Strange message


Registered Users (C)
The phone message indicates that my RFE was received on 12/26. However the online message still says "Results of your fingerprints...".

So better check the phone message than the online one.

The message says that the process takes between 160 and 180 days, however because prelimenary process was completed on my case, the process will approximatively take 160 days. This is so stupid.

Here is my question, how long does it take these days to approve a case once a RFE is submitted. In my case they wanted a new employment letter.

Thanks and happy new year to all of you!
mine said : take 999 days...

My lawyer sane on 12/16 and the online msg said:
On December 19, 2002, we received your response to our request for evidence or information. It is taking between 160 and 180 days for us to process this kind of case. However, because preliminary processing was complete before we requested the additional material, the remaining processing time for this stage of your case is approximately 999 days. You will receive a written decision on this case.
Anyone knows the diffenerce between 160 and 999 days?

Why so different?

IF the JIT pass over our rd/ND,
could we send FAX for inquiiry?

thanks, happy new year.
