Successful CP at Mumbai on 29th May,02


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I had successful CP at Mumbai. Mine was AC I-140 case. The whole process was very smooth and as described by others in this forum.

I was not asked PCC from local PS. However, I had obtained that in view of the recent changes as notified by others. The interview lasted less than a minute. 2-3 normal questions such as which employer are you working with and where you intend to work when you arrive in US.

I can answer questions if anybody has.
Congrats lprasad! - Some Questions.

First of all thanks for posting and offering to answer questions.

1. Did you have to fill in the I 134 for your spouse?
Did you take supporting documents such as bank statements, house ownership documents etc to prove that you would be able to support your spouse?

2. Is I 134 required even if your spouse is working full time? Did you get it notarized.

3.Did they ask for tax transcripts / returns?
Our 2001 returns are still not showing up in IRS system. I do have photocopies but no official transcripts for 2001.

4. Did you need a sailing permit?

5. What documents did you need to submit to obtain a local PCC?

Appreciate your help.
My 2 cents

1 & 2) You need I-134 even if your spouse is working. Its always good to have bank statement etc. to rove any statment we made in our visa process. In general they do not ask but sometimes they do.

3) Tax returns are ok.

4) Sailing permit is not part on CP interview. While leaving US or entering back they may ask. In general they do not.

5) I am in process of obtaining my loacl PCC you need passport copy, two photo, supporting paper showing your residency & better include PCC fron Consulate. Well this criteria vary in each state but more or less same.
watchTSC answered all your questions

I would like to tell you that they ask about local PCC on case to t case basis. In my case I had local PCC and they did not ask. But it would be better to carry with you. Also carry all supporting documents for I-134 such as bank statements etc for the last 3 months. They even did not ask IRS 9001 yellow form.
lprasad, congrats and few questions on local PCC

whats the procedure for getting local PCC?
do we have to obtain PCC from police head office or local police station in your suburb?
how long did it take to get local PCC?
can some one else apply and collect it on my behalf? If so do you know how?

and enjoy your freedom!


I think you are right on local PCC. They seem to ask for some cases only. I sent them a note regarding that they replied it is not ncecessary because I live in USA.

Any way, if I need to take local PCC, that should be the local Police Statiion which covers the Passport address OR district Police office (Superintendent of Police)?

Question abt AC I-140

Congrats I prasad!
I have a question abt ACI-140---
When did u or ur lawyer applied for ACI-140? Do u need to send after getting I-140 approval or before? Can u please write in detail abt this process?
l prasad, can share your experience

about immunzations? Is it a good idea to have the immunizations here in U.S. or better to have all done in India?
you can get immunizations in US if you want

YOu need to get MMR and DT (Diptheria & Tetnus). If you can show proof of these immunizations they won\'t give them to you in India.
time between medical and interview

How much time did you need between the medical and consulate appointments? Thanks.

I\'m expecting a call in July.

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not necessarily. You can definitely get immunizations done in the US if you can. It will save you some time in India. But the rest - physical and blood tests you will have to do in India.
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my interview was on May 22. I got medicals done on May 17. I would keep at least 2 working days before and after interview free.