Statistics on Asylum 1973-2003


Active Member
Hi All -

Reading all the things lately about the infamous backlog, I decided to do some research and try to come up with a CIS document that lists all the figures.

Well - here is the link to the 2003 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics (formerly entitled Statistical Yearbook of the Immigration and Naturalization Service).

Make sure you go to the page numbered 56 (really the 7th PDF page) for a breakdown of all asylum cases filed, denied, approved, reopened, adjudicated, and appealed from 1973 - 2003.

Its quite interested to find out that not that many cases were approved beyond 10K for the years between 1996-2000 - nor were that many cases adjudicated. So, I don't understand where the extremely long backlog is coming from - aside from the fact that they didn't utilize the 10K Visa allotment entitled to us Asylees. Looks to me that the average wait time for those of us who applied for adjustment between 1997 - 2000 should have been between 1.5-2years max.

Can you'll go through the page and share your thoughts on this? Perhaps I am missing something.
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After studying page 56 or 7th page of pdf file.

I agree with you. INS did not use 10K limit each year.
correct me, if wrong.

The INS lists only asylum grants made by its own asylum officers. The grants from the Immigration Court and the BIA are not included. You also need to take into account those admitted via the I-730 process.

LolaLi said:
Hi All -

Reading all the things lately about the infamous backlog, I decided to do some research and try to come up with a CIS document that lists all the figures.

Well - here is the link to the 2003 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics (formerly entitled Statistical Yearbook of the Immigration and Naturalization Service).

Make sure you go to the page numbered 56 (really the 7th PDF page) for a breakdown of all asylum cases filed, denied, approved, reopened, adjudicated, and appealed from 1973 - 2003.

Its quite interested to find out that not that many cases were approved beyond 10K for the years between 1996-2000 - nor were that many cases adjudicated. So, I don't understand where the extremely long backlog is coming from - aside from the fact that they didn't utilize the 10K Visa allotment entitled to us Asylees. Looks to me that the average wait time for those of us who applied for adjustment between 1997 - 2000 should have been between 1.5-2years max.

Can you'll go through the page and share your thoughts on this? Perhaps I am missing something.
Thanks for pointing that out Gilbert. I recall reading something on the cases granted by Immigration Judges broken down into years, and it wasn't that much either. I don't know what the BIA and I-730 figures look like. I will try to locate that IJ grant document I'm talking about.

In either case - its just interesting to see that with a sound business plan, this asylum adjudication process might not be a nightmare.
Gilbert said:
The INS lists only asylum grants made by its own asylum officers. The grants from the Immigration Court and the BIA are not included. You also need to take into account those admitted via the I-730 process.
But one should be aware that they did not utilize the 10k quota during these years-- something that prompted the lawsuit
Other two factors

The quota wasn't always 10,000. It used to be 5000.
Also, the reopened cases from the previous years. Do they become part of cases filed in the year they are approved/denied? If yes, then are they being counted twice as cases filed?