State of the VSC


Registered Users (C)
Am I the only one who thinks VSC is like a lazy, carefree brat, who lightens up the party when awake and stinks up the joint when asleep?

After hibernating for solid three weeks, which prompted me to trash my predictive model, triggered a thought of a lawsuit on this forum, and made philosophical part of the brains active for many individuals, VSC suddenly has caused an excitement by reaching to Feb 99. While there are still some unfortunate souls from the famous class of 98, I am happy to see the pleasure bestowed upon few chosen ones from the class of 99.

How great is the excitement in VSC camp? Consider this: At this moment, on this forum, there are 9 discussions on CSC and TSC, 5 on NSC and a whopping 86 on VSC!! I am so overwhelmed by this number, the discussions - not to mention the agony - that I think if someone asks me 3 years down the road, which school I graduated from, my impulse may prompt me to say, "VSC - Class of 99".

Anyway, now that the VSC is rolling, let\'s hope that it keeps rolling. However, nobody should expect I485 time to get under 12 months. As per the rumored VSC promise of doing so before the end of summer, it looks like VSC\'s goal should be to approve Aug 99 cases by Aug 00.

Very ambititious indeed, but never underestimate the power of lazy brat ..
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 Glad you are back. We didn\'t see you messages for long time now. Let us hope for the best.
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The model (dated 4/26) is reproduced here:


The model "2:1" suggests that VSC is clearing 4 weeks of I485s in 2 weeks.

Proof? I have been following all the VSC approvals after VSC came out of hibernation. Here is what I observed,

last week of March 2000 : 9/98 approvals made appearance

mid April 2000 : 10/98 appeared

End April 2000 : 11/98 appeared


mid May : 12/98

End May : 1/99

Mid-June : 2/99

End-June : 3/99

Mid-July : 4/99 and so on

Also, it seems like there is usually a three-month spread in the approvals i.e. while 11/98 has begun, median of I485 approvals would be 10/98, and the spread would be 11/98-9/98. There still may be some 8/98 cases, but I think they are small in number, and involve some special complexity.

In general, EB1-OR leads the pack, and labor certification stays at the end.


Although VSC did not exactly follow my predictions, it\'s current processing time does have coincided with my predictions.
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Dude, everytime you post your model VSC goes to sleep (just to screw with your model, I guess ;-)

I hope it doesn\'t happen this time.....
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One shoud remember that around 12/98 - 7/99 PD movement is very slow and number of applications filed around this time could be few. I assume you predictive model should work provided numbers are there.
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I\'m an late perticipant in this board. Can you tell what are your RD, ND etc. Thanks.

My particulars.

PD - Dec 98
RD, ND - Oct 99
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I don\'t mind VSC going into sleep as long as it wakes up every once a while to take long leaps :)
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I like your predictive modeling!!; it\'s missing one tiny (but very important) factor though...
It did not take into account the fact that VSC WILL have to go back into hibernation again!! When and under what circumstances is yet to be determined! Could be another "Elian" story, could be anything that could easily distract INS\' attention and resources!
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Any guesses why VSC slept from Dec 99 to March 00 ? Winter blues ?

Any predictions on when it could start hibernating again ?
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Hi Emigre,

Reason for the HIATUS - I read from other web sites that the VSC director resigned
and the IIOs were awaiting the new appointee to take charge and set priorities.
Go figure! Let us hope that no more senior officials relinquish their position in the near future!

"a.k.a. ...3 Cheers To The New Director..."