Strange response from IIO

Rajesh Sivakumar

Registered Users (C)
My details are:
RD & ND : 01/2001
No FP yet.
After nearly 45 minutes of repeated dialing, I spoke to an IIO today. I told her that I have not even got my FP notice, whereas people who applied later than I did have even got their approvals. She said that presently it takes 18 months to process 485 cases !!!!! She also said that if there is no progress until July 2002, then call back again !!
Any comments ?????
Received Finger Printing Notices !! One More Step Closer to Approval

RD :Aug 14 2001
ND :SEP 24 2001
FP Notice recieved Feb 22 2001
Scheduled - Mar 29 2001
India - EB3
Thats total bull..


That bull. Your FPs are long due. Also after few days call IIO again. Tell him/her your case again. If you are lucky, you might come across an proactive IIO & he will help you.

Also call your local congressman & Senator\'s office. Tell them your case in detail. Ask them if they can help you.

Also talk to your lawyer. See what he says.

But please do not believe that you will have to wait till July 2002. Thats a load of nonsense. Remember one thing that your FPs are over due & this delay is not normal.

Take a look at thread called "Post only Oregon FP waiters" Look for messages posted by PORTLAND-OR. He also had same problem.

Good Luck.

Your FP is long due...

Talk to IIO again after a few days. Ask what is the status of your FP. Contact your congressman. Double check with your lawyer they they have not received FP notice and insist that they ask INS about it through AILA.

Good luck
No Title

I went through same pain few weeks back. RD: 12/06/00; ND: 12/14/00; Finally received FP on 2/13/02; Scheduled for 3/26/02;

I have called more than 10 times, no luck, did not work.
Then I (and my lawyer) did following three, I don\'t know exactly which one worked.
1. Called local congressman on 1/26/02
2. Sent a written request to INS on 1/21/02
3. My lawyer told me, when they spoke to INS 2/1/02; they have got a special fax number to inquire about FP.

I hope that helps
Thanks for your responses

When I asked my lawyer last month about what was going on, his secretary said she had called INS about my finger prints and that I should receive it in a month\'s time. Since a month had elapsed and no finger print notice, I called up yesterday and got the stupidest response one could ever get.