Successful CP interview and POE (Mumbai consulate)


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Hi All,
We successfully completed our CP on june 25th.
Returned to the US yesterday.
Will take questions, if any, during the next week.

Medicals - Lilavati.
Would highly recommend it.No problems at all.
Documents required:
proof of previous vaccinations (if any)
2 passport photos,
original appointment letter,
original passport
Rs. 1700 + whatever money maybe needed for additional tests.

They called us at 7am, we were there at 6.58 and the office opened promptly at 7.02 am. I was amazed 'coz I was expecting everything to run as per IST. Took our papers - blood samples, BP, height and weight etc - XRay - made us wait - doctor's examination - made us wait for a long time - then gave us the required shots - we were done by noon.
Collected reports at 4pm.
Overall very cool but please be on time since I saw them scold some family based GC candidates who showed up at 8.20 for a 7.30 apptmt.

Had appt at 9.30 am.
Reached at 8.40 and were allowed in.
Ladies handbags are not allowed.
Minor airport style security check in procedure.
A lady at the door asked us to go to counter #13.
But there we were told to go to counter #10 since we'd already paid the $260 in the US.
We were told to sit down since the lady could not find our file. (!!)
After 1/2 an hour she announced our name - when we went back she said the file was found and we should sit down and wait for our name to be called.
We waited till 11 am almost (had fun playing hangman). Finally our name was called.

She just asked "Give me all documents for primary applicant"
All they took were the docs mentioned in the packet 4 for both.
IRS 9003 was not required. Local PCC was not specifically asked for but we had it so we just submitted it.
Asked us to change the address in DS230 part I #13 to
Indian address.
If your mother's first name was changed after marriage
they asked us to keep the current first name and only put the old last name.
She waited patienly while we did all this.

Wait some more.
Name called again - this time in a closed "interview" window with an american guy.
Asked for our passports - cancelled our H1 visas.
Then we were asked to raise our right hand and take the oath.
We signed the DS230 part II.
That's it.

Paid 65 dollars and were asked to come at 4pm.

No problems at time of collection but please be on time. If you are not present when they start delivering they wil ask you to come the next day even though the window is open.

POE was very straightforward. No XRays required anywhere. Just your passports and the sealed docs from the consulate. Took a total of 5-7 minutes. They ask you to sign in 2 places, take your fingerprints and give you the stamp. Veryify everything on the I 551 stamp is correct.
COOL!!!, Congratulations!!!!

Got relief, since no local PCC. Thanks for posting detailed experience. So we have to arrange documents according to P4, thats good. Also they didn't asked any other documents, but what about birth and amrriage certificates? did they ask for that?

Congrats!!! One Q.

Did they ask you to sign document which says you will go back & work for sponsering employer?
Just curious
Did you have your spouse's name (and vice-versa) in your passports ? I dont beleive any CPer's have ammended their passports to include this.
Re: Congrats!!! One Q.

Yes they did.
It says that you will work for the same employer and that you will let them know if you hear anything adverse about your employment before you leave for the US.
Guess it's because they think you are going for the first time.

Originally posted by satishdave
Did they ask you to sign document which says you will go back & work for sponsering employer?
Just curious
I did since my passport had expired.
Spouse did not have my name though.
Don't think it's needed.

Originally posted by Moulin Rouge
Did you have your spouse's name (and vice-versa) in your passports ? I dont beleive any CPer's have ammended their passports to include this.
Re: COOL!!!, Congratulations!!!!

Of course they asked for birth certificate and marriage certificate and I134 (document of support for spouse).
Everything mentioned in the P4 is required.
Hope this helps.

Originally posted by svj
Got relief, since no local PCC. Thanks for posting detailed experience. So we have to arrange documents according to P4, thats good. Also they didn't asked any other documents, but what about birth and amrriage certificates? did they ask for that?


Congrats Dolphin! and thanks for your tips regarding medicals.
What was your POE? I am in the process of fixing tickets.
Any idea how is detroit for POE?

should that be issue in taking tickets?
Any view?

If my flight is from Mumbai to Detroit to Columbus
what will be my port of entry, Detroit or Columbus?
Detroit right?

Re: Congrats!

POE was Detroit too. No problems whatsoever. Took a total of 5 mins. POE = first city in the US. So your POE will be Detroit.

Originally posted by subbu55
Congrats Dolphin! and thanks for your tips regarding medicals.
What was your POE? I am in the process of fixing tickets.
Any idea how is detroit for POE?

should that be issue in taking tickets?
Any view?

If my flight is from Mumbai to Detroit to Columbus
what will be my port of entry, Detroit or Columbus?
Detroit right?

Demand Draft queries.

Thanks Dolphin for your reply.
I searched the site tof ind answers of the questions you asked in May/June.

Questions about Demand Draft and banks in bombay.
1. Where exactly is this indian overseas bank?
Can anyone post the address and directions.

2. Are there any other banks available out there as backup options.
Please post approx directions.

3. Does the draft have to be drawn on the day of the interview?
Or can I get it done a week ahead of time, when I go for my meidcals?

4. What times do these banks open? How did previous CPers manage to get the draft before their morning interview time?

Can u please answer these for me OR point me to answers of these questions along with your new inputs/ suggestions.

Thanks !!
Re: Demand Draft queries.

Don't worry too much about the bank. The draft has to drawn through any 'nationalized bank' - not necessarily at Indian Overseas Bank.

We got ours at Bank of India a couple of days before the interview. Give this process enough time - it's not as straight forward as a US bank. It took me about 1.5 hour to get the draft.

FYI, Indian Overseas Bank is bang opposite the Mumbai Consulate.

Originally posted by subbu55
Thanks Dolphin for your reply.
I searched the site tof ind answers of the questions you asked in May/June.

Questions about Demand Draft and banks in bombay.
1. Where exactly is this indian overseas bank?
Can anyone post the address and directions.

2. Are there any other banks available out there as backup options.
Please post approx directions.

3. Does the draft have to be drawn on the day of the interview?
Or can I get it done a week ahead of time, when I go for my meidcals?

4. What times do these banks open? How did previous CPers manage to get the draft before their morning interview time?

Can u please answer these for me OR point me to answers of these questions along with your new inputs/ suggestions.

Thanks !!
Thanks dolphin for yor response

I dont want to keep anything till last day. I will prefer doing it 2 days in advance.
I should take dd of $130
(including me and my wife or should i have 2 dds of 65 each?

HOw did you pay for it in bank?in RS. or by our card here in $ ?

Re: Thanks dolphin for yor response

We had 2 DDs of Rs. 3,185 (65*49 at the time) each, but we were told that 1 DD/family with the total was also okay. The DDs were drawn in equivalent Rs.

Originally posted by subbu55
I dont want to keep anything till last day. I will prefer doing it 2 days in advance.
I should take dd of $130
(including me and my wife or should i have 2 dds of 65 each?

HOw did you pay for it in bank?in RS. or by our card here in $ ?

Interview date

Hi All,

It seems some of you reside in Detroit and had the CP in Mumbai. I am in the same boat. I just received my I-140 approval today and wanted to know when I can expect an interview date. Does it take 3/4/5 months or more? Also, how much in advance will they let me know? For example, will I be informed in September that my interview is scheduled for October? Is there a web site where I can check my assigned date?

I also got my PCC from the Indian Consulate in Chicago this week. In addition to that, do I need any other clearance from Mumbai (local police station)?

Re: Interview date


Check out
You will find all the info you need out there.

I think it will take 5 months after the I 140 for the actual interview. (So most likely November)
CP interviews are *usually* scheduled after the 15th of the month. They put it on the website by the 15th of the previous month.

But you can email them arond the 5th and get your date. (

Local PCC was not specifially asked for by the consulate - but they change their mind every other day. So if you can try to get a PCC from Bombay police as well. Ask on this board - I'm sure there are people who have done this before.

Originally posted by sun_shine
Hi All,

It seems some of you reside in Detroit and had the CP in Mumbai. I am in the same boat. I just received my I-140 approval today and wanted to know when I can expect an interview date. Does it take 3/4/5 months or more? Also, how much in advance will they let me know? For example, will I be informed in September that my interview is scheduled for October? Is there a web site where I can check my assigned date?

I also got my PCC from the Indian Consulate in Chicago this week. In addition to that, do I need any other clearance from Mumbai (local police station)?

Re: Thanks!

PD = Priority Date.
Try reading up
I think they have an acronym guide someplace.

Originally posted by sun_shine
BTW what does "PD" stand for on the web site? There are some other acronyms too which I am confused about. Is there a guide to that page somewhere?