Story of My Life.


Thanks a lot for every ones reply. I think, i was broke during weekend (?). :confused: :confused:

I am sure it hanppens for every one in the forum who are frustrated to the core.


thanks again

The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. You talk about your friends in India who are making more money and enjoying life. But as Shantanu said, they may not tell you their troubles. Also not everybody in India can get good salaries or a good job and there is a lot of job insecurity there.

Just cheerup and feel lucky that you are working at a good client and that you are in a position to hire people and have an exciting job function.

I am also in the same situation. Hold on with your job for another .......(who konws). Then say fuck off to your current employer. 90% of the desi employers are doing the same thing to their employees. (no increase for 2-3 years, slowly reducing 4-10% on the existing pay, asked to pay 30% of the medical premium by the employees, no traveling allowance, no accomadation allowance, etc...)

The good thing for the employer is,my hourly rate is same for the last 4 years. Imagine how much money they may earn on my name.

Originally posted by wowgc

90% of the desi employers are doing the same thing to their employees. (no increase for 2-3 years, slowly reducing 4-10% on the existing pay, asked to pay 30% of the medical premium by the employees, no traveling allowance, no accomadation allowance, etc...)

90%? Where did you get the facts from?
getmeout ...You need a vacation....

take a vacation to india in Summer time..

where there is no electricity...water shortage...all the crap you can get from people...

come back and then start another thread...saying how lucky you are sittin on job...still...while others are struggling with unemployment....
no wonder they are exploiting!

when you have the mentality of comparing thing with the problems of India, you think it is good.
Even this comparison is incorrect on two grounds!

1.comparing INS screwups with electricity problem in India??

2. Even with out electricity, people living very stable life with no fear of thrown out of country in 10 days or treated differently!

This is the reason, our fellow desi(employer) exploiting us to the full extend!

anyway,ur point is taken!
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I am not comparing the indian problems with INS....

All I am trying to say is look at the best side of life..that you have a job...paycheck is coming...this exploitation is only temporary ...

People in India or else where would love be in your shoes. where they know if they wait few more time there life will definely be improved....

no offence to you thou......:)
Improved as in "being able to watch lose fat in 10 days ads
on TV 20 times a day'. It is moronic to think people
in USA are more happy. I have seen more smiling faces
back home in India then in US. It is also stupid to say people
in India love to be in your shoes, I know a lot of people in India
who have no desire to come to US. It is not surprising
to see this kind of slave mentality that you show in lot
of people on this board. People like you are "intellectual bastards"
and US would love to have you toiling here for dollars.

"intellectual bastards": People who are born in one culture
but are raised and edcucated in the values of other culture
and hence grow up demeaning their own country, language
and culture.
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Just checking, are you one of the guys waiting for a green card and hence visiting this forum, or are you just being mean. If you have really seen more happy faces back in India, maybe you ought to go back. The BCIS load would be lighter by one application.

you are one of the most "intelectually hypocritc bastard" I have come across.

It is not a question of being happy. Just appriciate what you have is my point. Dont cry over small shitty things and try to prove that you are a "intelectual person".

Tell me one thing...Why did you apply for GC...And one thing more Why did you choose to come to this country..if you dont find happyness here you ought to go back where you came from...

One way you are surfing this form to get your f$$$ green card and other you are trying to lecture who is happy...
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just checking, i for one think that the i see more people happier in the US than back in India. it might be unfair, but i do think it is the case.

not sure how u equate someone's anxiousness and desperation to get a green card to slave mentality.

are u saying that people who are raised in the values of other culture always demean their own culture? why?

Re: My thoughts

What is AC21 ? Please tell me. How do I obtain the same ?

Originally posted by Silly Man
When an elephant is young, they tie him up with a chain that he can't break. He gets so trained to that chain, that when he grows up, they tie him with a rope, and he doesn't even attempt breaking it.

Crux of the story, we folks in 485 stages are not indentured to anyone. We have EAD/AC21/AP that many folks don't.

Try finding a job, they are out there, and not that hard to get.

when you file 485 after 6 months of filing it you are eligible for AC21 rule. You dont have to apply anything. After 6 months if you want to change your job you can do that and that theoretically should not affect your 485 application.