Strange Problem -- Please Help Me


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My inlaws got their visitors visa approved on feb, 2003. They already booked the tickets to come here. BUt today they got an email from Here are the contents..


Dear --------------:

Please arrange to return your passport to our office immediately. We have noticed a technical error with your visa, which was issued on -------------. You may visit our office on any workday at 2 p.m. or mail your passport with the copy of this letter. We will make the necessary correction and return the passport to you or send it back to you by mail.

We regret for the inconvenience caused in this regard.

Thank you

Consular Section
American Consulate General
Chennai, India

Consulate General of the
United States of America
220 Mount Road
Chennai - 600 006

Any one have any idea on this issue. Youe help will be greatly appriciated.
