Still waiting for courtesy copy - AD: 08/02/02


Hope we get the notices today dude! I am planning to go to India next month and my plans depend on stamping...

SriniB, Congratulations!

You need the Notice that is usually sent to the lawyers for PP stamping, not the courtesy copy.

Good Luck!



I am also waiting for the approval notice :(
Dont know what is going on. Can someone please confirm whether we require the original approval notice or courtsey copy will suffice for PP stamping? Is approval notice sent directly to our lawyers? Maybe that is what is taking so long then...
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Thank you!

Actually, you can get the PP stamped with the courtesy copy... I will double check anyway, just to make sure....

Thank you SriniB!

Yes, it would be better to double check..
I will also find out from some of my friends who recently got approvals and went for PP stamping. :cool:
quick update

A quick update guys! My lawyer just informed me that he has got the approval notice. Took a good one week to get to him.
Hope mine is in my mail box!

I have my fingers crossed and am holding my breadth...

Have a good weekend you all....
I got my PP stamped on 08/07/02.

My RD is SEP 24, 2001.

AD July 29, 2002.

Courtesy copy rec. AUG 3, 2002.

They Just checked the courtesy copy.
AP 08/01

AD 08/01
Recived COURTESY COPY 08/08/02
PP stamped today 08/09

what you need is courtesy copy
Stamping in Philadelphia

If any of you guys got stamped in Philadelphia, please post your experience.

Thanks in advance,

Got my courtesy copy tdy. Yet to receive for my spouse

AD 08-05-02
My courtesy copy Recd on 08-10-02
My spouse's courtesy copy recd. dt. ??-??-??

Is this usual?
