Strange RFE for 485


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Here is the issue:

485 rd dec 12 2002

in the application i accidently mentioned my mothers pet name- meena
in my birth certificate her name is ashwini

the querry says provide historic document which confirms meena is ashwini
a sworn affidavit from a person who can confirm that meena and ashwini is the same

Now the bigger problem. The querry was issued oct 9, 2004. but after numerous letters and calls, we finally receieved it today, dec 13. the querry says we have to respond by jan 9 :(

1) can anyone help with the best response? format
2) can we get extention? i am trying to get the affidavit asap but it might take time.

WOW- talk about last minute stress. I am dependent on wife application and she was approved and stamped in sept itself

In my view talk to lawyer and make affidavit that its an inocent mistake while typing. Mention that mother has the undocumented alias name at home only. That might be work out. Talk to your lawyer. affidavit does not take much time.....
What is strange about this RFE... its very normal RFE based on info you provided......

Dude for this you can't blame anyone else but YOU only. if it was a "innocent" typo it would have been "ashwiny" or "ashwin" etc..
talk about no relation whatsoever.... Meena & ashwini 2 completely different names....

get an affidavit from your parents explaining the situation and get it notarized and that shud do the trick.
Blame the lawyer

I don't think it's only hambir's mistake. I had committed the same mistake but my lawyer caught it (BTW, that is the ONLY thing really, my lawyer has really helped me with so far). The names have to match.

But it's not a big deal... just submit affidavit(s) and/or other supporting data and it should be fine. I would have been more worried if the name discrepancy was for the primary applicant.
Guys- But what about the timing

i have until jan 5 to respond, i only got the rfe yesterday. we are trying to get all the affidavits quickly but my big worry is timing with the holidays and us postal issues..:(
hambir said:
i have until jan 5 to respond, i only got the rfe yesterday. we are trying to get all the affidavits quickly but my big worry is timing with the holidays and us postal issues..:(

You have plenty of time. You can always use overnight delivery or something. You can even use FEDEX or other private carirors if you don't trust the USCS. Just get 2 simple affidavits from family members stating that both are the same persons name and just overnight it dude !
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Thanks-Does INS accept copies(fax) of affidavit

Please advise as courier from India will take 4-5 days. I plan to get the affidavits faxed from india and send thos copies.
The lawyer has also written to the ins asking for time as we did not receive the rfe for almost 60 days. (We have all records of email, letter etc)

here is what i am getting

1) my letter stating the name i supplied on app is mothers maiden- not current name

2) an affidavit from mother confirming that i am her son and asserting that the name on the app and the name on the bc is the same person

3) 2 affidavits from people who know my mom before her maiirage, confirming the name change and that i am her son

we plan to send everything in a week

Don't worry hambir

Hi "hambir" don't worry about this. You can get these affidavits in 2 days.
Talk with your lawyer and get the letter format for affidavits.
Email it to India.
They have to type the same on Rs 10 stamp paper and sign in front of a
notary. Ask them to scan these documents in color and send it back by email.
You can submit these color printouts with out any trouble. Later on they can
send the originals by regular mail with out any hurry.

Be cool and calm.
Give us good news as soon as possible.
Wish you good luck.
I'd not submit copies.
Check with your attorney.
Another 4 days wont kill the process.
I know you are in a rush regarding the retrogression date.
But better prevent than repent.

Any one have submitted affidavit copies and gotten away with it? I dont know if any one has please check with them.
Why people worried even after getting RFE , I mean if any body case ready to processed only will get RFE . Am i missing something ...
hambir said:
Please advise as courier from India will take 4-5 days. I plan to get the affidavits faxed from india and send thos copies.
The lawyer has also written to the ins asking for time as we did not receive the rfe for almost 60 days. (We have all records of email, letter etc)

here is what i am getting

1) my letter stating the name i supplied on app is mothers maiden- not current name

2) an affidavit from mother confirming that i am her son and asserting that the name on the app and the name on the bc is the same person

3) 2 affidavits from people who know my mom before her maiirage, confirming the name change and that i am her son

we plan to send everything in a week


FedEx from India takes 2 days ... ask your family to send FedEx international priority. It may cost upto Rs. 3000-3500, but isnt it worth it?