Succesful CP at Delhi


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Hello Friends,

I got my GC Processing succesfully done from Delhi. My POE was San Francisco and I was able to get the Temporary GC Permit.

Later today, I\'ll post a detail email with my experience and will share all of the steps which i went through with my GC.

I could not have get my GC, If Samind wasnt here on this message board. My special thanks goes to "Samind" for his help and advice to me. Interview was very tough. but i was able to get it through.

Thanks and will post a detail email.


Good Luck for future.
Waiting to hear your interview exp. Post the details about interview questions.
Congrates !!!!!!!!

Please post your details ASAP.
We all are thinking what was asked you there in Delhi consulate. Please let us every body know.

What was so tough in your interview as mentioned by U.......

Most interviews we read are cake-walks
where are u ??

Dude where did u lost after getting green card. You have promised to update all of us about "though interview" . So please update us....
Sorry. I was busy. (was parting with my friends)

ok. My interview was on November 13 and i reach Delhi on 11. My medical appointment was schedule with Dr.Jain in South Extension. Appointment time was 8 in the morning.

After reaching doctors office in the morning, I was asked to show the interview appointment letter, I was asked to fill some papers. Dr.Jain called me in for a checkup at 1:30 PM. Checkup lasted only for 5 minutes. Dr. measured my height,weight and gave me some anti-bacterial vacines. also he pulled my underwear and seen, whats not suppose to be seen by anybody. I guess, Dr.Jain was doing his job.. no hard feelings. anyway.

Dr.Jain provided me all the reports the same day.

Next morning, I went to the consulate at 8 and at the gate, the security asked for the appointment letter and let me in. We were asked to sit in a hall first and then were called one by one to come and deposit our interview letter. Once I did this, I was provided by a slip to pay the visa issuance fees. After paying the fees, We were waiting for our names to be called for the interview.

They were some 50 people waiting in the hall-way. My name was called at 12:45 and the gentleman at the counter was indian. He first asked my and company name. Then he asked to show the companys Annual and Quaterly report. After showing him this reports, he asked to show my financial bank statements. I was carrying all of my bank statements and also before leaving to india, I called my bank and requested them to provide me a verification letter stating that, i hold my account in good health and been banking with them for so and so years.

Gentelman at the counter read the letter very carefully and asked me to show my apartment lease papers. I showed him the papers. He collected all the papers (bank statements,apartment papers, stocks statements, company job offer letter, schooling certificates, degree certificate) and asked me to sit in the hall-way until further verification. After waiting for nearly 1 hour, he called my name again and said, they are doing some checking and will let me know in another 1 hour. I polietly said ok sir and started to wait.

After nearly 3 hours, he called my name again and this time, they was a white male who was holding all of my papers. the white guy looked very polite and very humble. White guy asked me, Since how long are you in us and whats company my name? and what are my skills? After answering to all of his questions, he asked me to provide my I-140 approval copy. I said, I\'m not carrying my I-140 approval copy as it wasnt listed in the list of items mentioned in the Packet-4. After hearing my answer, his face color changed and he started shouting, than what are you carrying? The documents what u have provided us are not sufficient for us to issue you a visa. You must have to get your Labour and I-140 copy. And also, We will call your employer HR and will enquire about your job status. I told them, They are welcome to call my HR. but i cannot provide the I-140 as its back in US. He was red and hot as if I stepped on his feet and than walked away from the counter. The indian gentlemen followed him and after 5 minutes both of them showed up again.

This time the american guy was cool. But indian guy started to raise stupid questions and started to argue with me. I kept my mood cool and did everything to answer there questions honestly. After for nearly 1 hour interogation, they asked me to show up tomorrow as they have to call US and do more investigation about my case. I left the embassy and went the other day.

Thanks god, that american guy wasnt around. I went to the counter showed him the letter what i was provided by the embassy and said, i\'m here to know, whats the status of my visa application. the gentleman name was "Malik Argun". He asked me to wait and went inside to get my file. He showed after 10 minutes with my file and asked me to deposit my passport. I was suspicious that, why are they asking my passport. I asked, makik, why do u need my passport? Malik replied, Dont you need visa? I was excited and replied, yes why not. then malik said, so leave your passport and pick up your visa in the evening.

while giving him the passport, i asked malik, what did the white guy did with my papers? Malik replied they called my company here in us and check all of my history. after being convince that i do not have any bad record, they have convinced and are ready to give me a visa.
I was very happy and said, thanks god and left the counter. evening when i went to the embassy, my name was called and was provided with a yellow packet with a visa paper outside and rest of my file papers were sealed in a envelop.

POE was very easy. the guy at the airport didnt asked me anything. took my finger-print and signature and stamped the temporary visa on my passport.

so this is what happened with me. isnt this scary? but if you have a geniune case, then u dont need to worry.
Ohh bOy! that was really tough

gald to see u back man....thought the buggers at consulate were playin typical hard cop, soft cop trick... trying to make u loose ur patience..i\'m glad u kep ur cool...Have Fun :)
Oracle_dba. Wow that was some experience. Anyway congrats on passing with flying colors.

Ever wonder why they had so many questions for you. Any inconsistencies in your forms etc...
Were you working for a small (little known) company?
Inputs will be appreciated.
Hey Oracle_dba

Can you please explain what kind of case you had? Was it a normal case or something different?

Please respond as your explanation will help lot of us here.

Further Inputs

Hi it seems u had real tough interview.... Company reports and Lease papers etc are tough to carry thing.

Please tell us which category E2/E3 and what type of case u had.

Hello Guys,

My case was a EB2 case and i my-self dont know, Why the consulate folks asked for all those company related stuff. But thanks god, I was able to get through that.

To tell you about my company, I work for Intel as a Chip Design engineer.

I was wondering, when would I be getting my plastic card? I\'m in california and would like to know, Whats the overall period to get a plastic card.

Note: I dont check this board that offen these days. But if you still have questions, I would be hapyp to come here and help.

Got GC

Hi Guys
I had a completely different experience at the embassy. I entered the embassy at 8:00 and was done by 9:30. I was not asked even a single question and the only documents they took from me were the forms
Employment letter, Birth certificate, marriage certificate
I plan to return by Dec 28