Successful Ac140 @delhi ( i485 to ac140 case)


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Hi! All,

Finally completed the green card approval process journey.

I interviewed on Nov25, got approval the same day. Traveled back to US on dec1st. The port of entry was New York. The stamping was pretty smooth. Now I am waiting only for the actual card to arrive.

Interview experience

* Scheduled interview was on Nov 18th. I had requested a later date due to personal reason by email. I was told that I could attend any working day in November. I planned to attend on Nov 24or 25 depending upon when I get my medical results.
* Reached Delhi on Nov 22nd early morning. Went for medical the same day at Apollo hospital
* Got medical results on Nov 24th.
* Went for interview on Nov 25th with my husband. Reached consulate at 8Am. Was in by 8:30.
* My interview letter was taken and asked to sit while my name was called
* The consulate had Hindi songs playing on TV so wait was not very painful due to the entertainment
* At 9:30 my name was called and my husband and I went to give our documents. After that we were asked to sit and wait again.
* At around 10:45- 11:00 Am we were called for our interview.

The officer asked me about my job responsibility. I gave her the details. Then she asked my husband about when we got married, what he does in US? How long he has been there? Why did he go to US on visitor visa before he got H1B? What he was doing in Qatar and UAE? At this I started laughing and she said that she understands why I am laughing as I am asking him more question while I am the primary. Then she asked me why I had stamped one of my H1B visa from Mexico. I gave her the reason for that. She asked me why my petition company name was different that current employment letter. I told her my company was acquired and gave her the successor in interest letter from my company. She asked me about my current status also and I provided her the advance parole. Then she congratulated and informed us that she was issuing us the immigrant visa and we should collect it at 4:30 in the evening. We collected the visa in the evening.

On December 1st we flew in to New York and handed the INS officer our immigrant visa package and advance parole. He stamped our passport. After that we were sent in to the office with red folder. They took our advance parole and send the papers to another room where an officer called our name, asked us to sign and took a fingerprint of our index finger and we were done.

Now all we have to do is wait for our plastic cards. Hope that comes in a timely fashion.



Congratulations to you and your husband for a successful interview. Plastic cards should arrive in next 3 to 4 weeks.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

It will be nice if you also share your AC-140 process experience. Like how things processed in US and when your packet was sent to US Consulate, New Delhi? Time taken in each step and other experience that might benefit other AC-140 applicants.

Good Luck.
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Thanks cpdelhi

Below are the details of my AC140 experience

* The toughest part was to convince my employer and lawyers

* Once that was done, my empployer applied for I824. I got the receipt after about 20 days. It took me about 1 -1.5 months to get all the documents ready for submission from the time i learnt about AC140 process.

* I had hand delivered my package on August 25th ( as I was in delhi at the time). This was really simple and sure way to get the package to the consulate.

* I called them up after a week from August 25th and they gave me a case number and told me that tentatively my interview will be in november

* I came back to US on September 15th.

* I received the interview letter in October with November 18th interview date

* i requested a date change and the rest is in the mail above

I wish I had known about AC140 earlier. It was a simple and very straightforward process.

Infact in my case i had been working for company A when my 140 was filed. My company changed their name to B during 140 processing (I think they did file the name change). There was no issue. In the begining of this year B was acquired by Company C. So during my interview I had employement letter from Company C along with a succesor in interest letter which worked fine.

Let me know if you have any questions and I will be glad to help. This forum gave me the knowledge about AC140 that helped me complete the process much faster that it would have if I had stayed with I485.


My interview is scheduled at Delhi embassy later this month. I am trying to figure out where to go for the medical exam. You mentioned you went to Apollo. Could you please provide some details of your experience including how you scheduled your exam.

Thanks paragm

I had asked my sister to call and setup my appointment.

My experience at Apollo was pretty good. My appointment was at 10:30 Am and I was done by 1- 1:30 in the afternoon. The test itself does not take long, there is just wait time between differnt tests. We had to get some vaccinations also.

Please Note:

* You have to go empty stomach for your test. After they do bloodwork and X-ray, they provide you with Breakfast.

* if you need to get tetanus vaccination, do not let them put it on your arm. We did and it took more than two days for the pain to go away and the arm was sore the whole time.

Let me know if you have any more questions.

Hi, can u little bit detail how u convinced your attorney and company for AC140.What eaxctly did u say to them.

thanx in advance

I used the help of my manager to convince the HR Manager. Told them that these yearly Ap and EAD renewals were painful and they also cost them money every year. I also agreed to pay the form expense for the Ac140 process. My attorney works for my company so the once the HR manager gave a go...he started helping me. He did tell me pros and cons for the process and all the risks and I told them that I am ready to take all the risk. My manager also pushed/helped me a lot and finally they agreed.
Originally posted by ashooash
[. Then she asked me why I had stamped one of my H1B visa from Mexico. I gave her the reason for that.


Congratulations on a successful outcome. I have just started the CP process. I have had several visa's stamped in India, but went to Mexico to get a H1B visa stamp before travelling to India(on my attorney's advice). I can visualise the same question during my interview and was just curious to know what reason you gave.

I don't think this question will come up but just in case it does I am sure you are creative enough to come up with a good answer such as

1. You were in the middle of a project where you could not come back to your home country but instead could go to mexico to get stamping done which was a 2 day job as opposed to a 1-2 week job!

2. Or something along those lines!

I had to do this as Fedex had lost my other passport and I needed to travel for a project. She asked me where the travel was and it was to bombay. she asked me why i didn't do it in india and I told her that I was from delhi but since i had come to india for a project, i did not have enough time to come to delhi and get it done. She was satisfied with my answer.

ashooash, kd1403:

Thanks for your input. I'll put on my thinking cap and indulge in some creative thinking.
I have a question regarding Form DS230 Part2 Item no. 31 which enquires about being charged, arrested or convicted for an offence etc. Do tickets received for speeding apply( not associated with DUI, actual physical arrest or a mandatory court appearance)? My friend did list these tickets on the advice of his attorney, the argument being that admitting guilt and paying the fine was similar to being convicted.

Any thoughts?

If is is a simple speeding ticket where there was no dui or criminal thing involved there is no need to check that box and absolutely no need to worry. If that was the case more than half that gc candidates would be checking that box for charged, arrested or convicted for an offence etc.

Remember it needs to be a felony or a serious offense such as cop tried to sttop and the person tried evading/ dui/ drugs/ imprisonment and so on!
AC 140, got case # from Delhi

Please help me, My case is registered & got case number but haven't got any indication about interview date.
How will I come to know about the interview date? Don't they give the interview date at the same time when they issue case number??

Please respond.


The interview date is sent 3-3.5 weeks before the interview. Howvere, you can call and get the date from the consulate over the phone.
Thank you Ashooash for responding.
I want to know one more thing from you, for PCC, can I get it from Indian Embassy in US? Or do I have to get it from local Police dept. in India??

Can you throw some light about DS-2002 form (Instructions for Immigrant Visa Application (2 pages)), 2nd page to be signed & return back to US Consulate Delhi?? In your case when did you receive it & what did you do with it?

Thanks once again for responding.

I want to know one more thing from you, for PCC, can I get it from Indian Embassy in US? Or do I have to get it from local Police dept. in India??

Answer: YEs you should be able to get your Indian PCC from Indian Embassy in usa. If you are expecting Feb interview then you should have already for your pcc at the indian embassy which covers your geographic jurisdiction. If you are in usa then only PCC issued by indian embassy is need to get it from local police in india!

Can you throw some light about DS-2002 form (Instructions for Immigrant Visa Application (2 pages)), 2nd page to be signed & return back to US Consulate Delhi?? In your case when did you receive it & what did you do with it?

Answer: I think you are talking about DS2001 (not 2002) form which looks like this
I do not think it is a required form since it is used more like a check list of documents that once needs to carry for the CP interview. I had carried a printout (from the internet since not provided in packet 4) for my cp interview in october 2003 but was not asked for! I suggest carry it with you and if asked provide it to the person collecting your document inside the consulate prior to your cp interview.