Still waiting.......RD/ND Dec 2000!!

tulu nine

Registered Users (C)
Just spoke to an IIO today, my case is still in the waiting area. As usual she would not give any specifics about my case nor will tell how long still it will take.

Any ideas what should I do now? Please help!
No Title

I have no idea why they keep those IIOs there. They should all be suspended. They just eat our tax money. My RD FEB01, ND Mar01, Looks like my file eaten up by an IIO.
Assigned on April17- No luck yet

RD 4/01 and assigned on April 17th after an RFE. Still waiting. I even stopped having dreams anymore..of the approval.

As you all may know, my RD 12/19/2000. Hang in there boys! We will get it on our days! Debate! Do

be prepared to face the worst since nothing else we could do other tnan posting messages here. Man created all this modern
civilizationa and we will have to live with. Given a chance I
would have liked to see the adventure of living in caves vs.
condominiums or apts!. But where\'s chocie. I can not choose!.

So be with it! and walk the life the way it comes.
Question for 5 th year NSC

I am also in the same situvation ND dec 4 2000
No rfe and case pending with an officer for more than 2 and half months,
I-140 CP and my file is at Bombay, and INS didn\'t requested the file as of today. I know your file is at Chennai, did you get any info on your file (I-140) thanks
Spoke with an IIO this past monday......

Same thing here, spoke with an IIO this past monday. She says still waiting to be assigned to an officer. She gave No indication of how long it will take to be assigned to an officer and Whay it is not assigned yet.

RD 12/11/00
ND 12/20/00
FP 03/01
Portland OR