Strange situation.....Please help........need your suggestion!!!!!!


New Member
Hello Members,
I am a GC holder for the last 14 months. Worked for sponsored employer for about 13 months, later resigned and joined another company one month back.

I am planning to invite my mother on B1 (tourist) visa. If I send my current employer details and pay stub, will the INS raise the question of 'intend to work for sponsored employer' being violated and will I stand a chance of getting GC revoked?.

What should I do to bring my mother here without affecting my GC?.

Appreciate a quick response as my mother planning to go to American Consulate on next Monday.

Thanks for your time........
Originally posted by Immi4us
Hello Members,
I am a GC holder for the last 14 months. Worked for sponsored employer for about 13 months, later resigned and joined another company one month back.

I am planning to invite my mother on B1 (tourist) visa. If I send my current employer details and pay stub, will the INS raise the question of 'intend to work for sponsored employer' being violated and will I stand a chance of getting GC revoked?.

What should I do to bring my mother here without affecting my GC?.

Appreciate a quick response as my mother planning to go to American Consulate on next Monday.

Thanks for your time........

INS does not even get to look at your mother's visa application. You should not have any problems at all.
GC and sponsoring B visa........

nkm-oct23 thanks for your quick response.

Will the consulate officials 'communicate' with INS regarding the person who is sponsoring?. In the Affidavit of Support form we need to furnish our A#.

You could be in deep trouble. The Consulate folks have weekly meetings with department of Homeland security.
Also be careful about posting here. logs your IP address when you post and INS/Dept of hemeland Security can track you in that manner.

Basically you are screwed. You should know better. You should work for the sponsoring company for ever. It is called bonded labor....

If you have more questions please do not hesitate to let us know..


TPK, I think this is the funniest (and most accurate :) posting i have seen on this site to this date.

Keep up the good work in keep things light in these days of war and hatred. And don't worry about the insulting reply from you-know-who. It's in his nature to be an egomaniacal, self-gratifying, attention-grabbing, holier-than-thou, self-professed moderator of this group. So stay out of that hole and keep it comin'.

p.s. wanna help me write an "immigration for dummies" book? It'll contain a satirical editorial expose on newsgroup-hoggin' nazi moderator personalities....

Originally posted by TPK
You could be in deep trouble. The Consulate folks have weekly meetings with department of Homeland security.
Also be careful about posting here. logs your IP address when you post and INS/Dept of hemeland Security can track you in that manner.

Basically you are screwed. You should know better. You should work for the sponsoring company for ever. It is called bonded labor....

If you have more questions please do not hesitate to let us know..
