strange situation-need help


Registered Users (C)
hello everyone
i am writing to seek some expert advise pertaining to my case.
i just noticed that my wife's passport has a different place of birth than where she was actually born, as mentioned on the birth certificate-although the former one is a sub-urb of the latter. don't ask me why and how this happened....but what can be done????:confused:

please help:(


i'm pretty much in the same situation even a bit more complex.

Nationality from Country A
Born in Country B

Born in Country B but like your wife they put the wrong city at the embassy on my birth certificate.

So i have different birth locations on the original birth certificate (B) and the embassy birth certificate (A).

What I did is get from country A a paper/affidavit from the county mayor saying i'm the same person and the embassy erroneously put the main city instead of the suburb.

Hope this works cause I already sent these papers last week including notarized translations.

Hope this helps and good luck!