Subba Reddy Please Answer


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I did not get RFE info from my old lawyer till now???? What will be the my next step????

I learnt from AVM that I got RFE on 02/04/02 but I did\'t hear from my lawyer, please let me know with in how many days my attorney will receive it.

I changed my employer after 180 days, I am not sure how my old lawyer will co-operate to inform about my RFE. Is there any way to find out about RFE???

RD 02/01
ND 03/01
FP 05/01
EAD/AP 06/01
Did you Ask for your RFE from you old lawyer !!

if not ! then be proactive and call him. i am sure if he has it he will pass it on.

See response under your other posting.

BTW, there are people who\'s RFE was issued on Jan 31 as per AVM and had not received it yet. Please wait for some time. If
you bug the lawyer too much even before he has received it, he may just ignore it as he is no longer your attorney. I don\'t think that will happen. You will hear from your attorney soon. See my other posting.

Good luck.
higc: Hope you get RFE asap but meanwhile

call and inform INS that that old lawyer does not represnt you anymore so INS should send all corrospondence to you directly now on....
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Write or call your lawyer... it usally take 7 days from the date you hear the AVM update of your RFE. So do it.