I found this coincidence after talking to ten of my friends. They all recd. RFE. The strange thing is there last two digits of the I-485 case no. (EAC-?????) ends with the ODD number. Mine and one of my other friends I-485 Case ends with the even no. Eventhough our ND/RD are ahead of them, we didn\'t receive any RFE so far. Just my two cents worth of investigation. Please suggest your comments.
I found this coincidence after talking to ten of my friends. They all recd. RFE. The strange thing is there last two digits of the I-485 case no. (EAC-?????) ends with the ODD number. Mine and one of my other friends I-485 Case ends with the even no. Eventhough our ND/RD are ahead of them, we didn\'t receive any RFE so far. Just my two cents worth of investigation. Please suggest your comments.