Studying while I485 pending


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Studying Fulltime while I485 pending

Hi All,
I've filed I485 RD 09/30/2002 and ND 10/22/2002 and am currently waiting for EAD approval.
In the meantime I'm applying to B-schools and hopefully if my application is accepted then I've plans to do my MBA(fulltime) next year.
Most of the schools I'm applying to start their session late July/August ,2003.
Q1) My question to the forum what is the best approach I should follow if my 485 does'nt get approved by August,2003(which considering the current rate of approvals is quite possible)
Q2)If my I485 does'nt get approved by July,2003 then Can I join B-school(Fulltime) without affecting my Green Card status?
Q3) What are the options I have to save my Green Card status and at the same time join school fulltime
I also happen to have a H-1B from the sponsoring company valid till January 2005.
Any inputs will be highly appreciated..I've got wonderful inputs from people in this forum prior to filing I140 and I 485 and expect the same from the forum.
I would also love inputs from people who are in the same boat

Thank you all
and best of luck to each individual at whatever stage of their GC.

:) ;)
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What are B-schools???? I too might plan to do MBA after getting GC....
How did you go about getting the info for doing MBA? Any inputs will be higly appreciated........

And as ever..........goodluck with ur GC.....:)

If ur GC is employment based, and by the time u start ur school, if ur GC is not approved. I think that might jeopardise ur GC.

Since ur GC is based on employment, u should be employed till u get ur GC, right ?

I may be wrong. But this is what I think.
Hi Sudhi

Hello Sudhi,
Thanks for u'r input
Mine is an EB-2 case from VSC.
But I also know that there are people who had been in my situation last year and they managed to get their GC's(Employment based) successfully while studying at Wharton.
Surprisingly two people I came across are Indians and had been working in US on H-1B before

Through this forum I'm trying to reach people who have sucessfully done this kind of thing.
Also in the meantime I also welcome inputs from people who are aware of the safest approaches to the above.
as far as i know

once u are "terminated" your 485 is void but thats just my opinion.

You can probably ask your company to put you on leave without pay. That way you are still employed especially since you have a H1.

Wharton eh?Great. What is your GMAT score?

It might be true that somebody got the GC. But if u think of it, it sounds scary.
You may get approved without RFE. But what happens if u get an RFE for employment letter and pay stubs. or local transfer (touchwood, and i dont want that thing happening to u)

And also when u apply for Citizenship, that might create problems.
Just my 2 cents
Studying Fulltime while I485 pending

Hi Sudhi and Patience,
I appreciate u'r replies and concerns and I understand there are some risks involved.One sure risk is an RFE or the dreaded local transfer.
I've done some research before posting my queries to this forum.
I had managed to track down some people currently studying in wharton and got some idea how they did it.
You can log onto Wharton site and go to Student -2 -student chat sessions and under the heading "studying while on H-1" or "Indians at wharton",you will find my discussions ab't this issue with the some students.
Here's how one guy did it.
He like me had filed for 485 and also had an H-1 valid till 2003 end from sponsoring Company say (Company A).He(or rather another Company say Company B) applied for his H-1 with the same job description and title from Pennsylvania but with a part-time status.He got his MBA fees sponsored by the company
(that was an arrangement to maintain his status at Wharton and not changing into F-1).
If my understanding is correct Employee based Green Card process does not mention when you have to join the employer ,it has to be in the future so as long as you can prove that u'r intention was to join the employer you should be good.

I started this thread to explore the options of going for MBA while an adjustee,remember I still have a valid H-1 and I'm not planning to use my EAD.
Any discussions on this topic is welcome as it will help me choose my options.
Owing to my background ,GMAT and work experience I have a fair chance of getting thru one of the top schools and next year if that happens it would be a real trade off in terms of opportunity cost (MBA vs Green Card).I would like to do whatever is possible
and explore as much as possible before deciding upon anything.

Thank you once again Sudhi and PatienceGC for u'r inputs

I think leave without pay is one of the options I'm considering as I've good terms with my employer,thank u for telling me that.
My GMAT score : 720
Why don't you just go for the Exec. MBA program (Duke is excellent), alternatively the part time MBA. That way you are safe on the GC front and can also get your MBA and then get into I-banking, i.e. if IBanks ever sart hiring again.:D :mad: ;) :confused:

Here are my thoughts:

I would recommend postponing u'r MBA incase u don't get GC by that time or can't find a loop hole for some company to sponsor u as part time employee.

- GC will be of more use if u want to find a job etc unless u plan to go back to u'r home country after MBA.
- H1 will be big pain even if u'r are a studen't from a top B-school since the hiring employer has to take u again on H1.
- You will get one more yr of work experience and pocket money compared to B-school job, if u already have a job

I know it is a very important decision so let us know what u plan do.

BTW how r u planning to attack the interview/Essay part.

Do u really thing Exec MBA is going to add value.
I have heard that it is very costly and difficult to get a sponsoring company.

From what I have heard, Part-time and Exec MBA doesn't add value unless u'r sponsoring company is ready to give a plum post in their company. Other thing is u can't participate in Campus interviews etc
Studying Fulltime while I485 pending

Thanks for your inputs.
I value your comments and am of the same opinion for Exec MBA's as you are.First of all Exec MBA's are not only expensive but in some of the schools they have strict entry level restrictions viz 10 yrs of work ex,7yrs in a managerial position.....
I do not have those kind of qualifications.
Also I do not have the patience to do a part-time MBA,being in a city like NewyorkI have the opportunuties but I think right now I'm aiming for the top schools(fulltime) and it is my belief there is no equal to them.
That is entirely my opinion and opinions can differ,no offence to anyone.
So wish me luck guys and help me explore more possibilities for saving my GC process.
I'm doing not so bad with the essays and after I'm done with them I'm gonna evaluate them by professional people.I've signed up for their services.
A question : Are you also in the same boat,just curious !!!

Thank you all
Well, I was sort of in the same boat but have postponed my plans because of GC and some personal reasons.

BTW, who are the evaluation professionals and if u don't mind can u pls provide me with their contact info.

Anyway, I wouldn't be applying for next fall.

Let us know how u'r admission process is progressing. It would be great to know u'r experiences and share the ups and downs.

Did u see, U chic got into top-3 this yr in some areas. Hats off to the new Dean that he could pull it off.
Studying Fulltime while I485 pending

Hi PriyaGC,
Post u'r email ID or write to me at,
I will send u all the details as this does not pertain to the forum
,they are not expensive as the other services are and they also conduct mock interviews.

Meanwhile best of luck for u'r GC and if u change u'r mind Hopefully I'll see u in some MBA interview.
Best of luck...