Congratualtions !!!!

Excellent info. Hope your POE goes very smooth.

I am gathering all the cpers experience in different thread so I hope you don't mind if I copy yours.

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Name Check clearance

I tried calling the consulate on Friday (after the interview on Tuesday), but to no avail.

Monday morning, even before my eyes opened, my fingers were dialing the consulate nos. on my mobile phone. After about 35 mins. I was able to get through.

I talked with the gentleman on line and he informed me that the clearance has being recd. But the consulate was not entertaining the pending IV cases for the next 3 days. We were heading out of town and with the July 4th coming, I decided to go to Mumbai on following Wed.

Reached Mumbai on Tuesday night, directly from our vacation spot. Caught a cab to Mumbai Central (negotiated fare R. 250). Crashed at the aunt's place. Since I was told to come after 7:45 and I did not have any other documents to submit, I decided to go around 9:00.

But the lady at the entrance did not allow me to go in, even after so much pleading. (I'll keep my feelings out of this for the time being :( ) . Asked to come back next day. So visited the family in the suburbs (Eventually, I was destined to travel in the local .... :rolleyes: ). Resolved to go the consulate before time the next day.

Moral : To all, even if they say after reach before ...

Also got a chance to talk to our forum member kd1403 over the phone out here.
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Visa issuance.

Reached the consulate at 7:30 in the morning.

Stood in the line for about 20 mins. Went in at about 7:50. Was asked to stand in the queue for pending cases. Was called in after about 10 mins. The fellow took the 'pending paper' (which was issued on the 1st visit, after being told that about the name check) and went in. (I assume checked the status and ) Came back and issued a token and asked to come back at 2:30. "Normally there should not be a problem" were his words.

I was at my aunt's place by 8:15. Came back at to the consulate at about 2:30. Spent a very long half hour waiting for them to call the IV cases. About 3, at the visa hand out counter outisde the consulate, the fellow at the window conveyed that to collect the visa at 3:30.

Spent another loonnnggggg half hour sitting under the tree across the consulsate.

Finally about 3:45, the visa packets were in my hand. Checked the details on the same and left for the airport to catch the flight to my home town.

An weird thing happened at the (domestic) airport. There was an unidentified piece of baggage and they sealed the airport off for about 45 mins. Got the bomb squad, etc. to check it out.
alren said:
An weird thing happened at the (domestic) airport. There was an unidentified piece of baggage and they sealed the airport off for about 45 mins. Got the bomb squad, etc. to check it out.

{ Looks like you are prone to NEW ADVENTURES always !!!

Good Luck for your POE }
hey alren:

I did enjoy talking to you last week but sure enough your posting above are pretty interessssssting. Have you ever considered script writing for hindi movies? Only someone like you will understand the importance and value of GC And not someone like myself who got the entire gc done in 18 months flat with no hiccups ever (touchwood). keep us posted on your poe which i am guessing is sometime this week!
kd1403 said:
hey alren:

I did enjoy talking to you last week but sure enough your posting above are pretty interessssssting. Have you ever considered script writing for hindi movies? Only someone like you will understand the importance and value of GC And not someone like myself who got the entire gc done in 18 months flat with no hiccups ever (touchwood). keep us posted on your poe which i am guessing is sometime this week!

The feeling is mutual. Hope to talk to you in a different associaiton in future ... ;)

Thanks for your compliments. Following your suggestion I have fixed up appt. with KC Bokadia, Subhash Ghai and Chopras ... :D

I'll post the POE stuff in this thread sometime next week.

alren said:
Following your suggestion I have fixed up appt. with KC Bokadia, Subhash Ghai and Chopras ... :D

{ I think they are specialised in making Romantic movies not adventure movies }


Hey, Congratulations! How about starting a new thread for people with POE waiting for plastic card.
Hi Alren
Sorry i am very late in congratulating. actually out of touch with the forum becoz of moving.
I was so eagerly waiting for your approval as if its mine,and extremely happy to see that finally its over............
It happens when u r in the same boat, i guess.
Anyway CONGRATS!!!!!!!
Hope u'll still keep on helping us with our issues.

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jigesh, anushiri and amol.

Thanks. Had a smooth POE at Detriot yest. Some other exciting incidents I'll post in sometime later, once I get in the groove.

I am sure a whole bunch of folks are awaiting details around your POE and the upcoming party on the florida beaches!
Leaving India & POE

I'm sure you'll be intrigued by "Leaving India" part of the title.

Arrived BOM, by the Jet Airways flt. Was not able to do through checkin beacause I had a e-tkt. else I would have got all the baggage and boarding pass before BOM. Jet gives boarding passes for Northwest/KLM flts BOM onwards from your point of origin. Tip : If for $20/- more you can get an international paper tkt. go for it. Is worth the money.

Checked in. After about couple of hours went through the Indian immigration. Wife went through a different inspector and was through. The guy at my counter started questioning about PCC. Unfortunately I did not have the copy of PCC in the file. Got caught totally unware by this curveball. So 2 small green bapus and 1 Jackson later was on my merry way past immigration. Moral : Keep the copies of all the docs. on your, irrespective of the significance

A couple of late flts. later arrived in Detroit. Was asked to stand in the Visitors line. The officer enters the data and asks to got the counter for "special processing". The lady in charge of our case was cool. Asked us what name do we want on the GC and where do we want it mailed. Circled a few things on the IV (like A no., category etc.). Took our finger prints and signature on a form. She opened the packet stapled all the stuff together with the enclosed pics. Asked if my wife was coming later. I "politely" pointed out that her pkt. was next to mine and she's standing next to me. :D :rolleyes: . She was emberrased for a fraction of a second.

Finally stamped the date of entry, I551 and the date a year from now on the 551 stamp.

And my blood pressure must have dropped by 20 pts. and my heart rate must have gone down by 20 beats. A sigh of relief. Was advised that you will get the card in 6-9 mos. You need to stay in US to maintain the GC. You can visit India and other countires, but make sure you stay in US for majority of the time.

(As a side note, the other special processing officer was v. rude. There was a family of 4 with kids. The kids were playing around the counters and going into different counters. The officer was annoyed and warned this IV fellow and wife that if you do not control your kids, I'll send you to the end of line. Don't waste my time).

6 hr. wait in DTW. Since I had nothing better to do, messed with the airline people and squeezed the calling cards, meal vouchers, and cab fare from airport to home (last one was the most hassle). Boarded the flt. for home.

Still the reality has not sunk in ...
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Welcome to the US. Doesn't it feel like you are starting a new life. Congrats. By the way the welcome notice comes in about 2 weeks and the actual card in 2-3 weeks. Got my card in 18 days. Now U can chill out.