Succesful OCT Interview


Registered Users (C)

Just finished my interview today. Was very simple as indicated in these forums.

Questions asked were
1. Nature of Job
2. Number of years in the US and with the present company
3. Current Salary
4. Brief company details
Chennai sends passports only by courier. No personal pickup is allowed.

The whole process was a bit more than 4 hours. Lot of Non-Immigrant visa applications.

Only Originals that were required to be presented by me were 1. Marriage Certificate 2. My birth certificate.

On DS 230 form Part II - I was asked to replace the words N/A with None ( Just thought will let you guys know)

Photographs - Please go to Kodak Laboratory on nungambakkam road - 5 minute walk from US Consulate (( There is a Konica
Photo studio also next door - They gave me the wrong size photographs)

Transparent folders are not a must. You can carry a Black bag also - as long as it can be easily opened and contents verified.

NO Cell Phones, calculators, pagers, PDA, Floppy etc.. ( You get the idea) allowed inside the Consulate

30 minutes before the interview is sufficient time. No need to wait in line. Take help from the security guard. Other people who are waiting get pretty hostiler when you try to approach the front counter.

More later

Cheers - Jkaipa
Congratulations - feels good to have finally completed the process, doesn't it?!? :D


Just an update.

Entered the US thru Boston Airport yesterday.

Only two questions - (1) name of the company that processed the petition (2) Do you still work for them.

One peice of advise - Pls carry Photographs you had submitted to the consulate. I was asked if I had a extra photograph as one I had stapled to my passport got some ink on it.

Good Luck

Successful CP interview in Chennai

Hi All,

My wife and I had a successful CP interview in Chennai (Oct-30) and we just got back to the US. My sincere thanks to the many members of this forum who have posted detailed lists of documents to carry and contact information for doctors, lab., photo studio, etc. These came in very handy since I only received the interview letter at my US address (no packet-4)

I carried all documents listed in the following post by "mbm". (Thanks, mbm)

We went to Dr. Vijaylakshmi for our exams. Since we had taken a copy of our immunization record from the US, most of the shots were waived. Be sure to take your immunization records, if any, from the US. These are definitely useful.

Our appointment at the consulate was at 9am. We were asked to submit our documents at 9:30am. Then we waited till 1pm to be called for the interview. The officer asked some general questions like the size of the company, nature of business and granted our visas. Our passports and immigrant packet arrived at our home in chennai the next day. Overall, it has been a very straight forward step.

Thanks everybody and good luck.

Hi kswaminathan and jkaipa:
Can you tell me if you are working in a small or large company. I am wondering if I should do CP since I am in a 7 employee company. I am a Canadian citizen and I guess my CP interview will be in Montreal/Toronto.
Thanks in advance for your response.