Still struggling--but you all have been great support for me


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I am pretty sure that most you don't even remember me...but i still remember all of you kind people at this guys were extremely supportive and helpful. Just to give you a flashback, i am the same unlucky person who was denied my green card petition based (reason--my wife during interview was not able to tell the immigration officer questions regarding my life before we got married) on marriage...The interview was held in 2006. i was devastated, i thought my life was over. (even at that time you guys were very supportive and pushed me not to lose hope)...anyways my lawyer told me to appeal USCIS decision in front of BIA(Board of immigration). Being an extremely pessimistic person i was very i knew i have lost my case for good. my wife --every single night pushed me to try for lawyer also told me that chances are very slim that BIA will give decision in my favor..most of the time BIA upheld immigration officer decision. Since the chances were so low, i decided not to throw money on lawyer ad decided to write the appeal on my own. me and my wife every night spend hours typing the whole appeal. in the end we took the whole appeal to our lawyer and asked her just to file that--which she did. I remember even at that time the lawyer told me that i should be looking for a refile--instead of pinning my hope w/ this appeal....after one year---one day we received a letter from BIA--and to my shock----BIA ACCEPTED MY APPEAL!!!--i had no clue...i went to my laywer..and she was equally shocked. she told me to get all the papers/evidences again and we will try for another interview.

Here i need you guys to guide me---the letter from BIA remanded a new decision from immigration department--as the previous decisionwas not based on all the fact--my first question is

>>Will i get a new interview from immigration?? i have not heard anything from them

>> Can immigration department still refuse my application--even though BIA has accepted my appeal

>> What are my chances???

>> what should prepare myself for??

Honestly during these years i have found one thing--all these laywers are mostly equally unaware of immigrations lawyer is syaing that i will get another interview....but i want your opinion

PLEASE HELP ME AND GUIDE ME...i will always be in your debt...

I am pretty sure that most you don't even remember me...but i still remember all of you kind people at this guys were extremely supportive and helpful. Just to give you a flashback, i am the same unlucky person who was denied my green card petition based (reason--my wife during interview was not able to tell the immigration officer questions regarding my life before we got married) on marriage...The interview was held in 2006. i was devastated, i thought my life was over. (even at that time you guys were very supportive and pushed me not to lose hope)...anyways my lawyer told me to appeal USCIS decision in front of BIA(Board of immigration). Being an extremely pessimistic person i was very i knew i have lost my case for good. my wife --every single night pushed me to try for lawyer also told me that chances are very slim that BIA will give decision in my favor..most of the time BIA upheld immigration officer decision. Since the chances were so low, i decided not to throw money on lawyer ad decided to write the appeal on my own. me and my wife every night spend hours typing the whole appeal. in the end we took the whole appeal to our lawyer and asked her just to file that--which she did. I remember even at that time the lawyer told me that i should be looking for a refile--instead of pinning my hope w/ this appeal....after one year---one day we received a letter from BIA--and to my shock----BIA ACCEPTED MY APPEAL!!!--i had no clue...i went to my laywer..and she was equally shocked. she told me to get all the papers/evidences again and we will try for another interview.

Here i need you guys to guide me---the letter from BIA remanded a new decision from immigration department--as the previous decisionwas not based on all the fact--my first question is

>>Will i get a new interview from immigration?? i have not heard anything from them

>> Can immigration department still refuse my application--even though BIA has accepted my appeal

>> What are my chances???

>> what should prepare myself for??

Honestly during these years i have found one thing--all these laywers are mostly equally unaware of immigrations lawyer is syaing that i will get another interview....but i want your opinion

PLEASE HELP ME AND GUIDE ME...i will always be in your debt...


I don't have the answer to your questions but i wanted to say Good for you!!!!
Its great when you fight the system and come out in top- happy for you- hope it turns out well!
All the best

I am pretty sure that most you don't even remember me...but i still remember all of you kind people at this guys were extremely supportive and helpful. Just to give you a flashback, i am the same unlucky person who was denied my green card petition based (reason--my wife during interview was not able to tell the immigration officer questions regarding my life before we got married) on marriage...The interview was held in 2006. i was devastated, i thought my life was over. (even at that time you guys were very supportive and pushed me not to lose hope)...anyways my lawyer told me to appeal USCIS decision in front of BIA(Board of immigration). Being an extremely pessimistic person i was very i knew i have lost my case for good. my wife --every single night pushed me to try for lawyer also told me that chances are very slim that BIA will give decision in my favor..most of the time BIA upheld immigration officer decision. Since the chances were so low, i decided not to throw money on lawyer ad decided to write the appeal on my own. me and my wife every night spend hours typing the whole appeal. in the end we took the whole appeal to our lawyer and asked her just to file that--which she did. I remember even at that time the lawyer told me that i should be looking for a refile--instead of pinning my hope w/ this appeal....after one year---one day we received a letter from BIA--and to my shock----BIA ACCEPTED MY APPEAL!!!--i had no clue...i went to my laywer..and she was equally shocked. she told me to get all the papers/evidences again and we will try for another interview.

Here i need you guys to guide me---the letter from BIA remanded a new decision from immigration department--as the previous decisionwas not based on all the fact--my first question is

>>Will i get a new interview from immigration?? i have not heard anything from them

>> Can immigration department still refuse my application--even though BIA has accepted my appeal

>> What are my chances???

>> what should prepare myself for??

Honestly during these years i have found one thing--all these laywers are mostly equally unaware of immigrations lawyer is syaing that i will get another interview....but i want your opinion

PLEASE HELP ME AND GUIDE ME...i will always be in your debt...


Man, I wish you all the best. I pray for your interview and I hope this time it goes smooth. You'll make it man. Seems to me that you are a very confident and an honest individual.
My sincere prayers are with you. Please don't loose hope and go all the way.
Keep us posted.
My guess is that you'll get another interview.

Officers see the "illegal student marries to stay here" all the time. Put yourself in their shoes and find ways to prove you're different.

First, understand the technicality of the laws: I'm not a lawyer, but my read of the INA says overstaying a valid visa is not grounds for denying a spousal green card, fraud is. They are supposed to assume fraud whenever an illegal student marries, your focus should be proving the marriage wasn't fraudulent.

In your earlier posts, you focused on learning obscure facts about each other. Do that, but also this time around bring whatever new evidence you've got to overwhelm them:
- first and foremost, stress that you're still with your wife after 2 years of USCIS hell, and she continues to support your case.
- have you made friendships with citizens, who would be willing to write affadavits that your marriage is legit? neighbors who've been to your house? day care / school employees that can say you show up to pick up your stepson? your employer who sees your wife at company events? your wife's parents / siblings?
- do you have home videos? pictures of the family?

Also, google for the "k1 faq". It has great suggestions on proving evidence to USCIS of a legitimate marriage.

Wish you the best, and keep your hopes up.
