Still show 30-90 days processing time


Registered Users (C)
My online message still show 30-90 days processing time, while there is no processing time on my friend's online message.

There is something FISHY going around here
Online back to "Normal"

Just checked my case status online, now the days are back to "340 to 545 days bla bla". This morning it was still showing 30 to 90 days. Haven't checked AVM though.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
now it is back to normal

Check your case status, you will find the processing time is just back to 365~540 days (also phone line), it is a ins bug.

The change is between 2:00PM and 2:30 PM.
OCt. 8, 2003. I checked my wife's, in 2:00PM, it is said the case time is 30days and 90 days, and I checked again it is said the case was approved on august 28, 2003 ( a big shock), but when I want to make sure whether it is truely approved, anothoer shock, oops! it is said the case is pending and the processing time is 365 days and 540 days.
Mine has gone back to 365-540 days.
Shortlived joy but it was nice to see 30-90 days showing up for some time, would have been better to have the status showing as approved, worst case would be status showing as denied.
Wonder what is in store for us all.